Use "extremist" in a sentence

1. Tom is an extremist.

2. Defending our homeland from extremist savages?

3. The assassin was Adjudged an extremist

4. The assassin was adjudged an extremist.

5. Their tactics smear environmentalists as extremist crazies.

6. 1 The assassin was adjudged an extremist.

7. They are members of some shadowy extremist group.

8. 12 Their tactics smear environmentalists as extremist crazies.

9. Such extremist groups may well attract rebellious teenagers.

10. 5 He was blacklisted because of his extremist views.

11. 4 They are members of some shadowy extremist group.

12. John Hagee Is a Muslim-hating, Antisemitic, Annexationist Extremist

13. 13 Such extremist groups may well attract rebellious teenagers.

14. When it comes to talking about patriotism, he's an extremist.

15. IMF's been looking for an emerging extremist, code name, Cobalt.

16. The cowboy who took the shotgun blast was a religious extremist.

17. 2 The main impulse for the unrest came from extremist Muslims.

18. She accused her opponents of deliberately misrepresenting her as an extremist.

19. Immediately prior to polling day the Alliance played the extremist card.

20. Wallace says his job was to spread government disinformation to extremist groups.

21. The peer group of the extremist-activist typically shares her political opinions.

22. It will eradicate the power of the extremist minority in political parties.

23. 11 I do dislike having her extremist ideas rammed down my throat.

24. Some were communiqu s from extremist groups overseas; others were seemingly innocuous.

25. He was an antislavery extremist. Many people also considered him a madman.

26. 30 Immediately prior to polling day the Alliance played the extremist card.

27. 22 She accused her opponents of deliberately misrepresenting her as an extremist.

28. Despite dire threats of violence from extremist groups, the protest passed off peacefully.

29. 21 It will eradicate the power of the extremist minority in political parties.

30. 7 All staff are vetted for links with extremist groups before being employed.

31. To call him a right- wing extremist was correct 10- 20 years ago.

32. Carl Lundström, one of the co- defendants was a right- wing extremist before.

33. 16 Some were communiqu s from extremist groups overseas; others were seemingly innocuous.

34. Our family-based social structure, much like yours, is a guarantee against extremist ideas.

35. Loyalist extremist groups which planted bombs, on the other hand, often gave no warning.

36. IMF now believes this man, Kurt Hendricks, is the nuclear extremist, code name Cobalt.

37. 17 The nights belonged to the several extremist groups demanding an independent Sikh state.

38. 28 In March he was shot and seriously injured by a right-wing extremist.

39. Justice Pick Merrick Garland to Promise Confronting Extremist Violence President Biden’s nominee for U.S

40. 9 It is unlikely that such an extremist organization will remain quiescent for long.

41. 8 A previously unknown extremist group has said it carried out Friday's bomb attack.

42. 3 Despite dire threats of violence from extremist groups, the protest passed off peacefully.

43. 18 A Right-wing extremist group, the White Wolves, yesterday claimed responsibility for the attack.

44. The agreement has been criticised by extremist groups on both ends of the political spectrum.

45. 15 Loyalist extremist groups which planted bombs, on the other hand, often gave no warning.

46. 6 The agreement has been criticised by extremist groups on both ends of the political spectrum.

47. Responsibility of a public or religious association or other organization for carrying out extremist activity (art

48. 20 Both the Carlist right and the extremist left could later appeal to this primitive rebellion.

49. He was known to police as a "heavyweight" member of the banned extremist group al-Muhajiroun.

50. 19 These traits alone are not indicative of extremist beliefs or violent behavior, the panel added.

51. Responsibility of a public or religious association or other organization for carrying out extremist activity (art. 6)

52. But the incendiary devices were different from those used in previous arson attacks by the extremist group.

53. The Cagoule became a hodgepodge of individuals frustrated with less extremist right-wing organizations like royalist Action francaise.

54. 25 Interior Minister Manfred Kanther has asked that the church be put under surveillance as an extremist organization.

55. Bangladesh has firmly rejected extremist ideas and achieved success as an open, moderate and vibrant society and democracy.

56. The success of extremist groups in the elections should be a wake-up call to all decent citizens.

57. • Run-off elections tend to discriminate against extremist parties and favour accommodative parties aiming to construct winning coalitions.

58. Gun rights are a unifying issue for the Antigovernment extremist movement, from the Boogaloo to militias to Constitutional Sheriffs.

59. Azrael is a name given to the champions of the amoral Catholic extremist guild, the Order of St

60. Bigot: noun die-hard , doctrinaire , dogmatic theorist , dogmatist, dogmatizer , energumen , extremist, fanatic , infatuate, intolerant , ipse dixit , know-all , know

61. 14 He, and the leaders of the extremist parties in coalition with him,[] are motivated primarily by ideology.

62. 10 The success of extremist groups in the elections should be a wake-up call to all decent citizens.

63. It might be that this peer group is the best possibility available to the extremist-activist to achieve closeness with anyone.

64. 27 Even more widespread demonstrations took place when Dutschke was shot and wounded by a right-wing extremist in April 19

65. The doomsday extremist spouted Bunkum about how the world would end in seven days when the ozone layer spontaneously combusted.

66. The injury done on that October night in Lambeth was certainly a lurid reminder of the reality of extremist campaigning.

67. 26 It also was printed in a number of publications, including a far-right extremist tabloid, gun magazines and police journals.

68. But we do know that journalism, activism and public debate are being silenced in the effort to stamp out extremist speech.

69. 24 The injury done on that October night in Lambeth was certainly a lurid reminder of the reality of extremist campaigning.

70. Väinö Tanner's legacy is in his directing the Finnish working class from their extremist ideology towards pragmatic progress through the democratic process.

71. Political Socialization Research has also attempted to identify whether any agents of political socialization have a particularly strong effect on extremist-activists.

72. We began tracking Antigovernment extremist groups in the mid-90s after a series of events sparked a rise in militia groups throughout the country

73. Our response is that protecting demonstrations from extremist elements, who are often agents provocateurs, is a matter for the mass grass-roots movement itself.

74. (9) Shamima Begum, 15, Amira Abase, 15, and Kadiza Sultana, 16, left their homes in east London last month to join the extremist group

75. Amal was established (1974) by Musa Sadr to press for greater Shi'ite political representation in Lebanon.In 1982, it split into extremist and moderate groups.

76. 29 We need electoral reform so that a minority government with a 100seat advantage can not implement the extremist policies of the Eighties again.

77. Extremist movements feed on the disaffection of tribes and forest dwellers who still often face denial of access to natural resources and equal development opportunities.

78. They underline that those who are willing to reintegrate must abjure violence, sever links with the terrorist and extremist groups, and respect the Afghanistan Constitution.

79. Government of India has closely engaged the host Governments of these countries to address our concerns relating to anti-India activities by the extremist elements.

80. Bolshevik definition is - a member of the extremist wing of the Russian Social Democratic party that seized power in Russia by the Revolution of November 1917.