Use "filing fee" in a sentence

1. Upon filing a Caveat, the Caveator must pay a filing fee of $200

2. [47] International Centre for Dispute Resolution / American Arbitration Association (ICDR/AAA), charges $ 200 and JAMS $ 250 “filing fee”.

3. The filing fee for this Petition to Arbitrate a Fee Dispute is based upon the total amount in dispute

4. Any Counter Claim the Respondent has against the Claimant in accord with Arbitration Rules, including the Counter Claim filing fee.

5. When a candidate files the Notice of Candidacy, he or she must also pay a filing fee for the office sought.

6. Candidates must file a Declaration of Candidacy and either pay the $300 filing fee or collect the signatures of at least 1,000 registered electors of the state

7. Most business corporations and limited liability companies (LLCs) may file their Biennial Statement online using the Department of State’s e-Statement Filing Service and pay the $9 filing fee using a credit card or debit card

8. The Alce is an affidavit filed by a political committee stating that the political committee did not receive contributions or make expenditures in the cumulative amount of $1,000 or more (exclusive of the candidate's filing fee) since either the establishment of the political committee, or the filing of the last campaign finance report