Use "flu" in a sentence

1. 2017-2018 Flu Season: Flu Burden and Flu Burden Averted by Vaccination

2. Think of cancer, bird flu, swine flu, SARS.

3. Just look at pandemics -- swine flu, bird flu, H1N1.

4. Think of cancer, of bird flu, swine flu, SARS.

5. A flu vaccination can help to protect you from flu.

6. Since then , the H1N1 flu shot has been incorporated into the seasonal flu shot .

7. Flu is highly infectious.

8. As variable as flu is, HIV makes flu look like the Rock of Gibraltar.

9. They explain that Colds, flu, …

10. Nobivac Canine Flu Bivalent Indications

11. It's just a flu shot.

12. His flu infected his wife.

13. It's just the flu, Ritchie.

14. Like the flu or chickenpox.

15. The 2009 flu pandemic involved another strain of Influenza A H1N1, commonly known as "swine flu".

16. Doctors now fear a flu epidemic .

17. Maybe it's that flu going around.

18. Most likely an aggressive flu strain.

19. I think I've got gastric flu.

20. Colds are usually milder than flu

21. SARS; acute bronchitis; acute pneumonia; flu.

22. Are we gonna get bird flu?

23. A flu epidemic raged through Europe.

24. Thanks, but it's just the flu.

25. Perhaps it was just gastric flu.

26. It' s just a flu shot

27. We don't care about bird flu.

28. What Is Bird Flu? Bird flu, or Avian influenza, is a viral infection spread from bird to bird

29. He had come down with the flu.

30. Colds and Flu Sooner or later, it seems like everybody catches a cold or flu during the school year

31. We've seen it in the pandemic flu.

32. Is it a cold or the flu ?

33. Dave had a bad dose of flu .

34. She's got a nasty dose of flu.

35. She's had a nasty dose of flu.

36. The flu outbreak has reached epidemic proportions .

37. She thinks that she has the flu.

38. And now comes the Spanish flu also.

39. Pandemic bird flu -- early detection, early response.

40. I got strep throat every flu season.

41. That bout of flu dragged her down.

42. The vaccine provides longer immunity against flu.

43. 19 Who can give me a flu vaccination Your doctor will normally be able to vaccinate you with a flu vaccine.

44. Who can give me a flu vaccination Your doctor will normally be able to vaccinate you with a flu vaccine.

45. He's had flu, but he's on the mend.

46. Contagious Not Contagious The flu is highly Contagious

47. Many flu medications are available without a prescription.

48. Flu is most prevalent during the winter months.

49. 24 The soldiers were diagnosed as having flu.

50. Did you have a flu jab this year?

51. She had a bout of flu over Christmas.

52. Fortunately, full-blown flu epidemics are relatively rare.

53. Staff shortages were worsened by the flu epidemic.

54. 14 That bout of flu dragged her down.

55. To ensure proper temperature, NOBIVAC Canine Flu Bivalent

56. The Spanish flu took two of my sisters.

57. "Prevention against "swine flu" stabile in Azerbaijan: minister".

58. Old people are particularly vulnerable to the flu.

59. There are many different strains of flu virus.

60. Swine flu rages . Nukes proliferate . Bailouts beget bailouts.

61. Cell-Based flu vaccine production does not use flu viruses grown in eggs and, therefore, is not dependent on the supply of eggs

62. Divide Affluent into syllables: af-flu-ent Stressed syllable in Affluent: af-flu-ent How to say Affluent: How to pronounce Affluent

63. The cdc considers Antiviral drugs as a "second line of defense against the flu" after getting an annual flu vaccine.

64. A nasty flu bug's going round at the moment.

65. I got a bad bout of flu last winter.

66. Possible Uses: Amenorrhea, colds, flu, loss of appetite, tonsillitis.

67. A flu epidemic raged through the school for weeks.

68. The attack of flu left her feeling very groggy.

69. He was recovering from a severe bout of flu.

70. Most Coughs are caused by a cold or flu

71. A cold or the flu commonly causes wet Coughs

72. The doctor Administered the flu shot to his patient.

73. Three members of the band went down with flu.

74. There is a lot of flu around just now.

75. It's taken me ages to get over the flu.

76. Many mistake it for a case of the flu.

77. Half of Martha's class has gone down with flu.

78. He is down with a nasty bout of flu.

79. A flu epidemic is raging in/through local schools.

80. Severe flu management: a point of view Intensive Care Med