Use "felis domestica" in a sentence

1. Felis catus Areg VGNC:68018 VGNC

2. 2 synonyms for Catamountain: European wildcat, Felis silvestris

3. Bloodred Lasirus Elixir is made from the harvested blood of baby felis

4. The firebrat Thermobia domestica is an Apterygote species, phylogenetically related to winged insects

5. Her latest collection, Domestica, explores interior spaces and objects with an iconic touch.

6. Current Facts Costard apples are considered the second-oldest known English apple (Malus domestica)

7. Caracal is the common name of this cat while Felis Caracal is its scientific name

8. Bullace definition is - a European plum (Prunus domestica insititia) with small ovoid fruit in clusters.

9. Isospora felis and Isospora rivolta are the most common species of Coccidia in cats.

10. Klubben for den Hellige Birma - eneste specialklub i Danmark for racen under Felis Danica

11. The Bengal cat derives its name from the Latin name of its wild ancestor, Felis Bengalensis (Asian Leopard Cat).

12. They grow on the apple tree (Malus domestica), originally from Central Asia. Apples are high in …

13. Known in some places as the Persian Lynx or the Desert Lynx its scientific name is Felis Caracal.

14. Agita 10 WG is a new bait insecticide for the control of house flies (Musca domestica) in agricultural buildings (e.g

15. Caracal (Felis Caracal Schreber = Lynx Caracal, Caracal Caracal; Figure 1), also called “desert lynx” or “Persian lynx”; in Persian, sīāhgūš, lit

16. The cat specimen is large and closely resembles the African wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica), rather than present-day domestic cats.

17. A small, wingless insect (Thermobia domestica) related to the silverfish and inhabiting warm areas of buildings, as around furnaces or boilers.

18. Agita ™ is a water dispersible residual insecticidal bait formulation for the control of house flies (Musca domestica) in agricultural buildings (e.g

19. The true cats of the genus Felis have a different attachment of the larynx that robs them of this ability.

20. Plums are a group of stone fruit that apart from plums and gages ( Prunus domestica ) also includes damsons, mirabells and Bullaces ( P

21. Domestic cats (Felis catus) are considered to be Crepuscular because they’re most active during the hours of dawn and dusk (AKA low light hours)

22. Due to selective breeding, Abyssinians still retain most of its characteristics from its ancestor, the felis lybica, or otherwise known as the African wildcat.

23. Cougar definition, a large, tawny cat, Felis concolor, of North and South America: now greatly reduced in number and endangered in some areas

24. Very popular, Malus domestica 'Braeburn' is a culinary or dessert cultivar with a profusion of fragrant, pure white flowers in early to mid-season (mid spring)

25. The woman is lithe and graceful in its movement, especially the American variety (felis pugnans), is omnivorous and can be taught not to talk.

26. Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Bullace"): damson plum; damson plum tree; Prunus domestica insititia (plum tree long cultivated for its edible fruit)

27. European wildcat, Catamountain, Felis silvestris (noun) bushy-tailed wildcat of Europe that resembles the domestic cat and is regarded as the ancestor of the domestic cat How to pronounce Catamountain?

28. Malus domestica: Bibbing Artist: Passmore Deborah Griscom 1840-1911 Scientific name: Malus domestic Common name: Bibbing Variety: apples and Bibbing Geographic origin: Kent, Delaware, and United States Physical description: 1 art original : col

29. Abstract: The sensitivity of Acetylcholinesterases (AChEs) from Musca domestica and from Drosophila melanogaster to the phosphatidylinositol‐specific phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus and to the glycosylphosphatidylinositol‐specific phospholipase C from Trypanosoma brucei was investigated.B

30. Il gesto per chiedere aiuto in caso di violenza domestica si chiama “Signal For Help”, ed è un semplice gesto della mano per segnalare in modo silenzioso un abuso e chiedere aiuto, anche in presenza dell’Aggressore.

31. In this study, we report the analysis of the immune-related transcriptome from an Apterygote insect, the firebrat Thermobia domestica (Zygentoma, Lepismatidae), which currently emerges as a suitable model insect for evolutionary and developmental studies

32. That ain't f-ckin bizarre You ain't Artsier than me Cuz you live in Los Felis, bitch you ain't jesus You ain't Artsier than me I got a colorful vocab watch the low jab

33. They were developed by breeding an Asian leopard cat (Felis Bengalensis—which is where the name "Bengal" was derived) with a domestic house cat such as an Abyssinian, Egyptian mau, or

34. Although Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis (formerly known as Cryptosporidium parvum anthroponotic genotype or genotype 1) are the most prevalent species causing disease in humans, infections by Cryptosporidium felis, Cryptosporidium meleagridis, Cryptosporidium canis, and Cryptosporidium muris have also been reported.

35. Definition of Caracal : a long-legged reddish-brown nocturnal cat (Felis Caracal synonym Lynx Caracal) of savannas in Africa and parts of Asia that has long pointed ears with a tuft of black hairs at the tip Examples of Caracal in a Sentence

36. Catamountain: 1 n bushy-tailed wildcat of Europe that resembles the domestic cat and is regarded as the ancestor of the domestic cat Synonyms: European wildcat , Felis silvestris Type of: wildcat any small or medium-sized cat resembling the domestic cat and living in the wild

37. Bullace: 1 n small wild or half-domesticated Eurasian plum bearing small ovoid fruit in clusters Synonyms: Prunus insititia Types: Prunus domestica insititia , damson plum , damson plum tree plum tree long cultivated for its edible fruit Type of: plum , plum tree any of several trees producing edible oval fruit having a smooth skin and a

38. and undertake to replant the lots of land to be cleared, within # months, with fruit trees (in numbers or over a surface area equal to that of the plants cleared; and respecting the plant health provisions) of one or more of the following species (even if different from those cleared): actinidia (actinidia spp.), apricot (prunus armeniaca), sour cherry (prunus cerasus), sweet cherry (prunus avium), quince (cydonia oblonga), persimmon (diospyros kaki), apple (malus domestica), pear (pyrus communis), peach (prunus persica), plum (prunus domestica and prunus salicina); if, due to plant health provisions, it is not possible to replant the area with species susceptible to the disease found and, for reasons linked to the production specialisation of the holding, it is not possible to use one of the alternative species listed above, the subsidy is reduced to # %

39. An Apple is an edible fruit produced by an Apple tree (Malus domestica).Apple trees are cultivated worldwide and are the most widely grown species in the genus Malus.The tree originated in Central Asia, where its wild ancestor, Malus sieversii, is still found today.Apples have been grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe and were brought to North America by European colonists.

40. Condolev 安慰,哀悼(con共同+dole→共同的悲伤→哀悼) 52、dom=house,表示“屋,家” dome n 圆屋顶;大厦 domestica 家里的;国内的(dom+estic表形容词→家里的) 53、dorm=sleep,表示“睡眠” dormitory n 寝室,宿舍(dorm+itory表示场所) dormitive n 安眠的(dorm+itve)