Use "for the duration of" in a sentence

1. Temperatures for the duration of the event.

2. Generally, Clinicals last for the duration of the clinical course

3. Incubate under anaerobic conditions for the duration of the incubation period.

4. Both of these activities will continue for the duration of the MTPF.

5. However, no ads will be shown for the duration of your suspension.

6. Sustain abstinence for the duration of the Awol, one day at a time, 3

7. More armed clashes followed, and continued for the duration of Dandolo's reign as doge.

8. The U.S. Navy set up an observation post for the duration of World War II.

9. Channeling an ability causes the caster to stop acting for the duration of the spell

10. have a scientific observer on board for the duration of the exploratory bottom fishing activity.

11. A limit of "None" means Ad Manager tracks clicks for the duration of the campaign.

12. F . Women with severe preeclampsia should be delivered or hospitalized for the duration of pregnancy.

13. In such cases, the Parties shall agree a time-limit for the duration of the procedure.

14. That are set for the duration of the lease term. Bodkin, a division of Bennington Financial Corp

15. Both Parties agreed that these tariff rates shall not be exceeded for the duration of the Agreement.

16. Users are active for the duration of the session, which times out after 30 minutes of inactivity.

17. (b) For the duration of this Protocol the fees for half-yearly licences shall be as follows:

18. Baneful Bunker prevents any attacks targeted at the user from striking, for the duration of the turn

19. Fighting commenced with the Battle of Basra in 1914 and continued for the duration of the war.

20. The Danish county governor and the Faroese parliament Løgting governed the islands for the duration of the war.

21. We lend the client these wooden chests for the duration of the transportation and handling free of charge.

22. Currently, Clozapine is used for treatment-resistant schizophrenia, with mandatory blood count monitoring for the duration of treatment

23. 2.26 The Office of the Register of Damage will remain active for the duration of the registration process.

24. This approach identifies activities at an incremental level, rather than forecasting activities for the duration of the project.

25. All products posted are insured without charge against all deterioration and theft for the duration of the delivery.

26. (iii) Fill all empty bays with blanking panels or an equivalent airflow restriction for the duration of testing.

27. Moreover, the taxpayer must bear the financial burden of the double taxation for the duration of the procedure.

28. As a common note attributed to owls, Blathers is asleep for the duration of daylight and fully awake on

29. The implementation of the 1996 act will continue to preoccupy Powell for the duration of his time as commissioner.

30. Allied ships were unaffected and left free to fire on their disabled enemies for the duration of the effect.

31. Atonality in music is the lack of adherence to a tonal center for the duration of a piece or section

32. A noise Blanker detects when these noise pulses occur, and then attenuates the receiver for the duration of the pulse

33. You can charter a Catamaran and drive yourself or we can hire a skipper for the duration of your trip.

34. 29 When performing tasks that require additional permissions, use procedure signing or impersonation only for the duration of the task.

35. Immediately after his election Kucan announced that he would renounce his party membership for the duration of his four-year term.

36. The alternate truck route now in place detours truck traffic across town roads instead of the highway for the duration of this detour.

37. She continued to serve in the army for the duration of the war and was famously courageous at the Battle of Tacna in 1880.

38. Recently-retired Australian Test cricketer Chadd Sayers has joined the PNG Barramundis as Assistant Coach for the duration of the ICC T20 World Cup

39. If your account is suspended, it’ll be placed on immediate payment hold and no ads will be displayed for the duration of the suspension.

40. It should be delivered in one fluid breath , vocalizing the vowel sounds as deeply as possible, extending the name for the duration of the breath .

41. Asymmetric encryption is used first to establish the connection, which is then replaced with symmetric encryption (called the session) for the duration of the connection

42. Slow cooker Appetizers are a party food staple because they can often be made in advance and kept warm for the duration of your gathering

43. For the duration of the operation, the ships were stationed outside the gulf in order to prevent Russian reinforcements from disrupting the laying of minefields.

44. Simulation on The Use of Force in Chechnya UNITED STATES INSTITUTE OF PEACE 5 in the same location for the duration of the workshop

45. In revision 2 of the Cancún ministerial text, this invitation would be “for the duration of the negotiations”, rather than on an ad hoc basis.

46. A 64th rest or hemidemisemiquaver rest indicates an absence of sound for the duration of a 64th note or hemidemisemiquaver. It is represented by the symbol XXX.

47. Audiobook narration is a lengthy process, so voice actors working in this niche need the ability to keep a consistent delivery for the duration of the recording

48. A 32nd rest or demisemiquaver rest indicates an absence of sound for the duration of a 32nd note or demisemiquaver. It is represented by the symbol XXX.

