Use "foreign direct investment" in a sentence

1. "Foreign Direct Investment - FDI".

2. Foreign direct investment increased steadily.

3. One is by discouraging foreign direct investment ( FDI ).

4. Foreign direct investment is unaffected by the tax.

5. In 2006, China received $69.47 billion in foreign direct investment.

6. Foreign direct investment expanded quickly after the World War II.

7. So, it is not investment in terms of foreign direct investment.

8. * Developing competitive services markets and liberalizing regulations on foreign direct investment;

9. The utilization of foreign direct investment still maintains an upward momentum.

10. We will make India an attractive proposition for foreign direct investment.

11. What percentage of that was accounted for by foreign direct investment?

12. It will be the single largest Foreign Direct Investment project in India.

13. But, the real action appears to be in foreign direct investment ( FDI ).

14. Foreign direct investment has poured into Africa in the last 15 years.

15. Speaker, foreign direct investment currently accounts for one in ten jobs in Canada

16. Abbreviations: FDI, foreign direct investment; GDP, gross domestic product; ODA, official development assistance.

17. What is a Brownfield Investment? In economics, a Brownfield investment (BI) is a type of foreign direct investment (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment from a party in one country into a business or corporation in another country with the intention of establishing a lasting interest

18. In FDI Foreign Direct Investment, we are one of the most open countries now.

19. Our financial and capital markets are sound, and eager to absorb foreign direct investment.

20. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) brought 1.06 billion dollars to the state economy in 2010.

21. Foreign Direct Investment inflows are at an all-time high, rising by 40 per cent.

22. So , Anhui should adopt correspond measure, improve investment environment, draw on more foreign direct investment.

23. Since the reforming and opening up in 19 foreign direct investment begined inflowing into China.

24. India is the third largest source of Foreign Direct Investment projects in the United Kingdom.

25. He said he saw the bank's role as a catalyst to encourage foreign direct investment.

26. Chapter three is about the advantage and disadvantage of foreign direct investment of private enterprise.

27. Japanese Foreign Direct Investment to China and ASEAN : Are Those Two Destinations Competing Each Other?

28. So, there was not really foreign direct investment on the ground creating capacities in manufacturing industry.

29. The current-account balance and net foreign direct investment are used to calculate the basic balance

30. They can build up their facotories with foreign direct investment and infrastructure, and sell their products internationally.

31. Foreign direct investment has plunged , while Hanoi runs a trade deficit with China - its biggest trading partner .

32. Some modest flows of foreign direct investment are now taking place in the context of accelerated privatisation.

33. Most foreign direct investment in agriculture, forestry and fishing has gone to coffee, tea and cotton plantations

34. During the last three years India has received cumulative Foreign Direct Investment worth over 100 billion US dollars.

35. Foreign direct investment will flow in, bringing more access to world-class technology and further boosting economic growth.

36. There is already an accelerating shift in economic activity from the trade in goods to foreign direct investment.

37. • ndustry: this sector has absorbed nearly I EUR 200 million in the form of foreign direct investment for financing cement

38. They became less willing to transfer capital to the most troubled borrowers by the conventional means of foreign direct investment.

39. These agreements would amount to approximately £238 million of Foreign Direct Investment in the first instance subject to regulatory approvals.

40. A decade later, it permitted the first outward foreign direct investment by a commercial firm, TCL, who acquired Thomson of France.

41. While all forms of finance are likely to be affected, foreign direct investment (FDI) should be less constrained than debt flows.

42. Foreign investors through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) schemes have been encouraged to lease land in rural areas in Cambodia and Ethiopia.

43. Countertrade is generally viewed as an international strategy with elements of international trade, licensing, foreign direct investment and international finance (Lecraw, 2004)

44. In the industrial adjustment, slow development of the third industry has the greatest influence over the decline of Japan's foreign direct investment.

45. The FDI(foreign direct investment) that controls the equity ownership of overseas enterprises has become one of the main international capital movements.

46. The province signed foreign direct investment contracts involving US$1.69 billion, of which US$777 million were actually utilized during the year.

47. St. Kitts & Nevis also acquires foreign direct investment from their unique citizenship by investment program, outlined in their Citizenship Act of 1984.

48. Kiyoshi Model believes that the trade effect of foreign direct investment is complementary effect the essence of which is trade creation effect.

49. There is an urgent need for aggressive investment to improve the country’s infrastructure through higher levels of foreign direct investment and technology infusion.

50. Moving from credit to investment, net foreign direct investment in the third quarter of the current financial year was an all-time record.

