Use "fertiliser" in a sentence

1. Mom, what's fertiliser?

2. Ammonium nitrate fertiliser sample for tests

3. I've never shared their enthusiasm for fertiliser.

4. Farmers talk of nothing but fertiliser and women.

5. —Determination of copper in fertiliser extracts by atomic absorption spectrometry

6. This type of fertiliser may contain inorganic or inert substances.

7. Determination of boron in fertiliser extracts by means of acidimetric titration

8. Manure spreaders and fertiliser distributors (excluding for mineral or chemical fertilisers)

9. Determination of iron in fertiliser extracts by atomic absorption spectrometry

10. Although Article 17(5) of the fertiliser decree prohibits the application of fertiliser to cultivated slopes adjacent to water courses, no measure exists concerning the conditions for applying fertiliser to steeply sloping cultivated ground beside watercourses or to ground not adjoining a watercourse.

11. —Determination of boron in fertiliser extracts by means of acidimetric titration

12. F Fertiliser substrate Compound mixed with gravel to promote plant growth.

13. — Determination of boron in fertiliser extracts by means of acidimetric titration

14. Determination of micro-nutrients in fertiliser extracts by atomic absorption spectrometry

15. The residue can be used as fertiliser (composted or not) after concentration.

16. Oughta be as good as horse and cow fertiliser, wouldn't you say?

17. Now through deregulation reforms, fertiliser is now Accessible in the open market.

18. 21 The peasant bought a bag of chemical fertiliser in the market place.

19. 3 The dark humus deposits inside burial mounds were used as fertiliser.

20. Nitrous oxide emissions associated with synthetic fertiliser nitrogen applications on agricultural soils vary widely.

21. — Determination of micro-nutrients in fertiliser extracts by atomic absorption spectrometry (general procedure)

22. He said fertiliser plants which had stopped working are in the process of being revived.

23. Fertiliser production was based on the anaerobic digestion of manure in a bioreactor and subsequently dried.

24. An NPK fertiliser has finely ground adularia as the potassium provider and non-hydraulically setting base.

25. Given the power of the supermarkets, the widespread use of sewage sludge as fertiliser looks unlikely.

26. Albit is a unique biological 3 in 1 fertiliser with three main characteristics: antidote, plant grow

27. The project investigated two processes for the conversion of organic waste to fertiliser, composting and anaerobic digestion.

28. Extraction of the phosphorus in the fertiliser with a mixture of nitric acid and sulphuric acid.

29. Organic methods, which rely on crop rotation, manure and compost of fertiliser, are far less intensive.

30. 23 They need a site with plenty of old compost or humus-based fertiliser worked in.

31. Nitrogen fertiliser, however, only accounts for 30 per cent of the total nitrogen plant absorption of the chemical.

32. The active substance is e.g. a drug, a biocide, a fertiliser, a flavour, a protein or a microorganism.

33. feed the whey to animals, use it as a fertiliser or process it in an anaerobic digestion plant.

34. Similarly solid waste management could generate compost which could act as organic fertiliser for the surrounding rural areas.

35. 23 Agricultural students learnt that the dilute rain of sulphur from power stations was just useful extra fertiliser.

36. Fallow lands brought into cultivation reduced the range for grazing and restricted the distribution of much needed animal dung as fertiliser.

37. 14 Deposition of nitric acid in particular may contribute to the equation as a fertiliser as well as a pollutant perse.

38. Agrology introduces an innovative formulation technology that combines the benefits and advantages of powder and liquid fertilisers into a new fertiliser form.

39. In addition, wool can function as an effective soil conditioner and fertiliser, releasing sulphur, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium as it Biodegrades.

40. (i) in the case of resulting proteinaceous material, by pressure sterilisation, and used as an organic fertiliser or soil improver; or

41. The end goal of the program is also to not just continue importing fertiliser, but to eventually set up production in Kenya.

42. Agrochemical Any synthetic chemical (e.g., feed additive, antibiotic, pharmaceutical, fertiliser, pesticide) which is used in agriculture to improve crop or livestock yields.

43. This document defines the procedure for measuring the pH value of a solution of a straight ammonium nitrate fertiliser of high nitrogen content.

44. The use of fertiliser was also discouraged by immediate causes such as adverse weather conditions and lack of adequate power , irrigation and credit .

45. 6 The peat and silt are rich soils on which farmers obtain high yields without using as much expensive artificial fertiliser as elsewhere.

46. Usually Coprolites are animal manure and, between 1860 and 1890, were mined commercially in Cambridgeshire England and processed to be used as a fertiliser

47. Biosolids are commonly used as fertiliser and soil amendment in agriculture, but around 30% of the world's Biosolids resource is stockpiled or sent to …

48. For pot-grown Azaleas, including indoor Azaleas, replace the top layer of compost, or repot completely in spring and feed with an ericaceous fertiliser

49. Another is to superim - pose on the cereals the capacity possessed by beans , to ' fix ' gaseous nitrogen directly from the air and thus make their own fertiliser .

50. Fertiliser production, for instance, offers opportunity for Kuwaiti businessmen and investors wanting to safeguard their investments in these troubled times and earn a profitable return on such investments.

51. As you know, the plant of Jordan India Fertiliser Company Limited (JIFCO) was incorporated on 6th March 2008 and its produce mainly phosphoric acid which is going to be shipped back to India.

52. Another significant development, he noted, was the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Gujarat Narmada Fertiliser Company and the JPMC in March this year for setting up two phosphoric acid plants in Jordan.

53. This symbiosis enables the bacteria to take nitrogen gas from the atmosphere and convert it into nitrate and ammonia, which are absorbed and used by the plant in the same way as artificial fertiliser would be.

54. For the first time, the atlas provides pan-European data on soils, topography climate and land use; agricultural practices (nitrogen and manure fertiliser, nitrogen surplus); and information for estimating nutrient discharges from point sources and scattered dwellings.

55. The air introduced in finely divided form causes the composting process to act rapidly on the mass and to accelerate in aerobic conditions so that, after a fairly short time, compost is provided which can be used directly as an organic fertiliser.

56. — for Bunge: food and agribusiness company active in the purchase, storage and processing of grains and oilseeds, production and sale of sugar and bioenergy, edible oils and fats, creation of milled wheat, corn and rice products for consumers and the production, blend and distribution of fertiliser products for agriculture.

57. Asseverate ambarcaţiune pe pernă de aer denyingly ein Blatt Papier homine imperito nunquam quidquam injustius qui, nisi quod ipse fecit, nihil rectum putat Blockprüfzeichen (n.) dimenzije switch cabinet Gibbets special interest male eagle, tercel (male falcon used in falconry), nitrogenous fertiliser človek slučajno Japan nem ramo de

58. In addition, fertiliser is not applied, that is to say the plant is under conditions of water stress, and this, together with the highly alkaline soil, is the major reason for the increased proportion of sugars and total solids and more generally the constituents that provide taste and nutritional value;

59. Module A1 shall be used for a straight or compound solid inorganic macronutrient ammonium nitrate fertiliser of high nitrogen content, as specified in PFC 1(C)(I)(a)(i-ii)(A), and for a fertilising product blend as specified in PFC 7 containing 28 % or more by mass of nitrogen (N) from an EU fertilising product belonging to PFC 1(C)(I)(a)(i-ii)(A).

60. Such parts of his remains as were useless to the Anatomisers were to be ‘ composted’ into a fertiliser, for the purpose of nourishing the growth of an American elm, to be planted or set out in some rural public thoroughfare; that the weary wayfaring man might rest, and innocent children playfully sport beneath the shadow of the umbrageous branches, rendered luxuriant by his carcase.