Use "false hellebore" in a sentence

1. The usual common name applied to the genus and its component species is "Bunchflower" or "False Hellebore"

2. This list is intended as a guide only and is not necessarily all inclusive NAME Aconite SYNONYMS .Aconit Napel (F) .Monkshood, .Wolfsbane, .Aconitum napellus .Adonis du printemps (F) .Red chamomile, .False hellebore, .Yellow pheasant’s eye, .Adonis Vermalis .A. Autumnalis .Angélique archangélique (F) .European Angelica, .A. officinalis .A. archangelica .Arnica .Wolf's bane, .Leopard's bane, .European arnica, .Arnica montana .Arrow-root d'espagne (F) .Marante (F) .Bermuda Arrowroot, .Maranta arundinaceae .M. malaccensis refer to Colchicum .Platycodon à grandes feuilles(F) .Chinese Bellflower, .Platycodon grandiflorum .Actée à gros pedicelles (F) .Actea Pachypoda