Use "foregrounds" in a sentence

1. Synonyms for Accentuates include accents, highlights, stresses, emphasises, emphasizes, underlines, features, foregrounds, underscores and points up

2. The problem is that New Historicism refuses or only very reluctantly foregrounds its own historicity and position within an ideology.

3. Proof Coins from the United States Mint are struck in sharp relief with mirror-like backgrounds and frosted, sculpted foregrounds, giving them a special cameo effect

4. A Confession foregrounds and fleshes out the missing and their families, while Fulcher and his team’s painstaking policework gradually assembles the horror that will soon consume them all.

5. Cycloramas were a very popular form of entertainment in the late 1800's, both in America and Europe. These massive, oil-on-canvas paintings were displayed in special auditoriums and enhanced with landscaped foregrounds sometimes featuring trees, grasses, fences and …