Use "extremism" in a sentence

1. Extremism became tolerance.

2. Third of all: extremism.

3. We must counteract extremism in the party.

4. And then they morph into violent extremism.

5. In his campaign speeches, Ford denounced extremism.

6. I have never associated myself with political extremism.

7. I'll have no truck with extremists / extremism.

8. The council was often accused of extremism.

9. China opposes all forms of terrorism, separatism and extremism.

10. He a buttress against extremism in the party.

11. He was a buttress against extremism in the party.

12. Boebert Brandishes Bombast, Extremism In Representing Diverse Colorado District

13. Neither immigration nor Islamic extremism are impossible to deal with.

14. Nerves get frayed, and a mood of extremism prevails.

15. Meanwhile , activities of terrorism, separatism and extremism are also increasing.

16. This is the epicenter of violent extremism practiced by al Qaeda.

17. He accused the Tories of "fanning the flames of extremism".

18. If coalition forces leave Iraq precipitously , anarchy and extremism would result .

19. Jackson’s prescient analysis of Antigovernment extremism couldn’t be more timely or important

20. It also developed his implicit warnings against the dangers of political extremism.

21. The spreading tide of extremism and terrorism is a threat we both face.

22. Jackson’s prescient analysis of Antigovernment extremism couldn’t be more timely or important

23. Right-wing activists used people's fears of unemployment as a way of stirring up extremism.

24. Neglect of these rights has, in severe cases, contributed to extremism, regional instability and conflict.

25. 15 hours ago · US commands in Japan so far Aren’t revealing much about ongoing extremism training Service members and civilians reaffirm their oaths of office and enlistment during extremism training at …

26. The declaration on Global Movement of Moderates recognised that moderation can be a tool to counter violent extremism and supported education as an effective medium to prevent spread of violent extremism and to address its root causes.

27. Both countries are acutely aware of the serious dangers posed by extremism and terrorism worldwide.

28. Barbwire's anti-LGBT extremism closely mirrors the work Barber is known for at Liberty Counsel

29. South Asia has more than its fair share of issues with insurgencies, radicalism, terrorism, and extremism.

30. I believe that, ultimately, we can overcome the digitally empowered networks of extremism, demagoguery and hate.

31. Until this point, sportsmen and woman were believed to be largely insulated from the region's extremism.

32. When people have hope in thefuture, they will not cede their lives to violence and extremism.

33. In a recent War on the Rocks article, “Bureaucratizing to Fight Extremism in the Military,” Doyle Hodges outlines the multiple avenues and agencies the military must engage with to counter the challenges of extremism in the ranks

34. For example, a forest convention in Volzhskiy was observed by representatives of an anti-extremism police squad.

35. When people have hope in thefuture(, they will not cede their lives to violence and extremism.

36. But underneath, it's that same extremism that I found in Holocaust denial parading as rational discourse.

37. The threat of violent extremism must be countered by addressing its multiple causes that go beyond security.

38. They agreed to continue their active engagement in the fight against terrorism and extremism including exchange of information.

39. (a) whether it is a fact that Myanmar is fomenting extremism and Jehadi activities in North-Eastern States;

40. No action should be taken from outside that exacerbates problems and gives space for the rise of extremism.

41. Greater demands were being placed on the police by growing violence and left- and right-wing extremism.

42. The bishops called for Christians to join with Muslims and indigenous communities to advocate for peace against violent extremism.

43. The Islamists' power through the ballot box, and the promises they have made, are no guarantee against extremism.

44. 28 Greater demands were being placed on the police by growing violence and left- and right-wing extremism.

45. Moreover, it is necessary for countering extremism to address its causes that stir hatred and lead to violence

46. Moreover, it is necessary for countering extremism to address its causes that stir hatred and lead to violence.

47. Terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking emanating from this area endanger security and stability in our region and beyond.

