Use "female genitals" in a sentence

1. That's a popular science book about the female genitals.

2. Mostly prostitutes, female runaways, half-eaten, genitals torn out.

3. The term Apotropaic genitals refers to instances in which exhibitions or representations of female or male genitals are deployed to fend off evil


5. What were the genitals made for?

6. Stabbed in the chest and genitals.

7. Chancroid causes ulcers, usually of the genitals

8. The 'Cockleshells' were instruments of torture attached to the genitals

9. A Breechclout was a garment designed to cover the genitals

10. Breechclout ABreechclout was a garment designed to cover the genitals

11.   Primary syphilis Chancre sores are most often found on the genitals

12. Not everybody keep their genitals in the same place, Captain.

13. Filterable virus infection cervix, vagina as well as outside genitals.

14. Posted in Diagrams, Women Tagged female anatomy, female body, female body diagram, female diagram, female health, female organs, …

15. So instead of helping to conceal the genitals, the Codpiece emphasized them.

16. some trying to cover their genitals, others too frightened to bother,

17. So instead of helping to conceal the genitals, the Codpiece emphasized them

18. She was found in her home, stabbed in the face, chest and genitals.

19. Primary syphilis causes painless sores (Chancres) on your genitals, rectum, tongue or lips

20. Of these, two had bipolar Chancres on their fingers and genitals resulting from sexual foreplay

21. 10 synonyms for Crotch: groin, lap, crutch, fork, fork, genital organ, genitalia, genitals, private parts

22. Absolved Female is European all-female team

23. Description Chancroid is an infection of the genitals that is caused by the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi

24. ( Woman ) It's helpful to be aware of your many erogenous zones, not just the genitals.

25. Condylomata lata or condyloma latum, is a cutaneous condition characterized by wart-like lesions on the genitals

26. Aphthae occasionally may affect other body tissues, including those of the GI tract and the external genitals

27. The middle finger represents the penis, while the two curled fingers on either side are the genitals.

28. Because truly is worth the genitals which you snivel originally not being able to let you crying!

29. Blowing The act of sucking a man's genitals in hopes of receiving a favor in return

30. In women, Chancres can develop on the outer genitals or on the inner part of the vagina

31. American Female

32. Female equivalent of comédien; Comedienne; a female comedian

33. Definition: female slave, Bondmaid Usage: a female slave, bonds-maid

34. In women, Chancres can develop on the outer genitals or on the inner part of the vagina

35. According to Eastern philosophy, the body has seven chakra points- energy centers- like the heart or genitals

36. At first, normally the disease is visible by lumps (myxomata) and puffiness around the head and genitals.

37. Coitus Female Nudity (369) Bare Breasts (341) Copulation (289) Nudity (268) Voyeur (252) Female Frontal Nudity (250) Scantily Clad Female (248) Female Full Frontal Nudity (240) Female Pubic Hair (239) Sex Scene (237) Voyeurism (237) Topless Female Nudity (230) Panties (216) Sex (212) Male Nudity (207) Female Rear Nudity (188) No Panties (187

38. Aficionada ( plural Aficionadas ) (rare) A devoted female admirer; a female aficionado

39. If female Dalai Lama come, then that female must be attractive.

40. 8 hours ago · A new Harvey Weinstein accuser claims she Bloodied his genitals while fighting back

41. In addition, cutting off, or removing, the genitals is looked upon as insurance of the child’s virginity and faithfulness.

42. Condyloma (plural: "Condylomata", from Greek “kondylōma” "knuckle") refers two types of infection of the genitals:

43. Copulation Bare Breasts (51) Coitus (45) Lust (45) Female Full Frontal Nudity (44) Female Nudity (43) Scantily Clad Female (43) Voyeur (43) Female Pubic Hair (42) Female Removes Her Clothes (42) Leg Spreading (42) Female Frontal Nudity (41) No Panties (41) Voyeurism (41) Fondling (40) Panties (40) White Panties (40) Female Rear Nudity (38

44. Swelling of limbs and genitals after injuries, diseases or surgery can be reduced and pain can be relieved.

45. German Female, Festival

46. In addition, the enzyme activity of high yield female plant, low yield female plant and acarpous female plant were compared.

47. Female emperor penguins.

48. "Cottontail" is a person who covers their genitals when sunbathing, hence a white streak about the hips

49. Androcentrism the tendency to neglect the female perspective or the female contribution, i.e

50. Androcentrism the tendency to neglect the female perspective or the female contribution, i.e

51. For a female she has one of the Blockiest heads of any female

52. Archegonium is the female sex organ, which produces female gametes mainly in cryptogams

53. In addition, the isozyme bands and enzyme activity of high yield female plant, low yield female plant and acarpous female plant were compared.

54. Synonyms for Ballocks include family jewels, balls, crown jewels, cullions, gonads, male genitalia, male genitals, male sex organ, nuts and rocks

55. Marchantia Archegonia (female) 4x

56. There's a female voice.

57. Anagrams – American Female Singers

58. Categories: Belches, Female Belches

59. Archegonia produce female gametes

60. Young, white, mother, female.

61. Female serial killers are often comfort killers, although not all comfort killers are female.

62. Female flowers without evident perianth; bracts of female flowers 3-lobed, lateral lobes inflexed.

63. By now , your baby 's genitals have fully developed , though they may still be difficult to detect on an ultrasound examination .

64. Female Centre “Struma” - Strumica

65. In total, data were collected from 139 informants: 61 Albanians (43 male, 18 female), 32 Bosniaks/Gorani (Bosniaks: 11 male, 7 female; Gorani: 10 male, 4 female) and 46 Turks (28 male, 18 female)

66. Chanteuse '(female) singer', a female singer, especially at a nightclub, bar, cabaret, or diner

67. Chancroid is a bacterial condition that causes open sores on or around the genitals. It’s a type of sexually transmitted infection (STI), …

68. 15 Powerful Female Comedic Monologues contains funny and edgy pieces for the comic female performer

69. Aviatrix Hat - Female Pilot Hat- Aviatrix Cap- Female Pilot Gift- Custom Hat- Aviatrix Gift RightUpYourAliDesign

70. Most Abductees report that they have a strange feeling in the genitals as if they were being manhandled by somebody very roughly

71. ( Man ) Frottage, or rubbing your genitals against your partners, can be a wonderfully stimulating twist on more traditional methods of masturbation.

72. Female Cabaret and jazz vocalists.

73. Biddy: a female domestic servant.

74. Straight;metasternallobesAttingent(male)orsubAttingent(female)

75. ‘the Antitype of female virtue’

76. Long live the female gendarmes.

77. Female flowers with evident perianth.

78. Prenatal Androgenized (PNA) female offspring

79. That indicates female copulatory vocalization.

80. We've got three female cats.