Use "feudalism" in a sentence

1. 15 Roman feudalism produced legal rules and legal institutions strikingly similar to English feudalism.

2. Agrarian capitalism, sometimes known as market feudalism.

3. This is feudalism: one owner, many workers.

4. High Middle Ages (Feudalism) 1000 - 1450

5. 1 Feudalism was not abolished in England until 16

6. Feudalism was not abolished in England until 16

7. 5 It took several centuries for feudalism to be formed.

8. 6 Feudalism was basically bad; modern democracies are good.

9. This was different than the feudalism of the West.

10. 4 Nevertheless, feudalism was something else as well.

11. 10 Against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat - capitalism, and against capitalism.

12. 9 England's feudalism under the rule of William the Conqueror.

13. Against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat - capitalism, and against capitalism.

14. 3 By 1740 European feudalism was in its death throes.

15. 13 Under maintenance feudalism rule premise, attention textbook scientific nature and inappropriateness.

16. Deviate from socialism and China will inevitably retrogress to semi - feudalism and semi - colonialism .

17. The system of Cortes arose in the Middle Ages as part of feudalism.

18. 2 In cities people talked about science, but feudalism flourished on the land.

19. 18 The world is rejecting non-productive socialism as it rejected feudalism.

20. 27 A: the wars of the roses dealt a death blow to feudalism in england.

21. 15 Deviate from socialism and China will inevitably retrogress to semi - feudalism and semi - colonialism .

22. 22 The notion of bypassing capitalism, of direct transition from feudalism to socialism, was idle Utopianism.

23. 19 The burgesses constituted a growing challenge to the social relations of feudalism.

24. Chivalry (shĭv`əlrē), system of ethical ideals that arose from feudalism feudalism, form of political and social organization typical of Western Europe from the dissolution of Charlemagne's empire to the rise of the absolute monarchies.

25. From these Wars , English feudalism received its deathblow. The great medieval nobility was much weakened.

26. The May 4 th Movement was a thoroughgoing, uncompromising revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism.

27. Periodization and Sovereignty: How Ideas of Feudalism and Secularization Govern the Politics of Time (Middle Ages S.

28. 28 Modern, industrial society, slowly germinating in the shadow of medievalism, burst the bonds of feudalism.

29. In this article, the author focuses on the anti - feudalism consciousness, tragedy consciousness and animadversion consciousness.

30. 8 Periodization and Sovereignty: How Ideas of Feudalism and Secularization Govern the Politics of Time (Middle Ages S.

31. 23 In terms of the dominant concepts of the age, feudalism appeared as the natural order of things.

32. 17 In cities people talked about science and democracy, but feudalism flourished on the land.

33. 16 Deviate from socialism and China will inevitably retrogress to semi - feudalism and semi - colonialism .

34. 26 In this article, the author focuses on the anti - feudalism consciousness, tragedy consciousness and animadversion consciousness.

35. 12 Feudal society replaced slavery society, capitalism supplanted feudalism , and, after a, socialism will necessarily supercede capitalism.

36. This was one more bit of debris from the capitalist system, from feudalism, from the Dark Ages.

37. 8 Under feudalism, Marxists argue, the dominant mode of production was based on the ownership of land.

38. Competition, by itself, always leads to Cheating by the powerful, who try to establish pyramids of power, like feudalism

39. Feudal society replaced slavery society, capitalism supplanted feudalism , and, after a, socialism will necessarily supercede capitalism.

40. Social status was based on merchants' income, which reduced feudalism and considerably changed the dynamics of Dutch society.

41. The subsequent period, ending around 1000, saw the further growth of feudalism, which weakened the Holy Roman Empire.

42. 21 She and her fellow students were told that their mission was to free the peasants from feudalism.

43. 14 The meagerness of Chinese feudalism is evidenced by the absence of any real medieval productive cities.

