Use "falling a part" in a sentence

1. Sexual attraction is a large part of falling in love.

2. Falling over is part of learning how to ski.

3. Urban Blight refers to a part of the city where things are falling apart.

4. 11 It's all part of a recruitment drive intended to increase the party's falling numbers.

5. Never catch at a falling knife or a falling friend.

6. I soon found myself a part of a cohort of women in their late 20s whose bodies were falling apart.

7. a light rain was falling

8. A light drizzle was falling.

9. A fine drizzle started falling.

10. Bush: falling short of a standard.

11. But we had a falling-out.

12. Crummy: falling short of a standard.

13. #Creaking][falling apart][falling down][scratty][seen better days][manky][minging

14. " Prostitutes never care about a falling nation, "

15. He was hurt by a falling brick.

16. I'm still falling.

17. Came falling like a rain of flowers

18. Cropper: a falling short of one's goals.

19. It's pretty clear they've had a falling-out.

20. Bear Market: A prolonged period of falling prices.

21. A holidaymaker died after falling from a hotel balcony.

22. We saw them falling".

23. Heavy snow was falling, with a brisk wind.

24. A light drizzle was falling on them, a ticklish mist.

25. BP is falling fast.

26. It's all falling apart.

27. The barometer is falling .

28. The unmetalled roads falling in second - and third - class categories were mostly fair - weather routes without permanent bridges and were unusable for a part of the year .

29. Falling under your spell?

30. Falling stock prices in Asia contributed to 117 former billionaires falling from the list worldwide.

31. That's a drawbridge which is swing but not falling.

32. The market reacted by falling a further two points.

33. It's like falling off a cliff in slow motion.

34. Ever try to catch a falling knife, Mr. Reese?

35. Each letter was a seed falling on a fertile heart .

36. Rain was falling outside in a continuous silver curtain.

37. Another fireman had been killed by a falling body.

38. Falling is accidental, it's uncontrollable.

39. I'm not falling for that!

40. Falling slowly, sing your melody

41. The rain was falling steadily.

42. I had a sensation of falling, as if in a dream.

43. Alkar, everything is falling apart.

44. Oh, falling rain, don't stop!

45. America Works is falling flat.

46. 48% power and falling, sir

47. 21 Miners wore a helmet as a guard against falling rocks.

48. Alarmists usually regard the rising generation as a falling one.

49. Of a floodlight. The scattered light falling outside the beam.

50. Apostasy is generally defined as a falling away, a withdrawal, a defection

51. This is particular favourable when falling from a low altitude.

52. How can you avoid falling into a pit of discontent?

53. 5 The market reacted by falling a further two points.

54. Being falling in love, SeaBird and Fish. Just a coincidence.

55. There's no falling. Just being.

56. Imagine a lighter black hole falling into a very heavy black hole.

57. He received a nasty knock on the head from a falling slate.

58. The falling star described a long curve in the sky.

59. She saved a little girl from falling into the water.

60. 10 Move over a bit, I'm falling out of bed.

61. The carriage falling into the marsh.

62. The birth rate is falling / rising.

63. The buildings are falling like dominoes.

64. Oh, that's, uh, because we had a bit of a falling out.

65. A woman and a girl falling down after the fire escape collapses.

66. Now that, is a woman that's worth falling out a plane for.

67. A spider that has climbed 13 stories so far without falling.

68. Oh, well, I had a little falling out with my roommate.

69. Eventually, Hank and Fring had a falling out, and things escalated.

70. Are you falling for that girl?

71. The rain continued falling all afternoon.

72. The falling man clutched the rope.

73. * Difficulty falling asleep despite being tired

74. Need to recover from falling backwards.

75. She was injured by falling masonry.

76. Betipple Arkansas falling apart never would

77. They were injured by falling rocks.

78. A man's neediness stems from falling in love at first sight.

79. Mayweather and Haymon have had a serious falling out with Arum.

80. Falling interest rates has led to a stampede to buy property.