Use "expostulate" in a sentence

1. Sons feel unreasonable, expostulate with simultaneously.

2. I expostulate with her on the impropriety.

3. Didn't I ever expostulate with you on the subject?

4. Didn't you ever expostulate with her on the subject?

5. He wanted to plunge in and expostulate with her.

6. For a moment I thought she was going to expostulate.

7. One of his students expostulate with him about his examination result.

8. They expostulate with him about the risk involve in his plan.

9. She expostulate with her husband about his habit of smoking in bed.

10. The father expostulate with his son about the foolishness of leaving school.

11. Breeze looked up, meaning to expostulate, but was silenced by what she saw in her sister's face.

12. Now and again one would try to expostulate with the man in white but it was no good; nobody was listening.

13. Argue definition: present reasons and arguments synonyms: expostulate, reason, defend, fend for, lay out, re-Argue, support, present, represent antonyms: conform

14. 20 Now and again one would try to expostulate with the man in white but it was no good; nobody was listening.

15. 1821, Richard Franck, Northern memoirs (page 15) Let us not assume such previous Conjecturals, but rather consult and expostulate death, since death is the wages and the reward of sin.