Use "forbears" in a sentence

1. He forbears to mention the matter again.

2. Antonyms for Acquiesces include resists, challenges, defies, opposes, contests, disagrees, forbears, dissents, fights and refuses

3. Families cherished their forbears, whether these had lived in humble cottages or in manor houses.

4. As hunter-gatherers, our forbears needed sensory cues to phenolic content -- Astringency and its taste analog, bitterness -- to distinguish food from poison, to determine ripeness and so forth.

5. They were the inheritors of a dissident tradition that goes back as far as Pushkin and the Decembrists in Russia. Some explicitly saw themselves as representative of historic values, whether they were the exiled Solzhenitsyn or an Estonian intelligentsia which looked back admiringly to its forbears in the nineteenth century, Herderian cultural nationalists.