Use "fasts" in a sentence

1. All members of the religious community keep these fasts.

2. Chinese official visiting Salt Lake City fasts and donates to the Church welfare program, 75

3. These six days of fasting together with the Ramadan fasts, are equivalent to fasting all year round.

4. While modern-day Cleanses such as juice fasts or elimination diets abound, an Ayurvedic cleanse is anything but modern

5. As almost everyone except himself perfectly understood, these fasts were a ruthless exploitation of the power of his own sanctity.

6. To some, fasting means total abstinence from food and water for a fixed period of time, while others take liquids during their fasts.

7. The Germans have always been goofy about health cures — Affusions, colonics, fasts — and they want a setting that matches the rigor of the treatment

8. Ord i nærheden kræve stille Betingelser stille fordringer til fastsætte vilkår forbeholde nogen noget gøre fordring på vis mere

9. He worships in them , worships the idol , makes presents to it , recites many hymns and prayers , fasts , and gives alms to the Brahmans , the priests , and others .

10. One says that you have special almanacks printed where you double the ember days and vigils so that you may profit by the fasts to which you bind all your house.

11. A woman whose mother was a Christian Scientist recalls the Belabored feeding her family undertook to maintain their health: fasts, cleanses, fermentation and raw food, hydrogen peroxide from the bottle, apple-cider vinegar, barley grass.

12. Charles was temperate in eating, and particularly so in drinking, for he Abominated drunkenness in anybody, much more in himself and those of his household; but he could not easily abstain from food, and often complained that fasts injured his health

13. Fasting is primarily the act of willingly Abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time.A fast may be total or partial concerning that from which one fasts, and may be prolonged or intermittent as to the period of fasting

14. Appetizing is especially alive on Yom Kippur, when families break their fasts with light and easy-to-prepare foods like bagels, lox, cream cheese, and babka.On this day of atonement and repenting, no food or drink is consumed for 25 hours, and all work is prohibited.

15. • The Noble Messenger (s) said: “Whoever Backbites a Muslim spoils his fasts and breaks his wudu', and shall come on the Day of Resurrection with his mouth's stench more putrid than a carcass', and it shall irk those who are with him in his station (mawqif)

16. The Russian Orthodox typicon provides for different types of Bell ringing.Different ringing is used on different days (on working days, on Sunday, on holy days, during fasts, Lent, Easter etc.) Different ringing is required for different services (for morning service, service for the dead, Liturgy, etc.).These differences are accomplished by ringing particular bells in particular ways.

17. The “seventy years” of observing fasts could not have begun after the first deportation of the Jews by the Babylonians in the year 617 B.C.E., for that would have been about nine years before King Nebuchadnezzar began the final siege of Jerusalem and also about eleven years before the breaching of the walls of the city (on Tammuz 9) and the destruction of the city (on Ab 10) and the assassination of Governor Gedaliah in the seventh month (Tishri), these mournful events being observed by the fast periods.