Use "fascist" in a sentence

1. He is a closet Fascist.

2. He hardly deserves the epithet 'fascist'.

3. I suspect he's a closet fascist.

4. That paper's nothing but a fascist rag.

5. My last boss was a real fascist.

6. The strikers were roughed up by the fascist cops.

7. The German government has outlawed some fascist groups.

8. My children have occasionally accused me of being a fascist.

9. The ill - doings of the fascist chieftain redounded upon himself.

10. 12 In Italy, Jehovah’s Witnesses were bitterly persecuted by Mussolini’s fascist regime.

11. We are at the threshold of a fascist authoritarian takeover

12. You were the Fascist secretary, and you were his deputy.

13. Jiang Qing said: " Deng Xiaoping is a quisling and a fascist! "

14. Confronting Fascist Entryism: Bioregionalism, Left-Hand Path, and the Brooklyn Commons

15. 21 The fascist soldier thrust his bayonet into the man's body.

16. According to Payne (1996), " Fascist government passed through several relatively distinct phases".

17. Does this man look like he's ceding czechoslovakia to a fascist dictatorship?

18. The Fascist government had direct rule only over the Benadir territory.

19. 21 The ill - doings of the fascist chieftain redounded upon himself.

20. The period of Fascist rule is one people try to forget.

21. 22 The ill - doings of the fascist chieftain redounded upon himself.

22. Blackshirt definition is - a member of a fascist organization having a black shirt as a distinctive part of its uniform; especially : a member of the Italian Fascist party.

23. Giovanni was alleged to be the front man for a fascist movement.

24. Instead, Antifascists have worked to root out fascist infiltration and “entryism” that seeks to pass as the merger of left and right, while also militantly opposing fascist marches and meetings

25. He has been called a fascist, a heretic and shenjingbing , a lunatic.

26. Synonyms for Corporatist include fascist, authoritarian, autocrat, dictator, tyrant, absolutist, despot, totalitarian, blackshirt and militarist

27. Principal Gibbons is a homophobe, which is why I called him a fascist.

28. Hecklers repeatedly disrupted Duke's news conference, calling him a liar and a fascist.

29. Authoritarianism refers to a general orientation of individuals toward being antidemocratic, prejudiced, and fascist

30. It had a fascist government, closely aligned with Benito Mussolini's regime, but remained neutral.

31. Benito Mussolini , Dictator of Italy forced to resign and the Fascist regime was abolished.

32. They could be communist, they could be liberal, they could be fascist or Islamic.

33. About 700 attended, including many of those who had lived through the Fascist persecution.

34. 28 The fall of the fascist dictatorship was followed by a left-wing backlash.

35. God save the queen the fascist regime they made you a moron a potential H-bomb !

36. The hope ended when in 1940 the Congress refused to support the anti - fascist war .

37. Benito Mussolini , Dictator of Italy was forced to resign and the Fascist regime was abolished.

38. Mussolini's bid for a Fascist revival plunged Italy into the horrors of civil war.

39. But using LGBT issues as a promotional for promoting a fascist mentality Bastardises the movement

40. Remember, we were living under a Fascist, Catholic dictatorship, and our preaching work was prohibited.

41. I' # tell our party secretary you won' t Let me go to the Fascist exercises!

42. Flatters flatters Fascist the American daddy is you kills and torches, robs in all directions backer!

43. Some measure of such societal Corporatism, argued Schmitter, far from being fascist, was an ordinary form ofin­

44. Western and fascist intelligence agencies generally referred to all of these organizations as the "Münzenberg Trust".

45. The post-armistice period saw the rise of a large anti-fascist resistance movement, the Resistenza.

46. Tentatively he supported the semi-fascist Lapua movement, which requested radical measures against the political Left.

47. Utah Antifascists and Savantifa exposed David Hansen, an Antisemite, neo-Nazi, and self-described “fascist” in Arizona

48. At that time, a Fascist group called the Blackshirts was active and was violently opposed to Communism.

49. There, he consistently highlighted the dangers of fascist regimes in Europe and the need for "proletarian humanism".

50. 22 Flatters flatters Fascist the American daddy is you kills and torches, robs in all directions backer!

