Use "field-test" in a sentence

1. The field test will Assess the police candidate’s ability to perform under stress

2. A simple pH field test will help determine the presence of acids or caustics.

3. Field test or alignment equipment, specially designed for items controlled by ML5.a. or ML5.b.

4. NBC (owned by RCA) made its first field test of color television on 20 February 1941.

5. Field test or alignment equipment, specially designed for items specified by ML5.a., ML5.b. or ML5.c.

6. San Francisco identified relay armature sensitivity as a major cause of premature detonations during a comparative field test minelaying excursion on August 12.

7. 29 The posterior marginal distributions on reliability were deduced by comprehensively making use of prior information and field test information at every stage.

8. This will lay the foundation for the thermal performance test, air dynamic field test, dreg characteristic test and determinative test of the main design parameters.

9. An Alpha test is a preliminary software field test carried out by a team of users in order to find bugs that were not found previously through other tests

10. Accelerometers are used by field test, in factory production and design as well as Research and Development organizations to acquire critical data. In addition to our precision miniature units for Research and Development, rugged Accelerometers and vibration sensors are available for industrial machinery health monitoring.

11. This system was used successfully in two military projects: field test systems used to check the electronics of the Air Force General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark fighter plane and systems used to control the countdown and launch of the Army's Pershing 1 Pershing 1a missile systems.