Use "flanks" in a sentence

1. On both flanks were the cavalry.

2. The cow twitched its flanks to drive off flies.

3. Two will hit their left and right flanks

4. He maketh Collops of fat on his flanks


6. The second division flanks on the main of force.

7. They supported the infantry attack by lobbing grenades from the flanks.

8. Burning down the left flanks , Mark Gonzalez is nicknamed " Speedy Gonzalez " .

9. The lower flanks consist of mostly basaltic and some andesitic lavas.

10. The back and flanks are slightly lighter than the ventral surface and underparts.

11. Bloated cattle are restless and noticeably uncomfortable and have distended left flanks

12. The flanks and the rest of the underparts are barred in black and white.

13. Other cavalry troops would protect the flanks of the Macedonian line during battle.

14. Torque transmission led to notching and bending-up phenomena on the bracket slot flanks.

15. The angle of the groove flanks to the radial direction is less than 30°.

16. The Amazon river system has its sources in the eastern flanks of the Andes.

17. Much thinner crusts occur on the steep flanks of both guyots and conical seamounts.

18. The City’s Bulldozers would raise the channel, cut down the flanks of the stream, and install

19. Now the entire Union line was driven back toward Gettysburg and the fields on its flanks.

20. ASCITIC FLUID Fluid in the Abdomen causes generalized protuberance, bulging flanks, and an everted umbilicus.

21. These are extended down the flanks and over the whole body except face and neck.

22. Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon , horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks.

23. The adult male's back and flanks are azure blue, shading to yellowish on the belly.

24. This fallout, mixed with magma, mud, and steam, sent additional pyroclastic flows speeding down St. Helens' flanks.

25. By that evening, both his right and left flanks having been broken, Samsonov's position was untenable.

26. The centre of the Muslim army was pinned down and its flanks had been pushed back.

27. In cases of excessively thick subcutaneous fat, liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, and mons pubis can be done.

28. Synonyms for Attaches to include abuts, adjoins, joins, touches, borders, neighbours, meets, verges on, annexes and flanks

29. Multitudes of versions were made to be sold exclusively in the stores advertised on the bus flanks.

30. Synonyms for Adjoins include joins, abuts, borders, touches, borders on, neighbours, verges on, annexes, approximates and flanks

31. Container boxes, wooden, Wooden carved articles, Jellied wooden flanks, The equipment for alcoholic beverage industry, Products from a tree.

32. The light purple flanks of the fish are topped by a golden streak dappled with red and purple.

33. "Black Brant," mainly of western North America and eastern Asia, is darkest, with contrasting white flanks

34. The animal lies down , rolls , gets up again , looks frequently towards flanks and kicks forward at the abdomen .

35. 12 Dionysius was usually depicted with the flanks of a goat or bull to symbolise his fertility aspect.

36. What does Anbury mean? (archaic) A wen or spongy wart on the legs or flanks of a horse

37. At last she swung herself into the saddle of the Curveting horse and grasped its flanks with her knees

38. White is invited to create a mammoth pawn centre which Black hopes to undermine by sniping from the flanks.

39. Hysen, Thern, Ekstrom and Magnusson give the side a strong backbone, but they are suspect defensively on the flanks.

40. Scaup Bluebill - midsize ducks with a dark head, chest, and rump, with white flanks and undersides, and yellow eyes

41. An extraordinary character, Kellet was a conscientious objector working in the forest on the lower flanks of the mountain.

42. Curtain walls of simplest character, without counter forts or interior buttresses, extended the flanks to a fourth front facing the city.

43. And he was out, the hell-spawned eunuch, forcing his scrawny Besmottered flanks through the meagre gap in the hurdles

44. About 250 minor cones on the flanks of the volcano’s main cone are the product of different phases of its eruptive activity.

45. In the other direction craggy peaks loomed like soaring granite castles, with crystalline blue glaciers spilling and tumbling down their flanks.

46. These ages correlate with the period when Lakes Turkana and Suguta reached maximum levels on the flanks of the Barrier volcano.

47. ‘We want the left flank sufficiently mollified and the right flank sufficiently panicked so as to inspire a little Conciliation on all flanks.

48. 6 The roomy silos of the hull flanks gave it a bulbous appearance that defied approval by any aesthetic but the purely functional.

49. Description: Four-eyed Butterflyfish get their common name from the large, dark spot (false eye) ringed in white located on their flanks

50. The roomy silos of the hull flanks gave it a bulbous appearance that defied approval by any aesthetic but the purely functional.

51. ‘We want the left flank sufficiently mollified and the right flank sufficiently panicked so as to inspire a little Conciliation on all flanks.

52. At the same time, a second layer of pincers may attack on the more distant flanks to keep reinforcements from the target units.

53. Solar energy is converted by cells on the Solar Car's flanks to drive its electric motor and recharge its back-up batteries.sentence dictionary

54. Look at the walls and slopes of the Khumbu glacier [which flows 5 miles down from an icefall on the southern flanks of Everest].