44. The stability of autarchy , is in accordance with the long - standing and stability of feudalism autarchy system.

45. 24 This was one more bit of debris from the capitalist system, from feudalism, from the Dark Ages.

46. 25 None the less, they are worth considering, because they help us to understand both the origin and the artificiality of feudalism.

47. 29 Confucian kindheartedness is soul of Confucian ethic thought. We must affirm and develop the essence after discarding the Feudalism dross.

48. 20 This is crucial because Marx was to go on to argue that capitalism grew out of one such combination in feudalism.

49. 7 A survival-of-the-fittest social system, feudalism,[] that had lasted for hundreds of years was quickly replaced by capitalism.

50. The spirit of feudalism and of the old Chivalry had all but departed, but had left a vacuum which was not yet supplied.

51. In Capitalism, Alone, leading economist Branko Milanovic explains the reasons for this decisive historical shift since the days of feudalism and, later, communism

52. Unlike Henry II of England, Frederick did not attempt to end medieval feudalism, but rather tried to restore it, though this was beyond his ability.

53. It was agrarian, and the means of production and political system was called feudalism, and knowledge was concentrated in the church and the nobility.

54. On the one hand enfeoffs into the land provides knight's military fiefdom, establishes the knight system the solid foundation, and becomes the middle ages military feudalism the source.

55. While Voltaire, Condorcet and Descartes used reason to confront superstition and feudalism, thinkers across the Channel – Brooks cites Burke, Hume and Adam Smith – thought it unwise to trust reason.

56. As a French peasant living in the last vestiges of feudalism, Baret was, statistically, never supposed to travel more than 20 miles from her birthplace

57. Capitalism taking the place of feudalism is a historical progress, but capitalist exploiting essentiality and its basic insuperably conflict decide its historical fate to death.

58. 30 While Voltaire, Condorcet and Descartes used reason to confront superstition and feudalism, thinkers across the Channel – Brooks cites Burke, Hume and Adam Smith – thought it unwise to trust reason.

59. 16 Tan's Pan-Sciencism showed his spirit of scientific reason with the enlightenment sense of Anti-feudalism and Anti-obscurantism, but it mingled with the religious mysticism.

60. The following year the king sold it to the city of Capua, which held it until the abolition of feudalism in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in 1810.

61. 11 In ZHANG's "New Legend", the downfallen feudalism with rich color of colony is adopted to describe the characters, becoming permanent artistic typical models in Chinese modern modern literature.

62. Throughout the early part of this period, capitalism (through mercantilism) was replacing feudalism as the principal form of economic organisation, at least in the western half of Europe.

63. However, with its establishment by the end of the 16th century, the primitive communes had been changed by the feudalism and became powerful tools in defensing and enforcing the serf system in Russia.

64. Learn more about what feudalism meant for people during the High Middle Ages How medieval authors tried to transmit these ideals and values to medieval knights was in the literary genre of Chivalric romance, the first of which appeared around

65. Capitalism, also called free market economy or free enterprise economy, economic system, dominant in the Western world since the breakup of feudalism, in which most means of production are privately owned and production is guided and income distributed largely through the operation of markets

66. Grand Burgher [male] or Grand Burgheress [female] is a specific conferred or inherited title of medieval German origin and legally defined preeminent status granting exclusive constitutional privileges and legal rights, who were magnates and subordinate only to the Emperor, independent of feudalism and territorial nobility or lords paramount.

67. So, while in most of the new monarchies of Europe the subjection or humiliation of the Baronage was a primary article of policy, John tried to win his way by lavish gifts of land, while resolutely checking feudalism in government, curtailing local immunities, and guarding the liberties of the towns against noble usurpers.

68. Grand Burgher [male] or Grand Burgheress [female] (from German: Großbürger [male], Großbürgerin [female]) is a specific conferred or inherited title of medieval German origin and legally defined preeminent status granting exclusive constitutional privileges and legal rights (German: Großbürgerrecht), who were magnates and subordinate only to the Emperor, independent of feudalism and