Use "factionalism" in a sentence

1. Factionalism inside the royal family led to a period of instability.

2. Under Elizabeth, factionalism in the council and conflicts at court greatly diminished.

3. During the time of his gubernatorial election, there was factionalism within the party.

4. The party's success created factionalism within the party in the 1870s.

5. Factionalism within the PDPA made it ill-prepared to handle the intensified counter-revolutionary activities in the country.

6. There was tremendous in-fighting, factionalism, Backbiting, accusations about whose guru was on the highest path and so on

7. 25 The South Korean ruling Grand National Party is driven by factionalism and acts like a minority party despite having nearly two-thirds control of the unicameral National Assembly.

8. It seems that Sirisena’s increasingly strained relations with Wickremesinghe, whose pro-democracy United National Party is the SLFP’s main opponent in the upcoming election, together with growing factionalism within the SLFP, left the president little choice but to accommodate Rajapaksa.

9. However, the new Chinese government was soon rent with factionalism, and Fang sided with the northern Beiyang Government and eventually served in the Fengtian clique army under Zhang Zongchang until 1925, when he went over to the Nationalist army of General Feng Yuxiang.