Use "force a passage through the crowd" in a sentence

1. He forced a passage through the crowd.

2. A passage was cleared through the crowd like magic.

3. He forced a passage for the singer through the crowd.

4. A gasp rippled through the crowd.

5. He cut through the crowd.

6. He thrust through the crowd.

7. He threaded through the crowd.

8. A contagion of fear swept through the crowd.

9. Secret passage through the meat locker.

10. We threaded through the narrow passage.

11. A murmur of approval passed through the crowd.

12. A buzz of excitement ran through the crowd.

13. The new bill had a smooth passage through Parliament.

14. A woman was addressing the crowd through a loudspeaker.

15. The crowd funneled through the hall.

16. They denied him passage through the territory.

17. Got my way through the crowd.

18. A kid who crawled up through the food elevator passage.

19. He wandered Aimlessly through the crowd

20. A new wave of talking spread through the crowd.

21. A narrow passage led directly through the house into the garden.

22. It was a passage from midway through Book One.

23. The announcement sent a ripple of excitement through the crowd

24. There, the nerve runs through a passage called the Cubital tunnel

25. The announcement sent a ripple of excitement through the crowd.

26. A ripple of laughter/applause/etc. ran through the crowd.

27. They were denied passage through the occupied territory.

28. He squeezed his way through the crowd.

29. The crowd parted to let him through.

30. (adverb) He wandered Aimlessly through the crowd.

31. He hurried on, weaving through the crowd.

32. He pushed his way through the crowd.

33. An angry murmur ran through the crowd.

34. He thrust his way through the crowd.

35. A lane was forthwith opened through the crowd of spectators.

36. They moved purposefully through the milling crowd.

37. He eased his way through the crowd.

38. Then, the Air Force Drums and Bugles entertained the crowd with a lively musical performance.

39. The celebration included a reenactment of the pioneers’ passage through his town.

40. The Argumentative force of the passage being admitted, its doctrinal import deserves attention

41. The crowd parted to let the soldiers through.

42. The crowd was swarming out through the gates.

43. Many meteors disintegrate during their passage through the atmosphere.

44. The fleet had formed a single column for the passage through the strait.

45. They rudely Bulldozed their way through the crowd

46. An atmosphere of anticipation vibrated through the crowd.

47. A lag screw extends through the first transverse passage of the intramedullary nail.

48. 15 They were denied passage through the occupied territory.

49. A flow passage (18) comprises centrifugal means (22) for providing a radial acceleration to a fluid mixture as it flows through the flow passage.

50. The crowd fell back to let the players through.

51. We followed a stream up Salubrious Passage before squeezing ourselves through a small twisting passage to bring us back above ground.

52. The crowd managed to break through the police cordon.

53. The crowd fell back to let the doctor through.

54. Marius entered the Rue Saint-Honore through the Passage Delorme.

55. A ripple of excitement went through the crowd as came on stage.

56. The passage is too narrow for cars to get through.

57. Fear spread through the crowd like a contagion , ie quickly and harmfully.

58. 5 The man pushed his way authoritatively through the crowd.

59. Aerobrake definition is - to decelerate (a spacecraft) by passage through a planetary atmosphere

60. Clotting: to prevent passage through by filling with something

61. Clogging: to prevent passage through by filling with something

62. Sally Barged through the crowd and snuck into the nightclub

63. The opening bars of the music sent a quiver of excitement through the crowd.

64. I had to fight my way through the milling crowd.

65. The bill was amended several times during its passage through Congress.

66. Herringbone tread tires with great cohesive force for excellent passage and high travel speed.

67. This healthy Biofilm allows the passage of nutrients through the intestinal wall

68. There was a sudden hush, and then a low, wondrous moan rippled through the crowd.

69. 18 He elbowed his way through the crowd towards the rostrum.

70. The crowd backed away to let the wounded man pass through.

71. The downhole abrading tool also includes a passage (26) through the tool for circulating a drilling fluid.

72. Panic spread through the crowd as the bullets started to fly.

73. I had to trudge through the crowd to the sixth car.

74. A cooling air passage (13) passing through the flat support structure (10) is configured therein.

75. The Christocentric method uncovers the “authentic” meaning of a passage through a literary, historical, and theocentric interpretation

76. There's a gap in the crowd and I dart through and run after them.

77. Quotations ▼ After the movie let out, a Crowd of people pushed through the exit doors

78. But Jaʹi·rus gets through the crowd and falls at Jesus’ feet.

79. Passage through an alkaline medium allows the corresponding diamines to be obtained.

80. Passage of radiation through a medium without change of frequency of its monochromatic components.