51. Under Catholic Fascist regimes in Italy, Spain, and Portugal, they had to withstand persecution even longer.

52. The Fascist regime that ruled in Italy between 1922 and 1943 had its showcase in Rome.

53. He often praised patriotism, not always a common feeling in Italy because of its abuse by the fascist regime.

54. The world revolutionary united front, with the Soviet Union at its head, defeated fascist Germany, Italy and Japan.

55. Frustrated by England's repressive atmosphere—which she called "more fascist than the fascists"—she returned to Canada in 1939.

56. It contains 50 posters that could have existed during the Metaxas dictatorship in Greece (1936-1941), a quasi-fascist regime Bynamed …

57. Collaborationists those who collaborated with the fascist invaders in the countries that the fascists occupied during World War II

58. It has been organized by Communist revanchists, Fascist leaders, a part of former deputies, the representatives of the Soviets.

59. Carte Blanche is the first novel of a trilogy set in Northern Italy at the end of the Fascist era

60. Internal migrations under the Fascist regime also sent many Venetian speakers to other regions of Italy, like southern Lazio.

61. Blackshirt (plural Blackshirts) ( historical , chiefly in the plural ) A uniformed member of a paramilitary wing of the Italian Fascist Party

62. The Italian victory coincided with the zenith of the popularity of dictator Benito Mussolini and the Fascist regime at home and abroad.

63. The author of Le blog Boukornine added the adjective “Fascist” to the term “Banana Republic” to describe the “new Tunisia.”

64. On 8 September 1943, Fascist Italy capitulated to the Allies, leaving their occupation zone in Yugoslavia open to the Partisans.

65. Aerials being similar to many songs by System of A Down is speaking ill of the government and its fascist ways

66. On the other hand, the book's strong evocation of Italian nationalism and patriotism also made it very welcome in Fascist Italy.

67. “In Croatia,” reports The New Encyclopædia Britannica, “the indigenous fascist regime set about a policy of ‘racial purification’ that went beyond even Nazi practices. . . .

68. Antifascists is ranked 51,708 th in the world and 1 st in Fascist for Most Pacifist, with 97.07 Cheeks Turned Per Day

69. Meanwhile, a small separatist Flemish movement had emerged; the Germans had supported it during the war, and in the 1930s it turned fascist.

70. A South Carolina man Bragged in a group text chat that he disguised himself as an anti-fascist, or antifa, activist during the Jan

71. This paramilitary would come to be known informally as the “Brownshirts” as they were clad in brown uniforms similar to the fascist “Blackshirts” of Italy.

72. National Bolshevism, also known as Nazbolism or Nazbol, is a neo-fascist and Third positionist ideology that somehow combines far-right and far-left positions.

73. Hi, everyone, and welcome to the new website for We Antifascists, a hub for information, news, and perspectives on anti-fascism and anti-fascist perspectives

74. The organization has a history of engaging in violent rhetoric and physical Altercations with members of antifa, a loosely organized collective of anti-fascist protesters

75. Mumford & Sons Banjoist Winston Marshall says he’s “taking time away from the band” after praising a right-wing author known for his coverage of anti-fascist groups.

76. Instead, we are now "engaged" and abjectly dependent upon this fascist beast for so many or our essentials and for the support of our currency and fiscal recklessness.

77. To assert that 'Corporatist' = 'fascist' because of one of scores of threads of meaning of the term 'Corporatist' can be associated with Italian fascism is to legitimize the Tea Bagger claim that Obama is a fascist socialist communist Kenyan Muslim— precisely because each of those adjectives can also be tied, with the same validity as your

78. The Estado Novo (Portuguese pronunciation: , "New State"), or the Second Republic, was the corporatist authoritarian regime installed in Portugal in 1933, which was considered clerical fascist.

79. Extreme-right and post-fascist parties, whose rising popularity caused alarm across Western Europe a few years ago, seem to be fading from the electoral scene.

80. The death of anti-fascist activist Blair Peach during a protest in 1979 has always been a cause celebre for campaigners against police use of excessive force.