55. The Ju 87s were particularly effective at breaking up attacks along the flanks of the German forces, breaking fortified positions and disrupting supply routes.

56. This form varies in colour from pale gold through to dark red, and some fish have black or red spots on the flanks and fins.

57. The width of the flanks (61) of at least one rack tooth (54) is corrected, and is appropriately shaped as an arc of a circle.

58. The adult Corn Crake is 22 – 25 centimetres long and has mainly brown, heavily spotted upperparts, a blue-grey head and neck and reddish streaked flanks.

59. The flanks of male albino guinea pigs were used to study the effect of needle puncture with or without intradermal (id) injection of 0.1 ml fluid.

60. Aardvarks residing in places such as Southern Africa may have thicker fur on the legs, thighs, and flanks while Aardvarks found in the rainforests are usually almost bald

61. A projecting work consisting of two flanks and two faces terminating in a salient angle, it permitted defensive fire in front of neighbouring Bastions and along the curtain

62. The German 376th Infantry Division and the Austrian 44th Infantry Division began to redeploy to face the enemy on their flanks, but were hindered by shortage of fuel.

63. The cargo chains groaned in the gins, clinked on Coamings, rattled over the side; and the whole ship quivered, with her long gray flanks smoking in wreaths of steam

64. While allied forces on both flanks retreated, the 3rd Division stood fast in the face of fantastic enemy offensives, which led to their moniker, "The Rock of the Marne."

65. The design of the flanks visually shortens the tail and is Characterised by impressively muscular wheelarches which imbue the 812 Superfast with the power and aggression warranted by its imposing V12

66. Then, further behind the main abatis, de Salaberry ordered construction of four defence lines, the last of which was to protect Grant's Ford and safeguard the flanks of the Canadian positions.

67. / ˌser.ɪˈmoʊ.ni.əl / B1 related to, used in, or involving a ceremony (= a fixed set of formal acts performed on important social or religious occasions): A Marine honour guard flanks the president during Ceremonial …

68. Both the size of the spreading angle (23) enclosed by both groove flanks and the opening (25) and depth (29) of the longitudinal groove (20) may thus be freely selected and precisely adjusted.

69. Explosive charges blew a hole in the hull a few minutes later, but it took 20 minutes for the intake of water to bring holes cut in the battlecruiser's upper flanks to the waterline.

70. Cultivation of the species, most likely beginning on the forested flanks of the Tian Shan mountains, progressed over a long period of time and permitted secondary introgression of genes from other species into the open-pollinated seeds.

71. The common Japanese image generally depicts the hakutaku as a "bovine or monstrous felid creature with nine eyes and six horns, arranged in sets of three and two on both its flanks and its man-like face.

72. The state's coasts consist of long beaches and mangrove forests; the interior consists of swampy marshes, steep, rolling hills covered with sparse vegetation in the interior, and thick forests along the eastern flanks of the Rael Kedam Divide.

73. They were the first to drop from the penalty box to pick up the ball in midfield, switch to the flanks, attract and disorientate the central defenders with their runs, their accelerations, their dribbling." —Former France striker Thierry Henry.

74. Abomasal anterior displacement syndrome in cattle in which the abomasum is displaced anteriorly to a position between the reticulum and the diaphragm; characterized clinically by anorexia, ketonuria, and absence of Abomasal sounds in the right or left flanks as in right or

75. So now the Allied forces were advancing up the Vardar, but their flanks were exposed to a possible blow from the right wing of the 11th Army, which was still fighting in good order, and from the 1st Bulgarian Army.

76. 'Aceramic-neolithic' settlement of Qayonu Tepesi Wulf Schirmer The earliest investigations concerning the social and cultural consequences of the transition from hunting and gathering to plant and animal domestication were carried out along the 'hilly flanks' of the Zagros and …

77. The Albacore can be distinguished from these species at any age by the lack of stripes or spots on its lower flanks and belly and by the presence of a thin, white trailing edge on the margin of the tail fin

78. Ultimo Barricado's vehicle in Destruction AllStars, The Undisputed, has a large shield that deploys over the front end, offering protection and more damage when crashing into other cars.Keep an eye on The Undisputed's flanks while the shield is down, because it only protects …

79. In 2009 the NW and SE flanks of Anton Dohrn Seamount were surveyed using multibeam echosounder and video ground-truthing to characterise megabenthic biological assemblages (Biotopes) and assess those which clearly adhere to the definition of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems, for use in habitat mapping

80. Sacks, polyethylene, plastic, rubber, Wooden tubs, flanks, kegs, tubs and a tub, Rubber products for medical, veterinary and laboratory use, Goods for sport, recreation and tourism, Jerricans made of polyethylene, plastic, rubber, Blocks (rigging), Aerocrete blocks, Concrete pillar blocks , Granite blocks, Chemical raw material.