Use "flocks" in a sentence

1. The infected breeder flocks are quarantined from uninfected flocks.

2. Feeding the Flocks

3. Shepherds penned their flocks.

4. The flocks Conceived before the rods, and the flocks brought forth streaked, speckled, and spotted

5. Flocks leave the roost in waves.

6. Most Accentor bird species live in flocks.

7. And all their flocks have been scattered.”

8. Eventually only black sheep remained in these flocks.

9. As a result, the spiritual flocks are increasing.

10. Furthermore, flocks of sheep graze there, as foretold.

11. Your assets are tied up in your flocks.

12. They are gregarious birds and feed in flocks.

13. They came in flocks to see the procession.

14. These were clinically normal flocks with unexceptional mortality.

15. Bantams are a common favorite for smaller backyard flocks

16. Abraham lived in Beer-sheba and pastured flocks nearby

17. They boasted about their sons, daughters, flocks, and cattle.

18. Overhead, flocks of pelicans cruise like large-bellied gliders.

19. Bufflehead flocks usually consist of less than 10 birds

20. Listening to them playing their pipes for the flocks?

21. Clerics fatten themselves at the expense of their flocks.

22. People came in flocks to see the royal procession.

23. Two Way Site Flocks of young people at twilight.

24. Without delay, they left their flocks and headed for Bethlehem.

25. Flocks of goats and camels grazed on the inhospitable land.

26. Flocks of gulls curiously hovered around us , swooping up and down .

27. Ammon becomes the servant of King Lamoni and preserves his flocks

28. From November till spring, shepherds would not graze their flocks outdoors.

29. Bushtit flocks typically consists of I0 to 40 or more individuals

30. Bucolic 1. Of or characteristic of shepherds or flocks; pastoral. 2.

31. May brings flocks of pretty lambs, skipping by their fleecy dams.

32. The disease is endemic among British sheep/to many British flocks.

33. The silence of death settles down over the enclosures for their “flocks.”

34. This pigeon is often found in flocks of more than 10 individuals.

35. King Lamoni marveled at Ammon’s power when he defended the king’s flocks.

36. Flocks of birds squawk and peck, stealing seed before dirt covers it.

37. (Ephesians 5:3) Thus, they “wreck” their flocks with their false sayings.

38. 27 The defeated soldiers reaved the villagers of their flocks of sheep.

39. In Africa and the Mideast, goats are typically run in flocks with sheep.

40. But there were rabbits by the dozens, and flocks of chestnut-colored bantams.

41. Abraham and Lot prospered, accumulating huge flocks of sheep and herds of cattle.

42. Her religious leaders and their flocks will “be broken and ensnared and caught.”

43. And they began to weep exceedingly, saying: Behold, our flocks are scattered already.

44. Adding to the problem, some religious dignitaries —unlike their flocks— enjoy lavish lifestyles.

45. Gregarious, flocks often hawking for flying insects and spiralling up to perform aerobatics.

46. Usually rather subdued piping or twittering calls, flocks often keeping up a conversational twitter.

47. Giving the firstfruits of the harvest and the firstborn of the flocks to Jehovah

48. To complicate matters further, many of these shepherds were in agreement with their flocks.

49. Food business operators shall sample all flocks of broilers within three weeks before slaughter.

50. “Strangers will actually stand and shepherd the flocks of you people.” —ISAIAH 61:5.

51. Improvement programmes for breeding flocks of poultry are already in place in all Member States.

52. And Abel was a keeper of flocks, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

53. David and his men had been “like a protective wall” for Nabal’s shepherds and flocks.

54. 38 And Cain said unto the Lord: Satan atempted me because of my brother’s flocks.

55. Flocks that were a mile wide and 400 miles long used to darken the sun.

56. Synonyms for Coveys include flocks, groups, bands, bevvies, bevies, body, bunches, clusters, crowds and droves

57. Flocks of Bushtits mix with similar small songbirds like warblers, chickadees, and kinglets while foraging

58. Flocks of Bushtits mix with similar small songbirds like warblers, chickadees, and kinglets while foraging.

59. During the winter months, great flocks of gulls gather at rubbish tips and sewage outfalls.

60. Snow Buntings may form large foraging flocks in winter, often mixing with Horned Larks and longspurs.

61. (Micah 3:11) Some religious leaders have even become wealthy from money collected from their flocks.

62. These cause diarrhoea with progressive emaciation and there may be high mortality in heavily infected flocks.

63. Here flocks of cranes, geese lapwings, curlews, Cushats and other birds stop here during their transmigration

64. Blackbirds can congregate in enormous numbers, sometimes in mixed-species flocks with starlings and other birds

65. 22 Will flocks and herds be slaughtered for them, for it to be adequate for them?

66. Gregarious; large flocks make remarkable roaring sound on surface of water when disturbed by birds of prey.

67. Some scholars think that this means that Gadites grazed their flocks in the coastal plains of Sharon.

68. 'Could the mechanism we identified in small pigeon flocks scale up to larger groups?' the study asks.

69. The second smallest duck of the region, slenderer than Teal and rarely occurring in such large flocks.

70. America’s problem number one is not positivity but a plethoric dose of Adjectivitis-whole flocks of adjectives

71. Darkness swallowed millions of planets like tidewater. Mass sunflowers withered, flocks of migratory birds attending the funeral.

72. By this time both Abraham and Lot had accumulated much wealth, as well as flocks and herds.

73. By this time, the large flocks of migrant Blackbirds will have left for their northern nesting areas.

74. Personable medium-sized Babbler, often encountered foraging in noisy, lively flocks on or around the forest floor

75. 5 Additionally, are the religious leaders and their flocks known for their adherence to high moral standards?

76. A social bird, it lives in family groups and frequently joins and even leads mixed-species foraging flocks.

77. - all breeding flocks shall have been monitored at least once a year for the presence of Newcastle disease,

78. Abundant provisions of three staples of life in Israel—grain, olive oil, and wine—together with plentiful flocks.

79. In winter, Brewer's Blackbirds gather in large flocks, often with other Blackbirds, and may be seen foraging in

80. In general, Javas are particularly suitable for keepers of smaller flocks who require a good dual-purpose chicken.