Use "fixed capital" in a sentence

1. The fixed capital investment provides the physical facilities.

2. Abbreviated as fixed capital in the capital and financial account.

3. consumption of fixed capital (which includes anticipated normal accidental damage

4. Most of the investments in fixed capital (84.8%) were spent on construction works.

5. Abbreviated as fixed capital in the corporations and government business enterprises sector account.

6. — no consumption of fixed capital (i.e. no foreseeable depreciation in the value of livestock).

7. The total amount that may be refunded is restricted to # % of the fixed capital investment

8. The total amount that may be refunded is restricted to 100 % of the fixed capital investment.

9. Fixed capital in case the buildings are on a hard layer of lime gradually over by the time accidentally Accretion tightly wrapped my body soft and baby burn oat.

10. It can be calculated from various viewpoints, the best known of which is the expenditure angle, defined as the sum of household consumption, general government consumption, gross fixed capital formation and the external trade balance.