Use "force of repulsion" in a sentence

1. This repulsion is called Coulomb repulsion.

2. the forces of attraction and repulsion.

3. She gave a dramatic shudder of repulsion.

4. I felt a mixture of amazement and repulsion.

5. A look of repulsion flashed across her face.

6. Coulomb force another term for the electrostatic force Coulomb’s law mathematical equation calculating the electrostatic force vector between two charged particles electrostatic force amount and direction of attraction or repulsion between two charged bodies; the assumption is that the source charges remain motionless electrostatics

7. Too little fluid should not cause a repulsion.

8. 2 Coulomb repulsion imposes the need for high temperature.

9. I have a repulsion for snakes.

10. But through the haze of repulsion and desire she was aware of another sound.

11. Odors elicit a number of behavioral responses including attraction and repulsion in Drosophila.

12. Coulomb repulsion imposes the need for high temperature.

13. 8 The repulsion point is composition of pressure point and joining place.

14. 8 Why doesn't it fly apart under the coulomb repulsion of like - charge elements?

15. 1 The first term is the screened Coulomb repulsion.

16. By this electric repulsion and attraction he was able to counterbalance the influence of gravity.

17. Why doesn't it fly apart under the coulomb repulsion of like - charge elements?

18. We finally calculate the electrostatic repulsion of two constant unit charge distributions in the unit cube.

19. We must conclude that when the distance between the molecules is very small, there are forces of repulsion.

20. This is due to the attraction and the repulsion of the individual particles inside the liquid.

21. (Capillarity: the property or exertion of capillary attraction of repulsion, a force that is the resultant of adhesion, cohesion, and surface tension in liquids which are in contact with solids, causing the liquid surface to rise – or be

22. 14 The Coulomb repulsion results in the potential maximum of doubly and triply diatomic ions.

23. ăb-hôr'əns, -hŏr'- The definition of Abhorrence is a feeling of extreme hate or repulsion

24. In this case the mode of action is mostly due to steric repulsion of the adsorbed layer.

25. The exhibition, which includes some 150 images, veers between attraction and repulsion.

26. What amazes me is that, in spite of the horrific nature of what I have seen, I feel neither repulsion nor revulsion.

27. Initial coupling or repulsion disequilibrium with independent assortment had no effect on the observed acceleration.

28. Hypothesis, such as graviton, universal repulsion, sub-photon sea etc. , all are of defects, having not explain the law of gravitation successfully.

29. These stars would be supported by the exclusion principle repulsion between neutrons and protons, rather than between electrons.

30. It was the non-force use of force.

31. Avoid logfile overflow by using daily log queue technology ; Cope with repulsion problem of data logging and data sending.

32. Keywords: lateral earth force, active force, passive force, general limit equilibrium, interslice forces, and coefficient of lateral earth force.

33. In solution of polyester there are two mechanisms of stabilization of dispersed TiO2-Rutil, stabilization by electrical repulsion and stabilization by adsorbed layers of polyester.

34. Simple expressions for one- and two-center Coulomb repulsion integrals are derived and compared with semi-empirical approximations.

35. A white dwarf is supported by the exclusion principle repulsion between the electrons in its matter.

36. Robbery is theft using force or threats of force.

37. In 1748, Nollet invented one of the first electrometers, the electroscope, which showed electric charge using electrostatic attraction and repulsion.

38. Overcoming this repulsion costs a considerable amount of energy, which is known as the Coulomb barrier or fusion barrier energy.

39. These electron pairs, being farther apart, exert less repulsion, and consequently the bond angles involving them are decreased.

40. Centrifugal force can be greater than the force of gravity.

41. In particular, this repulsion means that orbitals in different sub-shells no longer have the same energy.

42. They met force by force.

43. Some "cheaper" Airships use suspendium dust (and probably ambient static electricity or their own repulsion) as a (quite dangerous

44. sum of static force and aerodynamic force at the particular speed

45. Task Force Talon Task Force Talon is a secretive joint task force and a direct action force.

46. This force is made up of tire, aerodynamic and gravitational force components.

47. The force of Bestowal is the Creator, while the force of reception is creation

48. Force application is another primary operational function of a combat-capable air force.

49. Addition of a Deputy Force Commander post (D-1) (Office of the Force Commander, headquarters).

50. Coulomb's law states that the force, that the magnitude of the force, so it could be a repulsive force or it could be an attractive force, which would tell us the direction of the force between the two charges, but the magnitude of the force, which I'll just write it as F, the magnitude of …

51. Base Attack Force Base Attack Force BaseAttackForce

52. But Ampere force is Lorentz force nature.

53. Adjustment of pantograph contact force

54. — Adjustment of pantograph contact force

55. They are Centrifugal Force and Friction Force

56. Rotating force generating system using eccentric force

57. Calculation of the aerodynamic force

58. The country's attempts to meet force with force led to the outbreak of war.

59. And it gave a very beautiful description of the strong force, and of the weak force.

60. Force: Hydraulic Cylinders provide up to 100 times the force of a pneumatic cylinder

61. Tuscaloosa, as part of the "augmented" Scouting Force, "battled" the Battle Force that spring.

62. A fictitious force (also called a pseudo force, d'Alembert force, or inertial force) is an apparent force that acts on all masses whose motion is described using a non-inertial frame of reference, such as a rotating reference frame.

63. It's an economic force; it's a technical force.

64. Britton is the Air Force Program Executive Officer for Presidential & Executive Airlift, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Air Force Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.He is responsible for the planning and execution of all lifecycle activities related to recapitalization of Air Force One and E-4B aircraft and sustainment of the current Air Force

65. Alongships External Force Manual input of force in tonnes by the joystick is used e.g

66. Some of its facilities are shared with the Recife Air Force Base of the Brazilian Air Force.

67. Was the employment of force justified?

68. Secondly, The submarine will be exerted many kinds of force, such as hydrostatical force, hydrodynamic force and reaction of projection while it is projecting the ballistic missile.

69. 21 The conventional inter-particle force model, including van der Waals force, Coulomb force and image force, could not explain these interaction behaviors.

70. Calculation of power absorption unit force

71. S.-led multinational force of 000.

72. The electric force between charged bodies at rest is conventionally called electrostatic force or Coulomb force

73. Operated by means of Centrifugal force.

74. Operated by means of Centrifugal force

75. in the case of alternating force,

76. acknowledge the force of his argument.

77. Operated by means of centrifugal force.

78. During the Normandy landings, she was part of Force "A" of Task Force 125 in support of Utah Beach.

79. Coulomb force is the conservative mutual and internal force

80. It's driven by force of necessity.