Use "fallacy" in a sentence

1. The fallacy of Contextualism is a fallacy of self-referential incoherence

2. The Amphiboly Fallacy: The Amphiboly fallacy is an informal fallacy that arises out of unclear meanings or multiple interpretations of specific sentences

3. The credentials fallacy and Credentialism

4. Theophilus exposes the fallacy of idolatry.

5. Start studying Matt Beiger Logical Fallacy Quizlet

6. He detected the fallacy of her argument.

7. The Logical Fallacy of Presupposition /Assumptive Thinking

8. And this called the ad hominem fallacy.

9. So the fallacy of fast talking, and the list of fallacies are down there just for you amusement Okay here's a fallacy, well deductively valid argument and here's a fallacy that looks like it.

10. Don't believe the fallacy that money brings happiness.

11. It was all just like a pathetic fallacy.

12. It's a fallacy to suppose that wealth brings happiness.

13. An explanation of the Logical Fallacy of Amphiboly (90 Second Philosophy & Fallacy February).Information for this video gathered from The Stanford Encycloped

14. 13 He detected the fallacy of her argument.

15. Erroneous Arguments are called fallacies in logic (see fallacy)

16. Absolutisms: This fallacy is perhaps the easiest to spot

17. The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity.

18. However, an ambiguous construction by itself is not a fallacy of Amphiboly. It becomes a fallacy of Amphiboly when the wrong conclusion is drawn, i.e

19. They are delighted that they have exploded such a fallacy.

20. This fallacy is still the basis of many labor union practices.

21. Ahistorical Fallacy color-blindness: ignoring what has happened in the past

22. It is a fallacy to say that the camera never lies.

23. However, it is important immediately to dispose of one popular fallacy.

24. 4 The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity.

25. A person commits the fallacy of Bifurcation when he or she claims that there are only two mutually exclusive possibilities—when, in fact, there is a third option. For this reason the fallacy is also known as the either-or fallacy and the false dilemma

26. An Amphiboly fallacy is an error in logic or fallacy that arises from ambiguity or misunderstanding due to grammar, usually through poor punctuation or word choice

27. This is a common fallacy which has no basis in fact.

28. Fallacy of Fairness by Girlfriends and Boyfriends, released 17 February 2021 1

29. Apriorism fallacy is used to support a preconceived judgment against the evidence

30. It contains an inherent fallacy: you are expecting the silent majority to speak.

31. It's a fallacy that the Affluent give relatively more to charity than t

32. It's a fallacy that the affluent give relatively more to charity than the less prosperous.

33. His blunders of interpretation are due to what has been described as the " pathetic fallacy ".

34. Synonyms for Amphiboly include equivocation, dissimulation, deception, duplicity, fallacy, misrepresentation, sophistry, spuriousness, amphibology and deceit

35. The idea that a good night's sleep will cure everything is a complete fallacy.

36. However, the assumption that productivity must be directly related to biomass or chlorophyll is a fallacy.

37. It's a fallacy that all fat people are fat simply because they eat too much.

38. As a logical fallacy, Ambiguity occurs when linguistic Ambiguity causes an argument to appear cogent when it

39. This use of data at two levels of analysis seeks to minimize the problem of ecological fallacy.

40. No… “Churching the unchurched is an absolute fallacy – it is like purposing to let the tares in.

41. 19 However, the assumption that productivity must be directly related to biomass or chlorophyll is a fallacy.

42. The fallacy of Apriorism can also be used to support a preconceived judgement against the evidence

43. The other fallacy is that when people reach 65 they stop becoming contributors to the economy.

44. This fallacy has snared philosophers from Plato to Leibniz and beyond, and it still snares many major physicists.

45. The old illustrator never let his pupils fall for the pathetic fallacy, that empty barrels are lonely.

46. It is a fallacy to think that the more information an organisation has the better will be the decisions.

47. It was essentially a new attempt to revive the Burkeian fallacy of empire through freedom, obedience through liberty.

