Use "folk literature" in a sentence

1. The tongue twister is a distinctive language art form in Chinese folk literature.

2. 9 The tongue twister is a distinctive language art form in Chinese folk literature.

3. Ancient folk song and long poem are the most representative works of Hmong Folk Literature.

4. The folk literature has provided the measure of value, the form model, artistic spirit nourishing for the Chinese modern literature, and once becomes the modern literature development the direction.

5. 30 Kirgiz proverb is a sparkling pearl of Kirgiz folk literature, which is the art crystallization and the language quintessence reflecting Kirgiz situation of production and society and the daily life.

6. The Falun Gong teachings use numerous untranslated Chinese religious and philosophical terms, and make frequent allusion to characters and incidents in Chinese folk literature and concepts drawn from Chinese popular religion.