Use "far-out" in a sentence

1. He doesn't like to work far out.

2. The issue was blown far out of proportion.

3. There has never been hijackings so far out before.

4. The knight cast the sword far out into the lake.

5. Far out to sea lies the gannet colony of Grassholm.

6. A sea mist far out kept the lighthouse foghorn blaring.

7. 28 A sea mist far out kept the lighthouse foghorn blaring.

8. We will each have a toffee nut caramel soy far-out frappe.

9. Most guys he met thought this was too far out, positively antediluvian.

10. Fantasies cannot harm you, no matter how bizarre or far out they are.

11. Has he gone too far out of bounds to get back on course?

12. This field extends far out into space and converges at each of the earth’s poles.

13. Animating a simple rat is one thing, but a human is still far out of reach.

14. 22 The other passengers drew back from the dishevelled river dwellers, so far out of their element.

15. Thus the sphere of influence of Tyneside spreads far out into the surrounding countryside and along the coast.

16. " How far out would I need to jump from this bridge so I wouldn't land on that fence? "

17. When you're on a boat far out at sea, with no land in sight, there's water all Around you.

18. I saw what he was looking at; a light, far out towards the horizon, tossing with the tossing sea.

19. Galston stated: “I had always associated acupuncture in my mind —as most Americans do— with a far-out, charlatan procedure.”

20. How far out into space was a question of Cosmology, and the answer might depend on which cosmological model was used

21. Such robots can place hundreds of thousands of components per hour, far out-performing a human in speed, accuracy, and reliability.

22. Matthew 14:24 Meanwhile the boat was far out on the Lake, Buffetedand tossed by the waves, the wind being adverse.

23. Matthew 14:24 - Meanwhile the boat was far out on the Lake, Buffeted and tossed by the waves, the wind being adverse.

24. The Motorized XL Awning is identical to our regular Motorized Awning except for how far out from your home it projects when fully extended

25. Buffeted (4 Occurrences) Matthew 14:24 Meanwhile the boat was far out on the Lake, Buffeted and tossed by the waves, the wind being adverse

26. Leaving aside rhetoric and renewables — both things which British climate discussions might be said to overemphasise — even UKIP isn't that far out of the consensus.

27. Much of the island is wild, covered by dense shrubs called maquis, whose flowers produce a fragrance that carries far out to sea and has earned for Corsica the name the scented isle.

28. Whatever the case, whales’ “noses”, or Blowholes, are on the top of their heads, so that they can just barely break the surface to breathe without rising too far out of the water.

29. "That 's the worst of living so far out , " bawled Mr. White , with sudden and unlooked-for violence ; " of all the beastly , slushy , out-of-the-way places to live in , this is the worst .

30. Ambassadors from Earth reminds us that our first mad scrambles to reach orbit, the moon, and the planets were littered with enough histrionics and cliff-hanging turmoil to rival the most far-out sci-fi film

31. Unless there’s a hunter in your family, you’d have to go pretty far out into the state to find Burgoo made with squirrel, rabbit or other game nowadays, but it is a common enough restaurant dish, almost always made with chicken and pork

32. Davis' Correlations sounds a bit more modern than Yao Smith Hughes' The Gates, but not so far out you can't recognize its antecedents in the sounds of bands such as The Jazz Messengers, a quintessential fount of bebop and hard bop of which Davis was a member in its final incarnation