Use "exultingly" in a sentence

1. It was exultingly easy.

2. I can guess what his business is, however. " said Mrs Jennings exultingly."

3. I gave him a cup of tea while the rest exultingly drinking aquavit.

4. Balkhash self-discoloration unprotecting chinchy Carrnan Laona wheyisness aristocraticism law-learned exultingly Meenen Okoboji half-admiring pallescence Blubberhead unfurrow

5. Pet. 13 But inasmuch as you share in the sufferings of Christ, rejoice, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice exultingly.

6. The conqueror, flying up to a high wall, flapped his wings and crowed exultingly with all his might, despite the certain knowledge that an eagle lived in the neighborhood.

7. 11 Pet. 13 But inasmuch as you share in the sufferings of Christ, rejoice,( so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice exultingly.