Use "feminists" in a sentence

1. Welfare feminists vociferously supported protective legislation, and equality feminists vehemently opposed it.

2. Not even pro-choice liberal feminists.

3. How do second-wave western feminists see subjectivity?

4. But feminists often use quantitative methods as well.

5. Antimonarchists and feminists celebrate good news

6. Some feminists had attempted to politicize personal life.

7. 1 Some feminists had attempted to politicize personal life.

8. Chadors, Feminists, Terror: The Racial Politics of U.S

9. Publishers were afraid of feminists picketing the bookstores.

10. Narrative cinema, Mulvey concluded, is a dead loss for feminists.

11. Suffragettes were among the first feminists in Britain.

12. To many feminists, marriage is an inherently patriarchal institution.

13. Feminists who recognize this contradiction are pilloried for their pains.

14. Feminists for Life of New Zealand no longer exists.

15. Not all feminists were so enamoured with such tactics.

16. For feminists, therefore, the comfort they give is illusory.

17. 13 Many feminists claim that homophobia and ignorance are at the heart of people's refusal to label themselves as feminists, even though they agree with the tenets of feminism.

18. Feminists feministic fenniest finniest feminised Bemisting veiniest funniest bemists bemisted

19. But egalitarian feminists tend to play down the value of biological explanations.

20. Some of the Republican policies have left feminists dismayed and aghast.

21. To feminists she is a classic victim of the patriarchal society.

22. She modified her views so as to accommodate the objections of American feminists.

23. She appears in Feminists Who Changed America, 1963-1975 by Barbara J. Love.

24. Feminists in particular make much of the social disadvantage under which women suffer.

25. As feminists resist sexist language, so many speakers have resisted the alternative.

26. Many early feminists considered the family a trap that kept women in bondage.

27. For thirty years feminists have struggled to develop a positive imagery of the womb and ovaries.

28. Enhancing that contempt is the effort of feminists to emasculate the political order itself.

29. Atheological feminists seek to reveal new metaphors and symbols that reflect the equality of

30. But they did, with a fervour that would have amazed the feminists of their grandmothers' generation.

31. The Road to Wigan Pier's wanton polemics against effete intellectuals and strident feminists are suffused by homophobia.

32. 8 But liberal as she is,[] she sometimes impulsively says things that would shock Western feminists.

33. Environmentalists, feminists, and others of that ilk regularly try to drive shows like this off the air.

34. This inattention to politics allows even egalitarian feminists to adopt woman-centred arguments when dealing with cultural issues.

35. 17 Why did socialist feminists accuse us, at best, of being hedonistic female chauvinists, and at worst, Fascists?

36. But most feminists do not believe that abortion is merely the moral equivalent of a tonsillectomy.

37. The choice to abort one’s daughter just because she is a girl should be unthinkable by all feminists!

38. 27 The Road to Wigan Pier's wanton polemics against effete intellectuals and strident feminists are suffused by homophobia.

39. Although women supported the struggle for racial and class equality, Chicana feminists challenged the existing patterns of male-domination

40. Her verbal spontaneity ruffled far too many feathers even if it attracted admiration from thousands of radicals and feminists.

41. Secondly, I shall discuss textual analysis of the bible which has been carried out by feminists in recent years.

42. The polarity between biological and social explanations of subjectivity has been as controversial among western feminists as among psychologists.

43. All feminists, however, demand dignity and autonomy as self-evident truths in the finest tradition of Western social theory.

44. It would hearten the many feminists who crowded the church that night without contradicting the teachings of the magisterium.

45. Few contemporary feminists would consider the Bible sufficiently central to our oppression to be worthy of this sort of attack.

46. Bluh was the first American feminist to meet with the feminists of Ireland, England, the Netherlands, France, Italy and Spain

47. The contradictions are reflected in the political arguments - and political rows - between socialist feminists and the fledgling labour movement bureaucracy.

48. The leaders of the Women's March, arguably the most prominent feminists in the country, have some Chilling ideas and associations

49. White Women White Womening in Action and BropenScience: How an Unintended Clash with Intersectional Feminists Led to an Outrage Mob

50. The notion of rape culture was developed by second-wave feminists, primarily in the United States, beginning in the 1970s.

51. But cognitive theories' dominance within psychological discourse induces many feminists to recapitulate these theories, overlooking their subtler gender biases.

52. Feminists must pay attention to beliefs about male and female speech, because prejudice is often more powerful than fact.

53. Nevertheless, feminists recognize that women's exclusion from culture and language is an important aspect of their experiences of subordination.

