Use "filamentous" in a sentence

1. 19 The reproductive systems consist of filamentous tubes.

2. List the filamentous, pleomorphic, Baccillum, and spherical virus families

3. Filamentous fungal keratitis represents a serious infection of the eye.

4. Blanketweed (uncountable) a filamentous alga often found in ponds; Translations

5. Filamentous Ascomycetes produce hyphae divided by perforated septa, allowing streaming of …

6. Autolysis is a natural event that occurs in most filamentous fungi

7. Blanketweed definition: a type of filamentous pond algae Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

8. ++¿ can be obtained from strains of filamentous fungi belonging to the genus Absidia.

9. The contraction of a muscle means the myosin must slide along filamentous actin molecules.

10. The acellular pertussis antigen preferably comprises pertussis holotoxin (PT) and filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) and, optionally, pertactin.

11. Filamentous Ascomycetes here pertains to the EuAscomycetes only Phylogeny of basal Ascomycota—nSSU and nLSU rDNA Sugiyama et al

12. M.Bouillonii is a tropical cyanobacterium that is filamentous and often form 1large, mat-like colonies

13. The fish also eat filamentous algae and other plant material, bottom-dwelling aquatic insects and zooplankton.

14. Moorea Bouillonii is a common benthic filamentous cyanobacterium distributed widely such as Papua New Guinea, Guam, Palau, Palmyra atoll etc

15. Ascomycetes are morphologically diverse and include single-celled yeasts, filamentous fungi, and more complex cup fungi.

16. What does Actinomycete mean? Any of various spore-forming, chiefly filamentous bacteria of the order Actinomycetales

17. Biotransformation reactions involving monoterpenoids have been characterized in filamentous fungi, but few examples have been observed in yeasts

18. Secondly, associated with the mouth is a unique, elongate, steeply-rising structure comprising filamentous or platelet-like projections.

19. Filamentous Ascomycetes produce hyphae divided by perforated septa, allowing streaming of cytoplasm from one cell to another.

20. Actinomycete (plural Actinomycetes) Any of various filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria, of the order Actinomycetales, that resemble fungi

21. The Actinomycetes encompass two different groups of filamentous bacteria: the Actinomycetes per se and the nocardia/streptomycete complex.

22. Actins Filamentous proteins that are the main constituent of the thin filaments of muscle fibers. The filaments (known also as filamentous or F-actin) can be dissociated into their globular subunits; each subunit is composed of a single polypeptide 375 amino acids long

23. Filamentous actin networks play an important role in this compartmentalization and in the trafficking of vesicles between these compartments.

24. STOP Blanketweed is an effective treatment of filamentous algae, commonly known as blanket weed in ornamental and garden ponds

25. The poorly understood filamentous Cyanobacterium Pseudanabaena is commonly epiphytic on Microcystis colonies and their abundances are often highly correlated during blooms

26. Glyoxysomes are specialized peroxisomes found in plants (particularly in the fat storage tissues of germinating seeds) and also in filamentous fungi.

27. Segmented filamentous bacteria (SFBs) are Apathogenic autochthonous bacteria in the murine small intestine that preferentially attach to Peyer's patch epithelium.

28. In these measurements the isolated light chain and intact filamentous myosin, as well as native actomyosin, were used as substrates.

29. At metaphase and anaphase during oogonial mitosis the DNA body has a filamentous shape distinguishable from the compact chromosomes (Fig.

30. Many of the multicellular filamentous forms of Oscillatoria are capable of a waving motion; the filament oscillates back and forth.

31. 16,25,26 Actin is a globular protein that exists in the monomeric form (G-Actin) and polymeric filamentous form (F-Actin)

32. These properties, along with its ability to transition between monomeric (G-Actin) and filamentous (F-Actin) states under the control of n …

33. These predatory fish, in turn, reduce numbers of Grammarus locusta, herbivorous crustaceans which are effective grazers that normally control the filamentous algae.

34. Actinomycetes vs Fungi: Actinomycetes are non-motile filamentous gram positive bacteria belonging to the genus of the Actinobacteria class of bacteria.

35. Alpha-Actinins (ACTNs) were originally identified as cytoskeletal proteins which cross-link filamentous actin to establish cytoskeletal architect that protects cells …

36. However, characterization of mutants with decreased or increased levels of glycogen production showed that glycogen levels have little effect on filamentous growth, sporulation, or Chlamydospore formation.

