Use "famously" in a sentence

1. We got along famously.

2. The two children got on famously.

3. He was a famously peppery lawyer.

4. Dorothy and Amelia got on famously.

5. Papa Wemba, the famously dapper Congolese …

6. The Lords are a famously rum bunch.

7. How to use fAmously in a sentence.

8. FAmously definition is - in a celebrated manner

9. Marshall McLuhan famously said "We shape our tools.

10. Because bras are famously made of flammable material.

11. In 2003, Jillian Clarke famously investigated this question.

12. These men all Berated chair umpires, famously so

13. They spoke with me and we got on famously.

14. As Churchill famously put it, “Keep Buggering on” (KBO)

15. Aubergines are famously oil guzzlers so the flour coating …

16. His brother is doing famously in his new job.

17. He's designed dresses for many celebrities, most famously the Queen.

18. Ananda famously does not have a sign on the building

19. Frederick Douglass famously recommended this tactic for social change: Agitate!

20. Brand equity is strategically crucial, but famously difficult to quantify.

21. By all accounts, she and Uncle Walter got on famously.

22. Anonymous is this group of people that protested, very famously, Scientology.

23. The Greeks famously called these divine attendant spirits of creativity " daemons. "

24. Come and enjoy Vancouver, famously rated the world's most liveable city.

25. Cuckoos famously lay their eggs in the nests of other birds.

26. My mother and my mother - in - law are getting on famously.

27. He is famously reticent in talking about his extraordinary physical ordeal.

28. Cuckoos famously lay their eggs in the nests of other birds

29. Cruciferous vegetables are famously low in calories and high in nutrients

30. However, some people find Cilantro revolting, including, famously, the chef Julia Child.

31. Abbye Stockton, who would become famously known as “Pudgy”, was anything but

32. I got on famously with Leary from the first time we met.

33. Sontag was once famously described as the most intelligent woman in America.

34. Famously unrepentant social grifter Anna Sorokin has finally Apologized for her crimes

35. He was famously a fan of the superannuated British rockers Deep Purple.

36. The son of a stonemason, born around 469BC, Socrates was famously odd.

37. As Bestselling author Patrick Snow now famously said, “Bestseller is a manipulated term

38. Most famously, in Juvenal's insanabile scribendi Cacoethes "incurable passion for writing."

39. He famously fussed over his seating below the salt on Air Force One.

40. For seven famously “scandal-free” years, Obama and Biden Cozied up to Russia

41. Brasso silk saris are made in Southern states and quite famously in Hyderabad

42. A famously ebullient man, Fuller was initially stiff and uncomfortable as an actor.

43. The famously awful Labour manifesto of 1983 had at least a certain integrity.

44. The Birdcage is famously known for its history during the wild wild west

45. A policeman famously put his helmet over my chest to protect my modesty.

46. Crabgrass is famously one of the most challenging lawn weeds to get rid of

47. Some newspapers, most famously the New York Times, refuse to print the word Ms.

48. It is a precursor to blue pottery glazes, famously in the case of Delftware.

49. He famously called his profession “this bloody and Butcherly department of the healing art”

50. With their smaller lookalike, the Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper’s Hawks make for famously tricky

51. Proud, patriotic and fierce yet famously hospitable, Cretans maintain a rich connection to their culture.

52. He most famously played the part of Gary, the laddish flatmate in "Men Behaving Badly".

53. This Chintz pattern was famously used by designer Albert Hadley for his client Nancy Pyne

54. Baeria's national animal is the falcon, which soars majestically through the nation's famously clear skies

55. John Maynard Keynes famously likened the processes of stock exchanges to a newspaper beauty contest.

56. Cogitation's national animal is the wise owl, which soars majestically through the nation's famously clear skies

57. Both the personality and the work remain famously obscure in a way which seems almost contrived.

58. Caked is famously known for our unique variety of deliciously soft cake cookies + MONSTER sized brownies

59. The trouble with common sense, as Voltaire famously observed, is that it is not very common.

60. Classical Sanskrit poetry, such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata, was most famously composed using the shloka.

61. Famously in France’s Ancien Régime, the judges collectively acted as a close-knit, self-contained social class.

62. Angie was very loud at the time and being really crazy, so we all got on famously.

63. Clotted Cream is a famously decadent spreadable cream that is the highlight of all classic British teas

64. Archosaurs, one type of diapsid, are the group most famously known for having dinosaurs as its members

65. Many of Pompeii's neighbouring communities, most famously Herculaneum, also suffered damage or destruction during the 79 eruption.

66. European integration has already transformed most of a famously bellicose continent into a stable zone of peace.

67. And while all this brouhaha was going on Richard Harris was getting up Heston's famously broken nose.

68. She famously declared at the summit: "We are not asking the Community or anyone else for money.

69. The word Consigliere comes from the Italian for counselor or advisor, most famously for an organized crime boss

70. 7 A new education bill remained unfunded, and reform of a famously regressive tax system made no progress.

71. Baleennaples - famously known for exquisite fine dining, is the signature restaurant of Noble House Hotels & Resorts, Baleen

72. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Battled polio, but he famously concealed the visible markers of his condition throughout his presidency

73. Punum Et Ambosa's national animal is the Golden eagle, which soars majestically through the nation's famously clear skies

74. See what’s inside Poplar Hill, an Abandoned mansion most famously owned by the Dunnington family in rural Virginia.

75. Bushmaster Firearms International has been making world-class rifles ever since 1973, and most famously, their AR-15 variants

76. Averroes was the Latin name of Abu l-Wahid Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Rusd, famously known as Ibn- Rushd.

77. Famously, Beckett said the only thing he could be sure of was that Vladimir and Estragon were "wearing bowler hats."

78. Most famously, Neurospora crassa, several species of yeasts, and Aspergillus species are used in many genetics and cell biology studies.

79. Cuppa Cup •uh A word, famously used by Beetlejuice (Beetlepimp), to describe something he’s got or done a few times

80. Our company, Indian Mag Cupels, is famously known by the name iMagCup in the market since our incorporation back in 2016