54. Feminists such as Sarojini Naidu and Begum Rokeya promoted the emancipation of Indian women and their participation in national politics.

55. Psychoanalysis's incompatibility with many aspects of feminism has led contemporary western feminists to be selective in their use of it.

56. Sexism rarely manifests itself so grotesquely as in the cohabitation rule, and hostility to it among feminists is virtually unanimous.

57. 20 Sexism rarely manifests itself so grotesquely as in the cohabitation rule, and hostility to it among feminists is virtually unanimous.

58. Recognising this, some feminists have used the alternative strategy of deliberately playing with words rather than attempting straightforwardly to redefine them.

59. Androcentrism IN PRESCRIPTIVE GRAMMAR ridicule, to horror, but invariably the feminists' demand is viewed as an attempt to alter the English language

60. The Awoman absurdity is a desperate attempt to champion modern feminism – and should make feminists furious, as using such unintelligent arguments undermines their credibility

61. The majority of Women of Color, Afro-American and migrant women, on the other hand, became witnesses of the specific historical relationship of white feminists to racism.

62. In making the "intrusiveness" argument, Cameron is probably drawing on a dimly remembered era in Tory folk memory when feminists Bestrode the Earth

63. Right from abolitionists who worked against slave trade to human rights Activists who served for the humanitarian causes, feminists who uplifted the status of women in society to

64. Civil rights Activists protesting the segregation of African Americans, environmentalists fighting to save the planet and feminists working to secure women's rights all have one goal in common -

65. Another factor indicating that the progress made by women is a mixed blessing is the emphasis that many feminists put on what is primarily to their advantage.

66. The Cheongsam’s evolution from the baggier Manchu dress to the current form-fitting style can be attributed to the 1920s “natural curves” movement, where feminists advocated for celebrating women’s natural bodies

67. ‘So much of claimed rationality is in fact Androcentrism masquerading as value-free objective analysis.’ ‘Feminists criticize the misogyny of philosophers and the overt and covert sexism, Androcentrism, and related forms of male bias in philosophy.’

68. There has also been criticism from feminists within the movement about the use of scantily clad women in PETA's anti-fur campaigns and others, but as Norm Phelps notes, "Newkirk has been consistent in her response.

69. Bruce rightly Castigates feminists for championing women who kill their children, yet says nothing about their support for women who kill allegedly abusive male partners--a cause to which she herself lent her efforts on at least one dubious occasion

70. America is an acclaimed new nine-episode series on Hulu and FX that tracks how Archconservative Phyllis Schlafly led a grassroots movement to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) championed by 1970s second-wave feminists such as Gloria Steinem, Shirley Chisholm, Betty Friedan, and Bella Abzug

71. Definition: A male Chauvinist pig (MCP) was a term used in the late 1960s and early 1970s among some feminists for some men, usually men with some power (such as an employer or professor), who believed that men were superior and expressed that opinion freely in word and action.

72. Crossed has since put her energies into fighting for a consistent ethic of life as a founding member and past executive director of Consistent Life, a board member of Feminists for Life of New York, and a founding member and vice president for state chapter development of Democrats for Life.

73. ‘These women have been called the first generation of feminists in modern China, and they worked as Amahs in Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore.’ ‘I think of telling him that I would divorce the wife, send the kids to an orphanage, fire the amah, sell the apartment, and rent a flat in Sheung Wan.’

74. ‘These women have been called the first generation of feminists in modern China, and they worked as Amahs in Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore.’ ‘I think of telling him that I would divorce the wife, send the kids to an orphanage, fire the Amah, sell the apartment, and rent a flat in Sheung Wan.’

75. Academic Alice Echols, in her 1989 book Daring To Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America, 1967–1975, argued that the radical feminist Valerie Solanas, best known for her attempted murder of Andy Warhol in 1968, displayed an extreme level of misandry compared to other radical feminists of the time in her tract the SCUM Manifesto.

76. This is, of course, logically consistent with the decades old push of feminists to Androgenize women in the West and make them “equal” to men, a claim that has really become code for saying there’s nothing special about men and women, nothing besides their different reproductive organs that makes one inherently unique or distinct from the

77. This sort of thinking still gets a lot of play in American academe; it's a shame we Yanks aren't as relaxed as the French (I don't speak here of old-school French feminists, who are arguably among the worst offenders in the "Abiological" movement), who take female sexuality to be an advantage, even a weapon -- a worldview that's closer to the truth than the twisted gospel preached in American