Use "feinting" in a sentence

1. I decided to attempt disarranging the target troop in order to pull up a gap by feinting from a delusive direction in the manner of the wolf.

2. Barbarities of dress and speech, lapses in behavior-one horrible evening drunken Slothrop, Tantivy's guest at the Junior Athenaeum, got them both 86'd feinting with the beak of a stuffed owl after the jugular of DeCoverley Pox whilst Pox, at bay on a billiard table, attempted to ram a …

3. Operation Cockade was a series of deception operations designed to alleviate German pressure on Allied operations in Sicily and on the Soviets on the Eastern Front by feinting various attacks into Western Europe during World War II.The Allies hoped to use Cockade to force the Luftwaffe into a massive air battle with the Royal Air Force and U.S