Use "feel up to" in a sentence

1. I just didn't feel up to going.

2. He doesn't feel up to the task.

3. He doesn't feel up to the job.

4. He doesn't feel up to a long walk.

5. I don't really feel up to seeing anyone.

6. I don't feel up to going out tonight.

7. She didn't feel up to attending the party.

8. Do you feel up to taking a hike?

9. After the accident she didn't feel up to driving.

10. Are you sure you feel up to teaching today?

11. I don't feel up to going to work today.

12. I don't feel up to such a long journey.

13. I don't feel up to a long hike today.

14. I don't feel up to any more work today.

15. Do you feel up to the mark this morning?

16. I don't know if I feel up to working today.

17. I don't know if I feel up to studying this afternoon.

18. Do you feel up to it, or are you too tirde?

19. If you feel up to it, we could walk into town.

20. We could go on now if you feel up to it.

21. I'm exhausted. I feel up to going to Rob's barbecue tonight.

22. He did not feel up to braving the journalists at the airport.

23. If you feel up to it, we could walk into town after lunch.

24. I am so tired.I don't think I feel up to going shopping today.

25. We could go on with the work now if you feel up to it.

26. Or you catch a cold and you just do not feel up to it?

27. You don't need to go back to school if you don't feel up to it.

28. Do we have to go to the party? I really don't feel up to it.

29. It was a serious fall - it'll be a while before you feel up to walking again.