Use "fogbound" in a sentence

1. The airport was fogbound.

2. Interstate 5 was fogbound early Monday morning.

3. 5 Interstate 5 was fogbound early Monday morning.

4. Their flight was cancelled because the airport was fogbound.

5. We were fogbound at London Airport for 12 hours.

6. Fogbound, with no compass, and adrift, I started trying things.

7. The delegation were fogbound at New York Airport for as long as 15 hours.

8. You're not going out wearing that Creased shirt, are you?· wrinkly 2018 August 2, Vishnevetsky, Ignatiy, “Disney goes back to the Hundred Acre Wood in the wistful Christopher Robin”, in AV Club‎[1]: The sight of McGregor, Creased but still boyish, returning to an eerily fogbound Hundred Acre Wood is calculated to well