Use "facet" in a sentence

1. Bytownite Facet / Faceting Information

2. Polyaxial adjustment of facet joint prostheses

3. Compendiums (11) Compendiums (11) Facet Value

4. bevelling (plural Bevellings) A bevel, a bevelled facet.

5. 21 Facet analysis underlies the structure, but is not emphasized by facet indicators as in a more conventional faceted classification scheme.

6. The WhiteSpace constraining facet is prohibited for' { 0 } '.

7. 4 She has another important facet to her personality.

8. 6 You've only seen one facet of her personality.

9. Each facet of that sign furnishes powerful, convincing evidence.

10. 2 Now let's look at another facet of the problem.

11. The actual region of contact is called the Articular facet.

12. We should think about another facet of this knotty problem.

13. 14 Each facet of that sign furnishes powerful, convincing evidence.

14. 3 The report examines every facet of the prison system.

15. The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life.

16. 5 The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life.

17. 3 The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life.

18. He has travelled extensively in China, recording every facet of life.

19. A flat facet cut across the top of a precious stone.

20. But this particular facet is outside the sphere of the regulating authority.

21. The other Ambulacra have the first facet left and then alternate regularly

22. The Apertured reflector structure 14 may be advantageously formed on either or both of the rear facet surface 11 or the front facet surface 13 of the laser 10

23. The Ashrama system is one facet of the Dharma concept in Hinduism.

24. 1 He has travelled extensively in China, recording every facet of life.

25. The correct facet alignment and overall balance and proportions of a polished diamond.

26. Bluffing GUIDE SUMMERY Bluffing is an important facet to any player’s poker game

27. An important facet of the new strategy concerned the rehabilitation and consolidation zones.

28. Boggin' simulates every facet of the sport from mechanical failures to full runs

29. 18 Television is only one facet contributing to the violence in our lives.

30. 11 Jehovah’s creative power is evident in every facet of the earth’s design.

31. 15 Each facet of Nizan's cultural production evidently needs to be contextualised precisely.

32. 10 But this particular facet is outside the sphere of the regulating authority.

33. This presents a very different facet of Bober's music, as seen in the YouTube

34. As the result of acid irritation and load shifting to facet joints, pain ensues.

35. Music is an important device in Buttress’s practice and a key facet in Blossom’s soundscape

36. 19 Even this, though, can be seen as a facet of the Minoans' religious orientation.

37. 17 The auxiliaries offer a series of facets and facet indicators which permit flexible synthesis.

38. 29 The biggest expense of any house, and its most important facet, is the roof.

39. □ What action by Abraham indicates that unquestioning obedience to God is a vital facet of faith?

40. Another cool facet of building Boast around combat is the impressive variation between timing opportunities available.

41. One important facet of the programme is to lend help in setting up Local Action Groups.

42. Under martial law, every facet of Hawaiian life was under the control of the military governor.

43. The codecvt_Byname standard facet overrides codecvt virtual members to implement its semantics for particular named locales

44. The ctype_Byname standard facet overrides ctype virtual members to implement its semantics for particular named locales

45. Articular Sentence Examples The calcaneum with an Articular facet for the lower end of the fibula

46. The danger of terrorists gaining access to WMDs has added another facet to this grave threat.

47. There is a second equally important facet of the refugee question which has also been underrated.

48. A tapered waveguide section (8) extends from the near field facet to transform the fundamental optical mode.

49. Love has a unearthly facet from the universe is to lie in your blind its immeasurable Abstruseness

50. 27 A combination of factors is spurring advertising's aggressive movement into virtually every facet of daily life.

51. Look at the extensor facet of the glenoid cavity, and the bilateral asymmetry of the second metacarpal.

52. 9 Jehovah’s justice, like every other facet of his matchless personality, is perfect, not lacking in anything.

53. The growth of a pre-existing lumbar juxta-facet cyst after a laminectomy is a rare condition.

54. Lumbar radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) is a procedure used to treat facet joint pain in your lower back

55. 7 There is a second equally important facet of the refugee question which has also been underrated.

56. Atheism for Marxism is not an optional extra or a mere facet but the very essence of it.

57. The social life is an important facet of university education, and Eva had always been a sociable person.

58. Only later does he completely crush “the nations,” along with every facet of Satan’s corrupt system, into oblivion!

59. The Angelic face of Carlos, a 17-year-old teenager, hides a dark facet of robberies, lies and murders.

60. A flat shape in 3D space, like a triangle, is called a face with dimension 2 – or a 'facet'.

61. Every facet of the signal can be studied at leisure, including amplitude, frequency, phase and detailed time dependence.

62. Virtually every facet of monastic life was regulated either by the hour-glass or sundial; later by the clock.

63. 24 Atheism for Marxism is not an optional extra or a mere facet but the very essence of it.

64. Back Cracking may be due to the release of gas in the facet joints when a person manipulates them

65. 16 Every facet of the signal can be studied at leisure, including amplitude, frequency, phase and detailed time dependence.

66. 12 This process of analysis into facets is called facet analysis, and the resultant classification is termed a faceted classification.

67. 14 Rabo owns an independent facilities management firm, Facet, which will run the network should it win the bid.

68. Nevertheless, at the point of writing, their perception of their readership is an important facet of their ability as writers.

69. 26 The patron can call on his clients for active support, a facet which is important in local power struggles.

70. 13 This anthropocentric view and attitude is one facet of what is frequently identified as the realism of the fabliaux.

71. 11 Virtually every facet of monastic life was regulated either by the hour-glass or sundial; later by the clock.

72. 8 The social life is an important facet of university education,( and Eva had always been a sociable person.

73. This book-length article looks at pretty much every facet of Copyright in general and how it relates to the internet

74. 30 And he pledged that the hospital will be only one facet of a much wider menu of mental health programs.

75. 28 Most current special classification schemes have been devised with the aid of facet analysis and are thus faceted classification schemes.

76. 25 Nevertheless, at the point of writing, their perception of their readership is an important facet of their ability as writers.

77. Bearing EXPO covers every facet for the Bearing manufacturer, distributor, solution providers and end-user in one single live digital event.

78. 9 Within New Historical writing the anecdote which symbolically reveals some important facet of Renaissance culture is a familiar critical practice.

79. At its heart are those with huge stakes in this issue whose stories each represent a different facet of America’s Bullying crisis

80. 22 The chalk pit itself is potentially a valuable habitat and adds yet one more facet to this lovely stretch of land.