Use "floaters" in a sentence

1. Floaters seem to drift through the field of vision.

2. Floaters may seem to be alive, since they move and change shape, but they are not alive.

3. Blood cells escape into the vitreous humor, and these are seen as a sudden flurry of floaters.

4. Eye floaters (also known as Posterior vitreous detachments, PVD) are little “Cobwebs” or specks that float about in your field of vision

5. However, before they can say with certainty that there is no need to worry, people with floaters should be examined by an ophthalmologist or optometrist.

6. However, if you see persistent flashing lights, hundreds of floaters and especially a Curtaining coming up or down over your vision, you should see your healthcare provider promptly

7. Ambiopia: double vision caused by each eye focusing seperately: blepharospasm: a twitching of the eyelid muscles; due to eyestrain or nervous irritability: conjunctivitis: pink eye; inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye: cycloplegia: paralysis of the ciliary muscle of the eye: dacryoadenitis: inflammation of the lacrimal (tear) gland: floaters