Use "fanned" in a sentence

1. He fanned the fire.

2. The breeze fanned our faces.

3. Strong winds fanned the blaze.

4. Strong winds fanned the fire.

5. He fanned the dog out.

6. Winds fanned the flames.

7. The peacock fanned out its tail.

8. A warm breeze fanned her cheeks.

9. Her resistance only fanned his desire.

10. The fire fanned out in all directions.

11. The troops fanned out as they advanced.

12. The soldiers fanned out across the hillside.

13. Fanned by the wind, they advanced furiously.

14. She fanned her face with a newspaper.

15. She fanned her face with a paper.

16. He fanned out the cards in his hand.

17. His speeches fanned the flames of racial tension.

18. 25 Our troops fanned out across the fields.

19. A search party fanned the countryside.

20. A fire that no one fanned will consume him;

21. Hope, whose spur fanned your ardor into flame.

22. You're always blowing'your stacks over some guy that fanned.

23. He fanned himself with a newspaper to cool down.

24. 3 The peacock fanned out its tail.

25. His writings fanned the flames of racism.

26. Our troops fanned out across the fields.

27. Fanned fires and forced love never did well yet. 

28. He fanned his search party out across the hills.

29. The police fanned out to surround the house.

30. She fanned out the cards in her hand.

31. Her wild behaviour merely fanned the flames of his jealousy.

32. He fanned the cards in his hand before playing.

33. Shinto, which fanned the war fervor and promised victory, disappointed the people.

34. The railway fanned out from Moscow to all points of the compass.

35. The newspapers deliberately fanned the public's fears of losing their jobs.

36. Boas’s graduate students, Columbia colleagues, and hired assistants soon fanned out across the city

37. 22 The library was heated by warm air fanned through a grille.

38. 14 Slowly the network fanned out, a loose, far-flung affiliation of daredevils and mavericks.

39. Searchers fanned out over the area where the missing child was last seen.

40. With white plumage gleaming, terns hover, tails fanned, slim red beaks pointing down towards the water.

41. 6 Through the centuries, certain rulers have fanned the flames of divisive international strife.

42. Slowly the network fanned out, a loose, far-flung affiliation of daredevils and mavericks.

43. 30 Meanwhile, Spong, who fanned the flames of the debate in 1988 when he ordained the Rev.

44. Attractive young women fanned him as he simultaneously read, wrote, waved an axe and held a flower aloft.

45. Refractive production of a concentrically fanned structured bundle of light beams, optical measuring device with refractive deflection element

46. The troopers then fanned out to disarm the blacks; two blacks were shot and two bayoneted in the process.

47. It created an odd effect, because, as he shook his head, he still fanned himself with his straw hat.

48. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, enlightened despotism, secularism, nationalism and liberalism had all fanned the flames.

49. Folly fanned her anger like a flame, trying desperately to burn out the suspicions that crowded into her mind.

50. Worldwide, winds of intolerance are blowing strongly, fanned by such things as racial and ethnic prejudice, nationalism, tribalism, and religious extremism.

51. The coals under the ashes on the dark hearth she fanned to life until a cheerful fire was burning.

52. Its flat summit commanded a view of the Plain of Esdraelon, some 1,300 feet (400 m) below, which fanned out to the southwest.

53. Rumors swirled through the marketplace, fanned by a television report, that Fidelity had put pressure on Mr Vinik to resign.

54. In the distance to the east, our cliff top fanned out into an arid square mile of Indian grass, prickly pear, and more sage.

55. Buteos (red-tailed, red-shouldered, broad-winged and rough-legged hawks) have stocky bodies, broad rounded wings, and short fanned tails

56. But this Blatantly sterile narcissism, especially when fanned by massive and intrusive media coverage, is psychologically damaging to the celebrities themselves.

57. The playful name is perfect for a bill of fare that included medallions of grilled pork tenderloin fanned out across a bowl of fried rice

58. Having skirted the mire itself without success, the search-party fanned out to cover a wider area(sentence dictionary), calling Horatia's name.

59. 16 In the distance to the east, our cliff top fanned out into an arid square mile of Indian grass, prickly pear, and more sage.

60. The Athabaskans were the ancestors of the modern Navajo and Apache peoples, and they fanned out across the region in smaller bands after their initial arrival.

61. The flames were fanned further when in an unrelated incident, a Malay soldier ran amok in a predominantly Chinese area, killing one and injuring another two.

62. The effort to demonize dairy as fundamentally Cruel has been fanned by undercover farm footage taken by groups like Animal Outlook that often are widely viewed on social media.

63. A strong breeze soon fanned the spark into a flame, and the eaglets , as yet unfledged and helpless, were roasted in their nest and dropped down dead at the bottom of the tree.

64. Aptly definition, in a manner that is suited to the purpose or occasion; appropriately: Known for its distinctive fanned tail and energetic flying antics, the Aptly named fantail is one of the most common native birds of New Zealand

65. The protests were fanned by public letters to Ne Win by former second in command General Brigadier Aung Gyi from July 1987, reminding him of the 1967 rice riots and condemning lack of economic reform, describing Burma as "almost a joke" compared to other Southeast Asian nations.