Use "fan fiction" in a sentence

1. I just want to focus on my Star Trek fan fiction.

2. Like much of our best contemporary fiction, Profiles in Courageousness began life as Twilight fan fiction

3. The movie is based on the 'After' series, which originally started out as One Direction fan fiction on an app called Wattpad

4. These sites gave Bronies a space to share fan art, fan fiction, music, and stories, all of which helped instill a sense of Brony community.

5. When I first heard of/picked up After and saw that it was originally 1direction fan-fiction I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life.

6. At the very least, these Archons will make cool villains in your next D & D Campaign, Cthulhu fan fiction, or jail cell story after your latest political protest

7. Hello, my name is Aetheling, and this is a website! I write RWBY fan fiction, though other series I'm a big fan of include: Samurai Jack, Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, and Star Trek

8. ‘I hope it is, because otherwise, Aargh, where to start?’ ‘There is an important difference in status between fan fiction and canon, but I can't quite figure it out… Aargh.’ ‘Our loss: £200,000 and counting