37. Most of the antibiotics used in medicine and veterinary settings are produced by Actinomycetes, a fascinating group of non-motile filamentous bacteria.

38. The extremely thin, filamentous or acicular cells of the hypothallus are predominantly sinuous and/or interwoven in the central part; they are more or less horizontally arranged.

39. While most species were consumed in proportion to their abundance in the environment, there was considerable selection against adnate and filamentous forms.

40. Barbels are short to filamentous, fleshy, fingerlike projections located at the corners of the mouth or on the snout and… Read More; saw sharks

41. The crust, called Cryptobiotic or microbiotic soil, is formed by filamentous cyanobacteria, interspersed with tiny lichens and micro-fungi (see Utah's fragile earth)

42. Mycelium of Basidiomycetes: The well developed, filamentous mycelium consists of a mass of branched, septate hyphae generally spreading in a fan-shaped manner

43. Other filamentous algae, also referred to as Blanketweed or blanket weed, that cause problems in ponds are species of Spirogyra, Rhizoclonium and Enteromorpha

44. Leucothrix mucor Oersted, the primary cause of filamentous gill disease in cultured shrimp, was treated with Algicides and surfactants by a serial dilution method

45. “Bacteria in Agrobiology: Plant Growth Responses” describes the application of various bacteria in plant growth promotion and protection, including symbiotic, free living, rhizospheric, endophytic, methylotrophic, diazotrophic and filamentous species.

46. In the submerged cultivation of filamentous microbes, including Actinomycetes, complex morphology is one of the critical process features for the production of secondary metabolites

47. Cyanobacteria reproduce asexually, either by means of binary or multiple fission in unicellular and colonial forms or by fragmentation and spore formation in filamentous species

48. Remove Blanketweed from your pond or lake in an efficient and environmentally friendly fashion Green Lightning effectively controls swimming or floating unicellular and filamentous algae

49. Mycologia 98: 1002 Somatic Structures • Thallus: yeast, mycelial, or dimorphic • Cell walls: chitinous in filamentous forms, mannan and glucan principal polysaccharide in yeasts, exception ArchiAscomycetes

50. The shape of Cyanobacteria can range from spheroidal, rod-shaped, filamentous or tubular and move by secreting slime which facilitates their gliding movements across surfaces.

51. 635 million-year-old fungi-like microfossil that Bailed us out of an ice age discovered by Virginia Tech Microscopic image of the fungus-like filamentous microfossils.

52. Branched filamentous organisms (e.g., Cladophora and moss protonema) require an orthogonal reorientation of Axiation, or a localized cell asymmetry (e.g., Btip^ growth in pollen tubes and fungal hyphae).

53. The filamentous Basidiomycete Ceriporia lacerata, an agent of white rot on wood, has never been reported in human disease and its clinical significance is not yet known

54. 13 On 26 April 1990, Medeva filed an application for a European patent, registered by the European Patents Office (EPO) under EP number 1666057, for a method for the preparation of an acellular vaccine against Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough agent), also known as ‘Pa’, consisting of a combination of two antigens as active ingredients, namely pertactin and filamentous haemagglutinin (‘filamentous haemagglutinin antigen’), in such a ratio as to provide a synergistic effect in vaccine potency.

55. Moorena Bouillonii, a chemically rich filamentous cyanobacterium, has been characterized as a pathogenic organism with an unusual ability to overgrow gorgonian corals, but little has been done to

56. The bundle-forming, filamentous, non-nitrogen-fixing Cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus is a pioneer primary producer, often the dominant member of the biocrust microbiome, and the main source of leaked organic carbon.

57. Acellular pertussis vaccines comprise purified toxin or toxoid thereof, filamentous haemagglutinin, pertactin and fimbrial agglutinogens formulated to confer protection to at least 70 % of members of an at-risk population.

58. It is evident from electron microscope examination, however, that the areas with an affinity for silver, which is discontinuously distributed along the filaments, are actually parts of a filamentous structure.

59. So What is Blanketweed? Quite simply, it is a form of algae, more accurately filamentous algae, and can appear in many different strains, some becoming resistant to certain treatments over time

60. Plasmides for the highly effective expression of unfused filamentous haemagglutinin from Bordetetella pertussis for use in the manufacture of acellular and oral live vaccines against whooping cough, and hosts for these plasmides.