48. The fallacies use the determiners “no” or “some.” The illicit Contraposition fallacy follows the following pattern: "Some/No X …

49. The Fibonacci Bamboozlement is a dissection fallacy where the rearrangement of pieces in a square can be used to

50. The fallacy is that there is a positive “testosterone effect” that justifies not Castrating until bulls weigh 500 pounds or more

51. He argues that the project of defamiliarisation in photography rested upon acceptance of the fallacy of the transparency of the photograph.

52. You commit a fallacy of non sequitur when you site in support of a conclusion something that's true but irrelevant.

53. The Anthropocene encapsulates a powerful geological truth, but also a pernicious historical fallacy that obfuscates the past and Befogs the future

54. Amphiboly is a fallacy of relevance that relies on an ambiguous word or grammatical structure to confuse or mislead an audience.

55. Wild at heart Another much-fostered fallacy is that farm animals are now quite different from their wild and free ancestors.

56. The error is in taking the polynomial to be a structural representation of the system, but the basic underlying fallacy remains.

57. It is therefore either a tautology or a fallacy to state that lack of entrepreneurial talent is the reason for poor growth.

58. This fallacy gets its name from the Latin phrase "post hoc, ergo propter hoc," which translates as "after this, therefore because of this."

59. The Ahistorical fallacy states that if you are not the one who has actually perpetrated the injustice, you should not be held accountable

60. 26 Your judgment has been clouded by the sunk-cost fallacy: you hoped to get a master's degree, great food and an Italian paramour.

61. The fallacy of Blamestorming is that in most cases, the person is trying to do the right thing, but is set up for failure

62. The fundamental reason for this is a fact of ego-psychology which the individualistic fallacy and the therapeutic tunnel-vision of modern psychotherapy obscures.

63. Updated April 09, 2018 Contradictory premises involve an argument (generally considered a logical fallacy) that draws a conclusion from inconsistent or incompatible premises

64. Your judgment has been clouded by the sunk-cost fallacy: you hoped to get a master's degree, great food and an Italian paramour.

65. 4 It is therefore either a tautology or a fallacy to state that lack of entrepreneurial talent is the reason for poor growth.

66. Presupposition v - t - e The fallacy of Amphiboly occurs when a sentence, because of its grammar, structure, or punctuation, can be interpreted in multiple ways

67. The third part completes the discussion of representation issue in this novel by exploring the pathetic fallacy in the representation of the surrounding world.

68. Because of the usage of the straw man fallacy, Kulak is so worried about attacking things, he does not take the time to show both sides.

69. The credentials fallacy is associated with the concept of Credentialism, which is the phenomenon of over-reliance on credentials in situations where they aren’t relevant or necessary

70. An example of Anecdotal fallacy would be: “My grandfather was a heavy smoker most of his life, but he lived to be 90 years old

71. Evolution is assumed for Cladistics and if Cladistics are then used to prove evolution, it is the fallacy of begging the question (using itself to prove itself)

72. "Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics, racially motivated abuses of all kinds (sexual, murderous, and dehumanizing)-- all of this, purport those operating under the Ahistorical fallacy, are too …

73. Many wrong words, because very few typing, see so-and-so web sites to the activities of the force has some players fallacy to send this post.

74. This analysis is valuable in countering both the mistaken idea that recklessness is simply a type of Carelessness and the fallacy that since Carelessness is a state of

75. Circumstantial ad hominem, also known as “appeal to motive” and “appeal to personal interest”, is a logical fallacy and one of the different types of ad hominem arguments.

76. Australia does not get to Japan, and evidence can not justify that Australia has no reason saying that Australia is a racist country, that's an ad hominem fallacy.

77. He wants a fallacy to expose, a blunder to pillory, requires a Little sense of victory, a roll of the drums, to call his powers into full exercise.

78. What is the “pendulum rocket fallacy” as it relates to Analogizing a pencil balanced on a finger to maintaining attitude of a hovering rocket? Ask Question Asked 2 days ago

79. She plays dirty politics and encourages fallacy talks of managers and what is more Cruelsome is if she feels like it anything will happen In that company as …

80. In the afterword to My Disillusionment in Russia, she wrote: "There is no greater fallacy than the belief that aims and purposes are one thing, while methods and tactics are another....