49. The Aleuts were interned against their will for the duration of the war, long after the Japanese were routed out of Alaska, and were largely neglected by the …

50. By formalising their agreement, the debtors acknowledge the existence of the debt ‘plus the filing costs and interest to be calculated for the duration of the resulting term’.

51. The Birchbark Expeditions program will provide the following crew equipment for the duration of their planned trek: Canoes (a maximum of 21 canoes are available) Canoe trailer (s) PDFs

52. Contemplative prayer begins with “centering prayer,” a meditative practice where the practitioner focuses on a word and repeats that word over and over for the duration of the exercise

53. Hypnorm/hypnovel, or with isofluorane at a dose of 5% in a closed Anaesthetizing chamber then maintained at 2.5% by nose cone for the duration of the ultrasound scan

54. Cormes is involved with one of the battle feats featuring Beastmaster Durzag, in which the raid team must kill Durzag while keeping Cormes alive for the duration of the fight

55. Atheling operated under the White Ensign for the duration of World War II and through most of 1946 until returned to American custody at Norfolk, Va., on 6 December 1946

56. Here are the roads we agreed with the council that need to be closed to traffic for the duration of the pour, which is from 5:25 a.m. to midday.

57. Cormes is involved with one of the battle feats featuring Beastmaster Durzag, in which the raid team must kill Durzag while keeping Cormes alive for the duration of the fight

58. Optional Companion Banner (site-served only): Companion banners are optional image banner ads that appear on the top right corner of the watch page for the duration of the content video.

59. Creaming Creaming or “beading” is defined as the appealing spectacle in beer of bubble recruitment into the foam (Figure 1.4) which should ideally be sustained for the duration of consumption (Bamforth, 2004a)

60. The Councillors have since had their salaries reinstated, but are now arguing they should be reimbursed for the duration of the 13-month sanction for a total of about $30,000 each — which

61. A Bloodlusted unit has both its Basic Damage and its Piercing Damage doubled for the duration of the spell, which makes the unit extremely effective against even the most heavily armored foe

62. One or more ad hoc judges shall also have seats, but only for the duration of the examination of an appeal concerning personal data from the Member State which has appointed them

63. Transient global amnesia is a clinical syndrome with characteristics of acute onset of Anterograde amnesia (the inability to form new memories) and, in turn, retrograde amnesia, for the duration of the episode

64. All undergraduates have an assigned academic advisor in the LAS Advising Center and will be a part of that advisor’s student cohort for the duration of their academic career at UIC – from Orientation to Graduation

65. An A/A test is one in which the experiment and control are identical for the duration of the test (no difference in campaign ads/ad groups/settings, etc. and no differences in ad approvals).

66. "Article 1 of the Cooperation Agreement restricts imports of manioc into the Community at the preferential rate of 6% ad valorem, for the duration of the agreement (January 1982 to December 1986), to the quotas specified therein.

67. The test soil should be of a quality that will allow the survival and preferably the reproduction of the test organisms for the duration of the acclimation and test periods without them showing any abnormal appearance or behaviour.

68. For the duration of the walk you will honoury members of the lost Legion of the Blisterous Clubious - hopefully we will find our way somehow! We will be self catering in a hostel, and we will be supported by four support vans

69. A Corset is a garment worn to hold and train the torso into a desired shape, traditionally a smaller waist or larger bottom, for aesthetic or medical purposes (either for the duration of wearing it or with a more lasting effect), or support the breasts

70. Certain obligations aimed at avoiding the risk of absconding, such as regular reporting to the authorities, deposit of an adequate financial guarantee, submission of documents or the obligation to stay at a certain place may be imposed for the duration of the period for voluntary departure.

71. The ''Cept radio amateur licence" can be included in the national licence or be a special document issued by the same authority, and will be drafted in the national language and in German, English and French; it will be valid for non-residents only, for the duration of

72. The compensation shall however always be equal to the current salary for the duration of the period of notice where the contract is terminated by the employer in breach of Article 38(3) of this Law or Article 40 of the Law on employment of 16 March 1971.

73. The irradiation of the blood at an intensity of 3 W/cm2 and a frequency of 810 kHz for the duration of 10 min showed no change in the total number of breaks as against the controls; the slight increase in the number of dicentrics and rings was balanced approximately by an equal decrease in the number of acentric fragments.

74. Foundational elements of recordkeeping in the U.S. federal sector + Definition of a "federal record," 44 U.S.C. 3301 + Agency file plans and agency records schedules + Appraisal decisions signed off by Archivist on what constitute permanent records (eventually accessioned into NARA), and what constitute temporary records (stored by agencies during active use and then at offsite federal or other record centers for the duration of the retention period of the records) + Record schedules subject to public notice in Federal Register + General Records Schedules for admin. records See 44 USC 3303, 3303a(a), (d)