Use "for keeps" in a sentence

1. They played for keeps.

2. They played marbles for keeps.

3. Her sister keeps house for her.

4. He said all this for keeps.

5. His daughter keeps house for him.

6. Marriage ought to be for keeps.

7. Shall we play for fun or for keeps?

8. Marriage is for keeps, we say.

9. He's given it to me for keeps.

10. Bluesman Taj Mahal Is Playin' For Keeps

11. Friends are hands, and friends for keeps.

12. You may have the book for keeps.

13. Blitz keeps up with the meta for you

14. Mrs. Greene keeps dogs for companionship and security.

15. He advised them to leave town for keeps.

16. Hard work keeps away poverty. Toleration keeps away violence.

17. The prime minister keeps shaping up for Confected …

18. This is not a joke, its for keeps.

19. Carnitas keeps in the refrigerator for up to three days

20. When it comes to market share, we're playing for keeps.

21. They lead with their hearts and they play for keeps.

22. Paul doesn't want this pen so it's mine for keeps.

23. Ensure that whatever you gain now will be for keeps.

24. Another pizza joint in Astoria that keeps it simple and keeps it tasty

25. Keeps to himself mostly.

26. Is it yours for keeps or does he want it back?

27. Treasures From The Heart And The Hand For Keeps - The Chuffed …

28. It keeps getting better!

29. Exercise keeps you supple.

30. It's time for dinner. Mother keeps the knives with the forks.

31. keeps rolling along

32. He keeps tropical fish.

33. While controversy rages, Stan, unruffled by the fuss, keeps looking for fossils.

34. Overheating is the most common reason for the computer keeps Crashing issue

35. The hospital keeps a large supply of blood for use in emergencies.

36. Of course you didn't mean nothin'by it, but It'settled me for keeps.

37. Can I have it for keeps or do you want it back?

38. Excels at Communication Danny keeps …

39. Maybe he keeps on file.

40. One of them keeps farting.

41. The captain keeps a log.

42. Athletics is like a drug, it keeps dragging you back for more.

43. Chunky keeps freezing or crashing

44. My shoelace keeps coming undone.

45. She keeps harassing Su-yeon

46. She keeps the house spotless.

47. She keeps them in stitches.

48. My car alarm keeps going off for no reason - it's really Annoying.

49. For some unaccountable reason, he keeps his wallet in his underwear drawer.

50. He keeps his house spotless.

51. After all, bingeing keeps the sufferer from losing weight, and purging keeps her from gaining it.

52. Earth's gravity keeps pulling it, but it's going so fast that it keeps missing the Earth.

53. Chunky keeps freezing or crashing

54. Russia Keeps Bribing Foreign Politicians

55. That's what keeps me strong.

56. He keeps his room trim.

57. The photocopier keeps jamming up.

58. His grandfather keeps a shrike.

59. Throws the biggest, Beachiest pizza party! Keeps an eye out for hungry seagulls

60. The tramp always keeps his eyes peeled for coins lying on the ground.

61. He keeps gathering all the nations

62. Jehovah Keeps His Promises —Ancient Times

63. She keeps popping in and out.

64. Bacardi Keeps Spirits Up in 2020

65. Outcome #1 - The sim keeps Crashing

66. Money keeps them above the line.

67. This keeps getting better and better.

68. She keeps her flat very tidy .

69. He keeps a flock of sheep.

70. Donna keeps the office running smoothly .

71. She just keeps it in perspective.

72. He keeps dragging on his pipe.

73. The economy just keeps chugging along.

74. Shame keeps us silent and siloed.

75. God keeps us in his sight,

76. He keeps trying to distract me.

77. My cardboard grille keeps slipping out.

78. The captain always keeps a log .

79. Who keeps lettuces in their fridge?

80. Keeps the planet warm without sunlight.