Use "farads" in a sentence

1. C = refers to the Capacitance that we measure in farads

2. Don't forget to take 1 over this number to get that the equivalent capacitance is 6. 75 farads.

3. We plug- in six farads an eight volts, and we get that the charge on the six farad capacitor is 48 coulombs.

4. Besides, the Capacitance is the measure of a capacitor’s capability to store a charge that we measure in farads; also, a capacitor with a larger Capacitance will store more charge

5. The time constant of a resistance - Capacitance circuit is: T = R X C where T = time in seconds where R = resistance in ohms where C = Capacitance in farads The time in this formula is the time to acquire 63% of the voltage value of the source