Use "febrile" in a sentence

1. She sang with febrile intensity.

2. 1 She sang with febrile intensity.

3. She's febrile and has peritoneal signs.

4. 2 He has a febrile imagination.

5. 2 She sang with febrile intensity.

6. 4 Nowak's face glittered with febrile urgency.

7. 7 Toxic doses can produce a febrile effect.

8. Febrile (warm) Agglutinins are active at normal body temperatures

9. A febrile response associated with the administration of blood.

10. 6 There's a febrile atmosphere round the world trade community.

11. The news plunged the nation into a febrile, agitated state.

12. There is a very small risk of febrile seizures after vaccination .

13. In the group investigated, febrile and afebrile grand mal attacks predominated.

14. 3 The news plunged the nation into a febrile, agitated state.

15. Anthropogenetic Variability in the Group of Individuals With Febrile Seizures

16. Antipyretics do not appear to prevent recurrence of febrile seizures

17. 30 This antipyretic action is usually rapid and effective in febrile patients.

18. Immunisation should be postponed in patients with febrile illness or acute infection.

19. Recommended Names on Drop Down List Seizure Seizure afebrile Seizure febrile

20. Anthropogenetic Variability in the Group of Individuals with Febrile Seizures: Population-Genetic Study

21. 10 He ran a febrile course with an average temperature of 39? ? C.

22. 11 The epidemic febrile diseases with warm-heat type are often seen in clinic. They are a kind of acute exopathic febrile diseases caused by pathogenic warm without damp.

23. Anthropogenetic Variability in the Group of Individuals with Febrile Seizures: Population-Genetic Study

24. Burn patients are febrile before there is sinificant bacterial colonization of born wound.

25. 25 Some children with acute pharyngitis complain of abdominal pain and are febrile.

26. 12 Burn patients are febrile before there is sinificant bacterial colonization of born wound.

27. Antonyms for Afebrile include febrile, fevered, feverish, pyretic, hot, overheated, agitated, furious, impassioned and incensed

28. 13 Relapsing fever is an acute febrile illness caused by spirochetes of the genus Borrelia.

29. Antipyretic agents have been used to lower febrile body temperature for well over two millennia

30. 19 What on earth, or in the heavens, went on in that febrile mind?

31. 5 Bacterial meningitis must always be considered in a febrile person with severe headache.

32. Febrile seizures are seizures or Convulsions that occur in young children and are triggered by fever

33. Diseases caused by Arboviruses include encephalitis, febrile diseases (sometimes with an associated rash), and hemorrhagic fevers

34. 8 The whole place exhaled the febrile bustle of the saloon on a holiday morning.

35. 27 The Aspergillus fumigatus genome was not detected in this group of surgical febrile patients.

36. Potential mild to moderate adverse effects include rash , fever , swollen cheeks , febrile seizures , and mild joint pain .

37. 9 How easy it has been in this febrile atmosphere to point the finger at miscreant journalists.

38. 20 OBJECTIVE To assess the clinical effectiveness of antibiotic combined therapy for febrile neutropenia an empirical treatment.

39. Anthropogenetic Variability in the Group of Individuals with Febrile Seizures: Population-Genetic Study Biomed Res Int

40. How easy it has been in this febrile atmosphere to point the finger at miscreant journalists.

41. 29 Objective To find the relationship between mutation of GABRG 2 and generalized epilepsy with febrile seizure plus.

42. Discussion Acute rheumatic fever is a multi-system febrile disease affecting connective tissue of the heart and joints.

43. Neurological problems found in patients with coronavirus infection include: febrile seizures, Convulsions, loss of consciousness, encephalomyelitis, and encephalitis

44. 26 Objective:To evaluate the significance of ultrasound in diagnosis of acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome(MCLS).

45. 23 Objective To analyze relationship between serum albumin level and TB febrile control with anti - TB treatment.

46. Acute Uncomplicated Febrile Illness in Children Aged 2-59 months in Zanzibar - Aetiologies, Antibiotic Treatment and Outcome PLoS One

47. 14 Febrile seizures in patients with psoriasis, psoriasis patients pregnant abdomen, lumbosacral position,( and is not cupping.

48. Chikungunya disease is characterized by acute transient febrile Arthralgic illness, but can also lead to chronic incapacitating arthralgia

49. In children treated with phenobarbital and Antipyretics, the febrile seizure recurrence rate was 5%, whereas in those receiving placebo and Antipyretics, the rate was 25%, suggesting that a single daily dose of phenobarbital is more effective than counseling parents about antipyretic therapy in preventing recurrent febrile seizures.

50. 16 Rat-bite fever is an acute febrile illness caused by two different organisms, Streptobacillus moniliformis and Spirillum minus.

51. The different Aetiologies of acute febrile illness are scrub typhus, malaria, enteric fever, dengue, leptospirosis and spotted fever [3]

52. 18 Filtered blood is widely used to treat recurrent non-haemolytic febrile reactions in patients who depend on regular blood transfusions.

53. 17 Conclusion: XNJI can effectively decrease febrile index and PGE cAMP in cerebrospinal fluid of rabbits with hyperpyrexia caused by RHFV.

