Use "fizzling" in a sentence

1. It was like a rocket, brilliant to start with then fizzling out to nothing.

2. Animalization was released at a time when many of the bands the teenage girls had been screaming over on the Ed Sullivan Show were fizzling out

3. "Manufacturing is fizzling out here," says Ken Nutter, a laid-off 54-year-old who worked as a glass cutter in the 1970s but not since.

4. 8 Prevent hair extensive to fizzle out should prevent insolation and give or have a permanent wave: Many people think, the hair floats fizzling out is inherent, not changeable.

5. 10 Prevent hair extensive to fizzle out should prevent insolation and give or have a permanent wave: Many people think, the hair floats fizzling out is inherent, not changeable.

6. Emily Ogden’s Credulity is a vivid account of the jagged intersections of science, modernity, and enchantment in the history of mesmerism, from its first flowering in eighteenth century France to its ambiguous fizzling half a century later in the United States