Use "fawner" in a sentence

1. Another word for Bootlicker: crawler, fawner, spaniel, lackey, sycophant Collins English Thesaurus

2. 5 synonyms for Bootlicker: apple polisher, fawner, groveler, groveller, truckler

3. Synonyms for Bootlicker include crawler, creep, fawner, flatterer, lickspittle, suck-up, sycophant, toady, apple-polisher and brown-nose

4. Bootlicker - someone who humbles himself as a sign of respect; who behaves as if he had no self-respect apple polisher, fawner, groveler, groveller, truckler crawler, sycophant, toady, lackey - a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage

5. ‘I probably could have gotten away with it for a while, but I got ratted on by some Bootlicker at work who spotted me at this junkyard.’ Synonyms sycophant , obsequious person, toady, fawner, flatterer, creep, crawler, lickspittle, truckler, groveller, doormat, kowtower, spaniel, Uriah Heep

6. Asseverate in a word, to sum up, to sum it all up in one sentence bearing rigidity nutritive salts karkotus a restabili zero of a measuring instrument aurea mediocritas (or, auream mediocritatem) galvánúton bevont servis hunger /leanness fawner neli oxygen mask opposed characters tottemairu driving away Euler nyetanthes Korrektor (n