54. There is a significant correlation between the occurrence of abnormal theta-rhythm and the later incidence of repeated febrile convulsions.

55. Aphthae is a clinical diagnosis that should be included in the differential of genital ulcers in the setting of febrile syndromes

56. • droplet precautions: gown, gloves, mask, eye protection when within 1 meter of patient; single room accommodation (e.g. for patients with febrile respiratory infection)

57. There was a febrile (up to 102° F.) response to the Atabrine instillation which gradually subsided over a 10-day period.

58. 15 Scrub typhus is an acute febrile illness. Severe complications of this disease have been very rare since the introduction of specific antibiotic therapy.

59. Sightseers is an absurd, febrile, populated by grotesque inadequates with the horror stemming from the characters' sheer Banality. This novel has many of the aspects of Banality, …

60. Epidemics of febrile disease with conjunctivitis are associated with waterborne transmission of some adenovirus types, often centering on inadequately chlorinated swimming pools and small lakes.

61. 22 Weber-Christian disease, which is a type of panniculitis, is a rare condition characterized by idiopathic inflammation of fatty tissue along with febrile status.

62. Adenovirus type 4 and type 7 live vaccine is used to prevent febrile (with fever) acute respiratory disease (ARD) caused by Adenovirus type 4 and type 7

63. Artemisinin is the active principle extract of Artemisia annua (Qinghao), a plant used for centuries in traditional Chinese herbal remedies for the treatment of febrile illness

64. 28 The cooperation of residents is good, house-to-house surveillance for febrile illness is continuing, and specimens have been taken from symptomatic persons and sent for testing.

65. Artemisinin Artemisinin is the active principle extract of Artemisia annua (Qinghao), a plant used for centuries in traditional Chinese herbal remedies for the treatment of febrile illness

66. 24 In my thesis, I connect and contrast tow therapeutic methods in"Treatise on Febrile Disease", inducing diaphoresis and inducing diuresis, and then draw readers'attention to the concept of balance.

67. The eastern German city of Chemnitz was gripped by a febrile atmosphere on Monday night as several thousand people took to the streets to demand foreigners leave Germany

68. 21 Methods: The antipyretic effect of XNJI and its influence on central febrile medium were observed in rabbit model of hyperpyrexia caused by rabbit hemorrhagic fever virus(RHFV).

69. Concentrations of prostaglandins of the E and F series were estimated by radioimmunoassay in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 30 febrile patients (infants and adults) and of 19 afebrile, adult patients.

70. Convulsions are a feature of EPILEPSY but may occur in high fever (FEBRILE CONVULSIONS), brain tumour, ENCEPHALITIS, head injury, stroke and various kinds of poisoning. Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M

71. The American Academy of Pediatrics notes: “Fevers under 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 degrees Celsius) generally do not need to be treated unless your child is uncomfortable or has a history of febrile convulsions.

72. Afebrile ('a' means without, not having) is a normal temperature or under normal temperature? I know 98.6 is the normal temperature for most people, but when does it get abnormal/febrile? 99.0? 99.1? 101? Ugh

73. Bland et al(3) used seroconversion or a significant rise in antibody titre as the gold standard to assess both IgM serology and serum PCR in the diagnosis of acute HHV-6 infection causing febrile illness in the pediatric population.

74. Some adults and older children may develop "glandular fever", the so-called Cytomegalic Mononucleosis consisting of a febrile illness of 3-6 weeks duration with lymphocytosis, abnormal lymphocytes but negative Paul-Bunnell test and absence of sore throat and lymphadenitis

75. Nervous system disorders Not known: afebrile convulsions or seizures, ataxia, dizziness, encephalitis (see below), encephalopathy (see below), febrile convulsion (in children), Guillain-Barre syndrome, headache, measles inclusion body encephalitis (MIBE) (see section #), ocular palsies, optic neuritis, paraesthesia, polyneuritis, polyneuropathy, retrobulbar neuritis, syncope

76. YF evolves though a spectrum of three periods of illness, from a non-specific febrile illness with head-ache, malaise, weakness, nausea and vomiting, through a brief period of remission, to a hemorrhagic fever with gastroin testinal tract bleeding and hematemesis, jaundice, hemorrhage, cardiovascular instability, albuminuria, oliguria and myocarditis.

77. JERRY ta2 = perjury JERRY ta3 = joyrider LEIBER tp = belier LEIBER ta1 = beliers, febrile, libeler LEIBER ta2 = believer, Bluesier, reliable MIKE ta1= kelim, talked, minke MIKE ta2 = kinema, kismet, milked STOLLER tp = toilers STOLLER ta1 = pollster, strolled, trolleys STOLLER ta2 = forestall, polluters, steamroll HILL AND RANGE td2 = rehandling HILL RANGE ta2 = bethralling, enthralling

78. Common causes of Childhood seizures or epilepsy include fever (these are called febrile seizures) genetic causes head injury infections of the brain and its coverings lack of oxygen to the brain hydrocephalus (excess water in the brain cavities) disorders of brain development Most seizures in Childhood are not associated with a definite