48. Creating more employment opportunities is also important to wean youth lured to narcotics, extremism, terrorism and other criminal activities.

49. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive approach to countering violent extremism and addressing the conditions conducive to its spread,

50. But we do all recognise that without that balance, in certain instances, absolutism can easily spill over into extremism.

51. To Confer the status of value upon excess and extremism is to bring these things back within the pale of decency

52. “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice,” Goldwater declared in his acceptance speech — thrilling Archconservatives and helping to doom …

53. 29 In the case of Reagan many had doubts about his age, his competence, his inexperience and his tendency towards extremism.

54. Countering violent extremism (CVE) requires a whole-of-society approach that addresses the local dynamics that terrorists exploit for recruitment.

55. The protection of these groups – and others subject to violent extremism – is a human rights priority for the Trump administration.

56. Clerics from the broader ideological mainstream of Islam, where most Muslims put themselves, are condemning nihilist extremism with greater boldness.

57. A groundbreaking study of how Antigovernment extremism is reaching new audiences with fear-based stories that call supporters to vigilante action

58. To confer the status of value upon excess and extremism is to bring these things back within the pale of decency.

59. The first is that it will be harder for the Tories to portray Labour as a party gripped by extremism.

60. In the case of Reagan many had doubts about his age, his competence, his inexperience and his tendency towards extremism.

61. The irony is that our very success seems to breed more extremism in the environmental community and greater detachment from reality.

62. First , the Home Office subsequently issued a report produced by " moderate " Muslims , " Preventing Extremism Together , " that formally accepted this appeasing approach .

63. Worldwide, winds of intolerance are blowing strongly, fanned by such things as racial and ethnic prejudice, nationalism, tribalism, and religious extremism.

64. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is dedicated to Countering violent extremism and plays a leading role in the Federal Government’s efforts

65. He said : " When millions of fathers cannot provide for their families , it feeds the despair that can fuel instability and violent extremism . "

66. “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE) is a campaign driven by national security, intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies that purports to steer people off …

67. UAE itself has zero tolerance on terrorism and not only that but they have very aggressive program to counter violent extremism and radicalization.

68. Religion is vulnerable to religious fanaticism and political extremism-history is full of religious oppression, violence, terrorism and wars. Dr T.P.Chia 

69. 9 It could also draw in apolitical idealists alienated by both the extremism of the far left and the abrasiveness of the Thatcherites.

70. * While we need concerted action to deprive terrorist actors of access to finance and arms, we also need to address extremism and radicalization.

71. “Corrosive behavior such as discrimination, extremism and sexual harassment or assault have no place in our formations and tear at the fabric of the …

72. Condemning extremism in all its forms and committing to continue to counter global terrorism, the sides agreed to work together to address this challenge.

73. A poster of the initiative committee against wearing the Burka (Verhuellungsverbot) reading "Stop extremism! Veil ban -Yes" is seen near Birmensdorf, Switzerland, Feb

74. Since August 2001 the “List of Relevant Heavily Symbolic Data In the Area of Right-Wing Extremism” has been an official addendum to the decree.

75. Therefore, we will do all that we can to deal with these menaces of terrorism, aided and abetted from abroad as well as Left Wing Extremism.

76. "Though the prefix usually means chief or principal, it sometimes connotes extremism, warranting caution with phrases like archconservative, Archradical, archliberal, arch-Protestant and arch

77. The challenge for our Central Asian partners is to act to ensure that moderate views of assimilation and accommodation prevail amidst an onslaught of extremism.

78. Wen emphasized that the "three forces", i.e. terrorism, separatism and extremism, including the "East Turkestan", have increasingly become the major threats to regional security and stability.

79. The Islamist extremism nurtured by a succession of military rulers of Pakistan has now come to haunt its well-intentioned but lamentably weak elected civilian government.

80. Condemning violent extremism in all its forms and committing to continue to counter global terrorism, they agreed that India and Canada would work together to address this challenge.