Use "foresee" in a sentence

1. He did not foresee any problems.

2. That alone made him foresee difficulties.

3. We do not foresee any problems.

4. Like her gynaecologist, he could foresee no problems.

5. It is impossible to foresee the future.

6. We could foresee no difficulties with these proposals.

7. Trying to foresee the future is a pointless exercise.

8. Something difficult or impossible to foretell or foresee.

9. Incidentally, I foresee a major problem looming next season.

10. They did not foresee at least one consequence of their revolution.

11. It is impossible to foresee how life will work out.

12. No one can foresee what will happen in the future.

13. Anticipate definition, to realize beforehand; foretaste or foresee: to Anticipate pleasure

14. Like his forefather, Benny had the ability to foresee the future.

15. The Act of Accession does not foresee a phasing-in period.

16. Entrepreneurs are mistakenly assumed to have the ability to foresee change.

17. I don't foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget.

18. Businesses are alarmed at the costs they foresee in complying with the plan.

19. I foresee that this statement will excite a certain amount of comment.

20. I've put your name on the list and I don't foresee any problems.

21. It is difficult to foresee the consequences that may arise from this action.

22. It's difficult to foresee the complications when you're away on big business.

23. The Commission's recent approval decisions foresee a review clause after four to seven years.

24. I am not going to attempt today to foresee what that price will be.

25. (Proverbs 14:15) They are able to foresee evil and prepare for it.

26. The people who did that were probably well intentioned and did not foresee the consequences.

27. Sometimes the payment schedules of contracts foresee payments on the basis of progress reports.

28. No wonder the men failed to foresee what a forceful leader she would be.

29. By inventing legalistic Contrivances that foresee lawsuits, business difficulties and make-believe invasions of personal rights

30. Uncertainties are categorized as Aleatory if the modeler does not foresee the possibility of reducing them

31. Other means would not be adequate because the basic Regulation does not foresee alternative options.

32. ComPress S.A. helps to foresee the changes in the market and to adapt to them.

33. The aim of science is, as has often been said, to foresee, not to understand.

34. In times ahead, I foresee more active global cooperation and coordination to deal with cyber security.

35. Block funding comes from social services, and Mrs Allen does not foresee any change after April.

36. They foresee that this system will eventually replace the existing conventional alternator in current-generation automobiles.

37. Could Lenin foresee that the Chinese revolutionaries would win by encircling the cities from the countryside?

38. Other means would not be adequate because the above-mentioned basic Regulations do not foresee alternative options.

39. We do not foresee any major changes in our way of life in the years ahead.

40. They foresee forced abortion, sterilization and even such things as genetic engineering and elimination of the weak.

41. The word foresee takes an e in the middle, but you can write either forgo or forego.

42. She claims she has precognitive abilities and that she can foresee events before they actually happen.

43. To foresee that this would damage global stock markets required only logic , not imagination or clairvoyance.

44. 1:20, 21) He can foresee future conditions with total accuracy and keep his servants abreast of them.

45. Those who can foresee difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when they really appear.

46. Marx and Engels did not foresee the twentieth-century transformation of capitalism as a social, economic and political system.

47. Heseltine declares that he can not foresee the circumstances in which he would challenge her for the leadership.

48. In addition, the apparatus may foresee means (40,41) for scraping, which removes waste attached to the grinding means.

49. The elite foresee their high paid salaries reduced so that the ranks of the workers can get a living wage.

50. How the return of a Labour government would affect the political calculations in Northern Ireland is difficult to foresee.

51. It also increasingly removes one from the contemporary marketplace, and makes it even more difficult to foresee the future.

52. For her own part, she was filled with neither hope nor dread, rather a fatalistic inability to foresee the future.

53. 49 synonyms for Anticipate: expect, predict, forecast, prepare for, look for, hope for, envisage, foresee, bank on, apprehend, foretell, think likely

54. A few fear that the outcome could be harmful; they foresee a new underclass, unable to get jobs or insurance.

55. Assuming a free choice becomes possible, it is difficult to foresee any great increase in the numbers of limited partnerships.

56. How is the word Anticipate different from other verbs like it? Some common synonyms of Anticipate are divine, foreknow, and foresee

57. 29 Especially when you foresee that he will speak evilly to you, you must think out the expression to retaliate him.

58. The Cautiousness booklet includes four lessons that help children foresee potential dangers, problems, or consequences in order to give wise, well-timed responses

59. The Commission proposal does not foresee the granting of priority for specific traffic types, in the absence of absolute scarcity of capacity.

60. Other Republicans foresee a period of intensified investigation into activities of the Clintons and their associates ending with a plethora of indictments.

61. 1 day ago · Report: Employers foresee conflict Budding between executives and employees over "return-to-work policies" by R

62. Even while the earth was formless and waste, Jehovah could foresee the end result —a beautiful jewel in space, bringing him glory and honor.

63. Overall, we foresee 3 FTE dedicated to the new tasks, as per Art 9 and 17 of the Electricity Regulation and Art. 6 of ACER Regulation.

64. Bosporanic Baby this is hopefully an acreage and percent of not fully foresee or spell icon to move furniture? Brain library for persisting in prayer now

65. When applied in planning towards sustainability, Backcasting can increase the likelihood of handling the ecologically complex issues in a systematic and coordinated way, and also to foresee

66. I foresee that older people in the future might just wear an exoskeleton when they're going around so they can keep pace with the grandchildren.

67. First, the special laws governing the recovery of State debts (95) foresee special rights to AAAS comprising the direct enforcement of its claims without a Court decision.

68. Accurate foresee your need, take our concerns to you nearby. Bring for you more, realize to gather an ability customer to serve to bring yours to" dulcify " feeling.

69. 5 The GC added that like any other company, a consulting company, although not active in the Cartelized market, should be in a position to reasonably foresee the

70. The Cyclopes built enormous stone cities and prayed to ancient gods of brutality and wrath, but their power to foresee the future failed them, and their civilization collapsed

71. The Anticipatory Organization Learning System is a training process for executives and their teams to develop the skills to accurately foresee and take critical actions before disruption strikes

72. The gloomiest pundits think Pakistan simply cannot cope: they foresee mounting social unrest and further usurpation of the functions of government by either the army or Taliban militants.

73. One of the judges, Lord Atkin, described it like this: You must take care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbor.

74. How do you see our engagements in the region and what is distinctive about our engagement in the region and what are the key decisions that you foresee will accelerate this engagement?

75. If your Office plans to use the advanced level of the reformed IPC, please describe any problems with the periodical update of the IPC valid symbols file that your Office can foresee.

76. However, the Registry can not always be accurately informed of up-to-the-minute witness arrangements, as it is not always possible to foresee instances such as witnesses falling ill, or being required to provide lengthy testimony

77. It says -- I'll put on the voice -- "In summary, your Majesty, the failure to foresee the timing, extent and severity of the crisis was due to the lack of creativity and the number of bright minds," or something like that.

78. It says -- I'll put on the voice -- " In summary, your Majesty, the failure to foresee the timing, extent and severity of the crisis was due to the lack of creativity and the number of bright minds, " or something like that.

79. An Attritive war may be adopted as a strategy (rather then be forced upon the combatants as a result of the failure of more direct means, as in World War I) when one side is weaker than the other or when it cannot foresee a quick decision over the other

80. I foresee that you, like an Orville, or a Mortimer, will suspect and Asperse your mistress.: Who would dare to Asperse the character of this perfect, lovely, and intellectual schoolmistress?: I asked him what he meant by coming here to Asperse my character.: Now it is you that Asperse the present, and I …