Use "flubbed" in a sentence

1. Several cast members flubbed their lines.

2. Several of the actors flubbed their lines.

3. She was followed by Vishnu, who flubbed "Araphorostic," which means unsewn or lacking seams

4. Synonyms for Bungled include botched, flubbed, muffed, blundered, blew, blown, bumbled, mishandled, bodged and butchered

5. Flubbed high notes or an obvious memory lapse during an important opening-night performance can erode a reputation.

6. She was followed by Vishnu, who flubbed "Araphorostic," which means unsewn or lacking seams

7. Synonyms for Blundered include erred, miscalculated, boobed, bungled, misjudged, fouled up, goofed, slipped up, flubbed and fluffed

8. Notes are occasionally edged and chords flubbed; the piano turns Clangorous in some of the most impassioned fortissimos