61. This is the first in vitro study about the antifungal characteristics of kefir against filamentous fungi which was manifested by applying its inhibitory effect on the productivity of Aflatoxin B1 by A

62. : any of an order (Actinomycetales) of filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria (such as the actinomyces and streptomyces) First Known Use of Actinomycete 1883, in the meaning defined above History and Etymology for Actinomycete

63. Captain® Liquid Copper Algaecide is the right tool for economical and fast-acting control of a broad-spectrum of filamentous algae and planktonic algae in a wide range of fresh water applications

64. Here, we report a localized bloom of the benthic filamentous cyanobacterium Moorea Bouillonii (formerly Lyngbya Bouillonii) observed exclusively on the gorgonian (sea fan) coral Annella reticulata at around 20 m depth in Japan.

65. The fimbrial agglutinogen preparation may be used to prepare acellular pertussis vaccines with other pertussis antigens, including pertussis toxin or toxoid thereof, the 69 kDa protein and filamentous haemagglutonin and other Bordetella antigens.

66. Actinomycete, (order Actinomycetales), any member of a heterogeneous group of gram-positive, generally anaerobic bacteria noted for a filamentous and branching growth pattern that results, in most forms, in an extensive colony, or mycelium

67. Cell Surface Appendages of Bacteria (Flagella vs Fimbriae vs Pili of Bacteria) What are cell surface Appendages? Cell surface Appendages (aka filamentous Appendages) are proteinaceous tubular or fibrous structures found on the surface of bacterial cells

68. Cyanobacteria, formerly called blue-green algae, are not really algae but are a phylum of photosynthetic bacteria that live in moist soils and water.The species' structures can be unicellular to filamentous and some species are colonial

69. Cyanobacteria the blue-green bacteria (formerly called blue-green algae), a subgroup of the kingdom Procaryotae, unicellular or filamentous phototrophic organisms that use water as an electron donor and produce oxygen in the presence of light

70. PCR DNA amplification with the nine primer sets with genomic DNA from Ascomycetes, deuteromycetes, basidiomycetes, and plants revealed that five of the primer sets amplified a product only from DNA of the filamentous Ascomycetes and deuteromycetes

71. These properties, along with its ability to transition between monomeric (G-Actin) and filamentous (F-Actin) states under the control of nucleotide hydrolysis, ions, and a large number of Actin-binding proteins, make Actin a critical

72. Pertussis toxoid (PT) 20 μg 20 μg 25 μg Filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) 20 μg 20 μg 25 μg Pertactin (PRN) 3 μg 3 μg 8 μg Fimbriae (agglutinogens 2 + 3) 5 μg 5 μg none Polio:

73. Aflatoxins (AFs) are a group of highly toxic secondary metabolites produced mainly by the filamentous fungi Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus and rarely by other species such as Aspergillus nomius in agricultural products and derived food products.

74. The Actinomycetes are a group of unicellular filamentous bacteria that form a branching network of filaments and produce spores. They have long been recognized as sources of severe earthy-musty tastes and odours in drinking water (Mallevialle and Suffet, 1987).

75. Pertussis toxoid 20 μg 20 μg 25 μg 25 μg Filamentous hemagglutinin 20 μg 20 μg 25 μg 25 μg Pertactin 3μg 3 μg 8 μg 8 μg Fimbriae (agglutinogens 2 & 3) 5 μg 5 μg none none Polio:

76. Moorena Bouillonii, a chemically rich filamentous cyanobacterium, has been characterized as a pathogenic organism with an unusual ability to overgrow gorgonian corals, but little has been done to study its general growth habits or its unique association with the snapping shrimp Alpheus frontalis.

77. In the filamentous fungus model organism Aspergillus nidulans, the last step of carbon-starvation-triggered Autolysis was the degradation of the cell wall of empty hyphae, and this process was independent of concomitantly progressing cell death at the level of regulation.

78. Butyraceous: resembling, producing or having the qualities of butter butyric: of, like or pertaining to butter byre: a cow barn byrnie: coat of mail or breastplate byssaceous: delicately filamentous byssiferous: having tufts or threads byssine: silky; soft; having many threads byssoid: fibrous; cottony soft byssus: mummy-wrapping fabric bywoner

79. Blanketweed is the common name given to filamentous (string) algae, but it actually comes in different forms, from a short (2-3mm) growth on the side of the pond which breaks up as you touch it to strong strands which can grow 3 …

80. This special issue on the development and evolution of the Amniote integument begins with a discussion of the adaptations to terrestrial conditions, the acquisition of water-impermeability of the reptilian integument, and the initial formation of filamentous integumentary appendages that prepare the way towards avian flight.