Use "fall upon" in a sentence

1. Timo pushed column prior to fall upon me.

2. 24 The double anointing did fall upon Elisha.

3. 25 I believe they fall upon one another blindly.

4. 23 The judgments of God fall upon his enemies.

5. (John 12:27) “Fear began to fall upon every soul.”

6. 26 What you drop will fall upon the spot beneath.

7. 22 I fall upon the thorns of life, I bleed.

8. God made the lot fall upon Matthias. —Proverbs 16:33.

9. These Jews shall fall upon me, and shall be broken.

10. 30 The leaf of love does not choose grass in fall upon.

11. 15 The Grand Army would fall upon that weakness, and smash through.

12. They are like teachings that fall upon a heart hardened or unprepared.

13. Shall not his excellency make you afraid ? and his dread fall upon you?

14. 27 When John the Baptist appeared his appeal did not fall upon deaf ears.

15. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept.

16. And fall upon the ground, as I do now, Taking the measure of an unmade grave.

17. 29 He turned of a deadly hue, and a sudden horror seemed to fall upon him.

18. (Isaiah 21:14, 15) Yes, the crushing burden of war will fall upon these Arab tribes.

19. Another word for Befall: happen to, fall upon, occur in, take place in, ensue in Collins English Thesaurus

20. 21 These policy decisions now fall upon the new Executive Committee to pursue with enthusiasm, vigour and zeal.

21. 28 And it is but right that until I can make restitution,( my kinswoman's expenses should fall upon me.

22. And it is but right that until I can make restitution,[sentencedict .com] my kinswoman's expenses should fall upon me.

23. (in the sense ‘occupy the same space’): from medieval Latin Coincidere , from co- ‘together with’ + incidere ‘fall upon or into’.

24. 32 And Moroni commanded his men that they should fall upon them until they had given up their weapons of war.

25. The central beam of the ultrasound does not fall upon the surface of the test object (32) at a right angle.

26. 37 And should any of their dead bodies fall upon any seed of a plant that is to be sown, it is clean.

27. Day and night, the screams of tormented women in panic and desperation who cry for God's mercy fall upon the deaf ears of prison authorities.

28. 27 synonyms for Befall: happen to, fall upon, occur in, take place in, ensue in, transpire in, materialize in, come to pass in, betide, come, come about

29. ‘Summoning emergency help should an injury Befall a walker would have been almost impossible.’ Synonyms happen to , overtake, come upon, fall upon, hit, strike, be visited on

30. However, King Zedekiah being led off to his punishment in Bronze shackles surrounded by the deconstructed Bronze temple shows that his righteous judgment will fall upon us only if we are not willing to repent.

31. Befall verb (Archaic or literary) happen to, fall upon, occur in, take place in, ensue in, transpire in (informal), materialize in, come to pass in the disaster that befell the island of Flores Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition

32. 18 Now the Amlicites knew not that they were fulfilling the words of God when they began to mark themselves in their foreheads; nevertheless they had come out in open arebellion against God; therefore it was expedient that the curse should fall upon them.

33. Befall verb (Archaic or literary) happen to, fall upon, occur in, take place in, ensue in, transpire in (informal), materialize in, come to pass in the disaster that befell the island of Flores Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition

34. Assault, beat, beat up, batter, thrash, pound, pummel, assail, set upon, fall upon, strike at, let fly at, tear into, lash out at, Aggress Origin Late 16th century (in the sense ‘approach, march forward’): from French Aggresser ‘to attack’, from Latin Aggress-, from aggredi ‘to attack’ (see Aggression ).

35. Chrysostom and other Fathers consider that Divine vengeance is implied, as in Psalm 11:6, "Upon the wicked he shall rain snares; fire and brimstone and burning wind shall be their portion;" and Psalm 140:10, "Let burning Coals fall upon them." Of course, in one

36. Accident: The word Accident is derived from the Latin verb accidere, signifying "fall upon, befall, happen, chance." In its most commonly accepted meaning, or in its ordinary or popular sense, the word may be defined as meaning: some sudden and unexpected event taking place without expectation, upon the instant, rather than something that

37. O German Albert! who Abandonest Her that has grown recalcitrant and savage, And oughtest to bestride her saddle-bow, May a just judgment from the stars down fall Upon thy blood, and be it new and open, That thy successor may have fear thereof; Because thy father and thyself have suffered, By greed of those transalpine lands distrained, The

38. Chance upon - find unexpectedly; "the archeologists Chanced upon an old tomb"; "she struck a goldmine"; "The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake" chance on, come across, come upon, fall upon, happen upon, light upon, attain, discover, strike regain, find - come upon after searching; find the location of something that was

39. O German Albert! who Abandonest Her that has grown recalcitrant and savage, And oughtest to bestride her saddle-bow, May a just judgment from the stars down fall Upon thy blood, and be it new and open, That thy successor may have fear thereof; Because thy father and thyself have suffered, By greed of those transalpine lands distrained,

40. An angel tells Nephi of the blessings and cursings to fall upon the Gentiles—There are only two churches: the Church of the Lamb of God and the church of the devil—The Saints of God in all nations are persecuted by the great and abominable church—The Apostle John will write concerning the end of the world.

41. Accidence (n.) late 14c., in philosophy, "non-essential or incidental characteristic," also "part of grammar dealing with inflection" (mid-15c.), in some cases a misspelling of accidents, or else directly from Latin Accidentia (used as a term in grammar by Quintilian), neuter plural of accidens, present participle of accidere "to happen, fall out; fall upon" (see accident).

42. Accidence (n.) late 14c., in philosophy, "non-essential or incidental characteristic," also "part of grammar dealing with inflection" (mid-15c.), in some cases a misspelling of accidents, or else directly from Latin accidentia (used as a term in grammar by Quintilian), neuter plural of accidens, present participle of accidere "to happen, fall out; fall upon" (see accident).

43. Use Cower in a sentence - Example Sentences for Cower As eagle-beaked, crook-taloned vultures from the mountains swoop down on the smaller birds that Cower in flocks upon the ground, and kill them, for they cannot either fight or fly, and lookers on enjoy the sport-even so did Ulysses and his men fall upon the suitors and smite them on every

44. Accident (n.) late 14c., "an occurrence, incident, event; what comes by chance," from Old French Accident (12c.), from Latin Accidentem (nominative accidens) "an occurrence; chance; misfortune," noun use of present participle of accidere "happen, fall out, fall upon," from ad "to" (see ad-) + combining form of cadere "to fall," from PIE root *kad-"to fall."

45. Compete (v.) 1610s, " to enter or be put in rivalry with," from French compéter "be in rivalry with" (14c.), or directly from Late Latin Competere "strive in common, strive after something in company with or together," in classical Latin "to meet or come together; agree or coincide; to be qualified," from com "with, together" (see com-) + petere "to strive, seek, fall upon, rush at, attack