Use "flints" in a sentence

1. The surrounding countryside is windswept and rocky, moss-bedecked flints sticking out of the ground like primitive blades.

2. Cerium is the key component of mischmetal alloy which is used in flints for cigarette lighters

3. The sombre narrative scintillates with brilliant sparks of thought as the flints of opposing arguments strike against one another .

4. Those of the first series are Artistically chipped upon the two faces and the end, and are readily distinguishable from the flints of the preceding Mousterian epoch.

5. Meronyms (substance of "Bastnaesite"): atomic number 58; Ce; cerium (a ductile grey metallic element of the lanthanide series; used in lighter flints; the most abundant of the rare-earth group)

6. The eight-inch stone phallus has marks where it was clearly used for striking against flints - and scientists say the size and shape and polished appearance leave little doubt as to its other use.

7. ‘Since Beechmast are relatively heavy, they are not blown away by the wind but fall to the foot of the parent tree.’ ‘Every autumn I would spend days there, watching the turning colours or grubbing for mushrooms and Beechmast and knapped flints.’

8. The research interests of the LEAPC include field archaeology, study of charred seeds, comparative study of animal bones, physical anthropology, pollen analysis, study of fish and shells, Archaeogeology, experimental archaeology, study of obsidian tools and flints and identification of use from traces, petrographic examinations of ceramics and