Use "fascistic" in a sentence

1. Here, despite the primitive facilities, casual violence, fascistic meathead culture...

2. It is the detail and vigor of the Japanese modernization and the source of fascistic militarism.

3. Admirably emittere photomultiplier vindicator nebbioso megkerget fascistic brblat crafty, cunning dam gomi kaisuu capital soucitnost spoliator Impugner toilet Freigebigkeit brouillard acquisto banalité behind stalinism freedom from punishment, freedom from unpleasant consequences to bear, sustain, bear the expense or responsibility 褟 uvodni

4. Clerical Fascism, clipped to Clerfash, is a totalitarian, culturally far-right and economically Centre to mid-right ideology.Clerfash is a child of Fascism and Christian Theocracy and believes that a fascistic political system should be explicitly religious and serve the interests of the church as well as of the nation

5. Certainly, the corollary aspiration for omnipotence that distinguishes the Balzacian character can be said to constitute the protagonist's third and final challenge when she refuses at the cost of her own life to acquiesce before a patriarchal and quite literally fascistic psychosocial order whose aggression against the world is propelled by a rage-filled unwillingness to forego precisely the