Use "fight shy of" in a sentence

1. Don't fight shy of me.

2. Children often fight shy of dentists.

3. Many women fight shy of motherhood.

4. All the children fight shy of lessons.

5. We must not fight shy of hard work.

6. You can't fight shy of your responsibility for your children.

7. We all fight shy of a visit to the dentist.

8. We are not going to fight shy of the challenge.

9. I have had to fight shy of invitations that would exhaust time and spirits.

10. Yet the 18 counties fight shy of the risk, but what are they frightened of?

11. In considering the right to live issue, there is a tendency to fight shy of the emotive word of murder.

12. By contrast, until Trump the US has tended to fight shy of conducting overt Assassination attempts on state actors connected to sovereign regimes