Use "fascists" in a sentence

1. I sold communist-made bullets to fascists.

2. The fascists were coming eastwards swiftly, they said.

3. He reckons all policemen are fascists and bullies.

4. My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain.

5. 16 My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain.

6. Zoya heroically bore the torture that the Fascists inflicted upon her.

7. Fascists and Antifascists compete in the streets and in the media

8. The Fascists regained power on 1 April 1944 but kept neutrality intact.

9. Libya had been pacified under the fascists and was undergoing Italian settlement.

10. Synonyms for Absolutists include authoritarians, dictators, totalitarians, tyrants, arbiters, autocrats, despots, control freaks, fascists and caesars

11. Indeed, Antifascists and fascists have one thing in common: an illiberal disdain for the confines of mainstream politics

12. The fascists were nationalists, rooted in nation-states and devoted to the strengthening and aggrandizement of those states.

13. 17 Why did socialist feminists accuse us, at best, of being hedonistic female chauvinists, and at worst, Fascists?

14. Collaborationists those who collaborated with the fascist invaders in the countries that the fascists occupied during World War II

15. Facebook Fascists Disable All Commenting on New “Patriot Party” Page — They Don’t Want Alternative Party to Replace the Modern Day GOP Bootlickers

16. Frustrated by England's repressive atmosphere—which she called "more fascist than the fascists"—she returned to Canada in 1939.

17. Blackshirt, member of any of the armed squads of Italian Fascists under Benito Mussolini, who wore black shirts as part of their uniform

18. Culture Blackshirt was the name people gave to any member of the British Union of Fascists, a political party started by Oswald Mosley in 1932

19. Anarchists have disagreed amongst ourselves as to when, for example, state violence may be met with violence, or when it is permissible to attack fascists, white supremacists, and Nazis physically.

20. But his team is increasingly adopting the narratives of Autocracy: The President is railing against left-wing "fascists" and warning in racially charged tones of mob violence in US suburbs -- the

21. The Nazis and the Communists are ideological bedfellows, not polar opposites, and many Fascists and many went back and forth between fascism and Marxism as was the case, for instance, with Mussolini.

22. Republican senators condemned as "Cowards and fascists" after Senate acquits Trump Seven GOP senators vote to convict the former president — but 43 don't, and are blasted for cowardice

23. The whole record of Bolshevism and Jewishness strongly indicates that Bolsheviks, like Fascists, used gullible and deluded Jews, the minority of Jews to be sure, to dig their own graves, sign

24. And yet, the left constantly accuses the right of not only being Authoritarians, but also fascists, Nazis, tyrants, religious zealots, and any other name that describes the most extreme kind of authoritarianism.

25. And yet, the left constantly accuses the right of not only being Authoritarians, but also fascists, Nazis, tyrants, religious zealots, and any other name that describes the most extreme kind of authoritarianism.

26. [Verse 3] All you racists, fascists, nihilists and Bigots I'm callin' you out, my friend I've felt your hurt, drank your fear Your actions will not stand Get on your knees, bend to pray Look at me

27. The clergy who supported the Fascists and the Nazis are also bloodguilty on account of the Witnesses of Jehovah, and others, who were executed or who died in concentration camps. —Jeremiah 2:34; Revelation 18:3, 24.

28. Hence, it is interesting to read the following admissions: “When Fascists were on the march in Italy,” said the review, “the Vatican’s main concern was to retain the allegiance of the young to the church-controlled Catholic Action movement.

29. Braunschweig’s Antifa, for example, printed a twelve-point program demanding, among other things, the removal of Nazis from all administrative bodies and their immediate replacement with “competent Antifascists,” liquidation of Nazi assets to provide for war victims, emergency laws to prosecute local fascists, and the reestablishment of

30. The Blackshirt was a weekly, then monthly, newspaper published by the BUF during the period 1933-1939.The Blackshirt served to complement Action, targeting card-carrying members of the party.From 1st June 1934, it incorporated the short-lived periodical Fascist Week under the banner "The official organ of the British Union of Fascists."

31. The Devil's Chessboard is 617 pages of which many are focused on the charm and dark sanctions of reiterative events surrounding Nixon, Dewey, the Dulles brothers, Drew Pearson (columnist), the torture and Butcherings of Jews by fascists, Adolph Hitler's emergence, Romania's Iron Guard atrocities, Walter Winchell's expose column, the act(s) of malfeasance by Eisenhower officials, defining