51. It concludes that, foreign direct investment has important positive effect on improving China's export structure, increasing net exports, stimulating domestic investment, promoting China's innovation.

52. Real GDP is projected to grow at moderate rate of 5.4 percent in 2014, supported by continued foreign direct investment flows and strong manufacturing exports.

53. By now, we have made outstanding achievements. Meanwhile, the trade creation effect of foreign direct investment is obviously shown in China, especially for the export.

54. Trade and foreign direct investment have made it much easier for emerging countries to absorb and adapt best-practice technology invented in the advanced economies.

55. Given the competitive global environment for foreign direct investment, Acia was drafted with the aim of creating a freer and more open investment regime towards the

56. They should also offer assistance to build capacities to attract and absorb foreign direct investment and to remove supply-side constraints, especially in least developed nations

57. Foreign direct investment contributes to higher productivity and economic growth when the host country has a sufficient capability, both physical and human, to absorb advanced technologies

58. They should also offer assistance to build capacities to attract and absorb foreign direct investment and to remove supply-side constraints, especially in least developed nations.

59. Foreign direct investment contributes to higher productivity and economic growth when the host country has a sufficient capability, both physical and human, to absorb advanced technologies.

60. Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and SME development have had to serve as the main "shock absorbers" for the inevitable shedding of manpower and falling living standards.

61. Nonetheless, they have declined substantially, despite the steps taken by developing countries in the aftermath of Monterrey to attract and absorb increased flows of foreign direct investment

62. Nonetheless, they have declined substantially, despite the steps taken by developing countries in the aftermath of Monterrey to attract and absorb increased flows of foreign direct investment.

63. This is the first World Bank Group report to offer objective data on laws and regulations affecting foreign direct investment that can be compared across 87 countries.

64. The development degree of the non state-owned economy, the foreign direct investment (FDI), the amount of imports and exports, and the region all influence the technical efficiency.

65. The new economic model of trade liberalization, privatization, deregulation and foreign direct investment as advocated by the Bretton Woods institutions largely ignored the microeconomic conditions for development and SMEs.

66. At least some form of post-admission protection of foreign direct investment is therefore covered by the common commercial policy in so far as it encompasses trade in services.

67. The new economic model of trade liberalization, privatization, deregulation and foreign direct investment as advocated by the Bretton Woods institutions largely ignored the microeconomic conditions for development and SMEs

68. The dataset which absorbs most input is the quarterly balance of payments, which requires 57 % of the resources, followed by international trade in services (23 %) and foreign direct investment (20 %).

69. In the last four years, the amount of Foreign Direct Investment received in the country was almost equal to what was received in seven years before 2014, the Prime Minister said.

70. Judging from China’s experience with reform, opening-up and absorbing foreign investment in the past two decades, foreign direct investment (FDI) has on the whole played a positive role in China’s economic development.

71. Two types of countries have been successful in absorbing technologies from abroad: countries with successful export-promotion policies and those that have been able to attract large flows of foreign direct investment (FDI).

72. Two types of countries have been successful in absorbing technologies from abroad: countries with successful export-promotion policies and those that have been able to attract large flows of foreign direct investment (FDI

73. 25 The key points of this paper are the main factors which influence china's net barter terms of trade, there are economic growth, exchange rate, foreign direct investment(FDI), import tariff and so on.

74. This model assumes that new technologies developed in the north are eventually transferred to developing countries mostly through foreign direct investment, where the technologies are then automatically absorbed and diffused in the receiving country

75. This model assumes that new technologies developed in the north are eventually transferred to developing countries mostly through foreign direct investment, where the technologies are then automatically absorbed and diffused in the receiving country.

76. Where adequate foreign reserves exist, these can be used to moderate the pace of exchange rate adjustments, while a loosening of capital inflow regulation and incentives for foreign direct investment might help smooth adjustment.

77. Barriers to African access to world markets; low commodity prices; insufficient capital inflows, particularly in the form of foreign direct investment; decreasing official development assistance; and the public debt burden were constraints on the development of Africa

78. Robert Zelwin Aliber (born September 19, 1930) is a professor emeritus of International Economics and Finance at the University of Chicago.He is best known for his contribution to the theory of foreign direct investment.He has given the concept of foreign exchange rate in foreign direct investment.

79. This reduces transfer and Convertibility risks.: Cela réduit les risques de transfert et de convertibilité.: Nor is full Convertibility the key to attracting higher inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI).: La convertibilité complète ne constitue pas non plus la solution pour attirer des investissements directs à l'étranger (IDE) plus importants